Of these, there were 417,733 timber trees and 336,200 fruit trees. The two districts that exceeded the plan were Thanh Ha (planted 165,590 trees, exceeding 10.4%) and Nam Sach (planted 29,850 trees, exceeding 1.4%). Districts and cities with low rates included: Cam Giang planted 11,750 trees (reaching 55.9%), Chi Linh planted 83,000 trees (reaching 46.1%).
The whole province planted 5.54 hectares of production forest, all in Chi Linh.
The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development recommends that localities and units continue to review and arrange areas and locations for scattered tree planting, afforestation and increase production on fruit tree areas to achieve and exceed the plan, contributing to the results of the project to plant 1 billion trees in the period of 2021-2025. Do a good job of propaganda and education so that all classes of people are fully aware of the purpose and significance of tree planting and afforestation. Enhance the role and responsibility of agencies, units, organizations and individuals in caring for and protecting trees to grow well and not be damaged. Organize assessments, draw lessons, commend and reward and replicate typical organizations and individuals who do a good job of planting, caring for and protecting.
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