While working, a man named HTT (42 years old, a worker at a wood factory in Long An) was unfortunately hit in the stomach by a 60cm long wooden stick, causing a perforated intestine.
His family took him to a local private clinic for examination. There, the doctor performed an ultrasound and found fluid in his abdomen, and injected him with painkillers, but his pain did not improve, and instead showed signs of worsening. Feeling that the situation was not good, his family took him to Xuyen A General Hospital (HCMC) for further treatment.
After admission and clinical examination, the patient was ordered to have an abdominal CT scan with contrast, which revealed a crushed intestine, with a potential for gas leakage, and suspected perforation of a hollow organ. Faced with this situation, in order to promptly and thoroughly resolve the disease, the doctors consulted and agreed to transfer the patient to the emergency operating room.
On December 3, Master - Doctor Thai Van Dung (Department of General Surgery, Xuyen A General Hospital) said that during the laparoscopic surgery, doctors explored the entire abdomen and found digestive fluid escaping. At the same time, examining the liver, spleen, surrounding organs such as the small intestine, large intestine, stomach... found a ruptured intestine with a hole about 2cm, located 20cm from the ileum. The team proceeded to suture the hole and clean the abdomen, noting that the surrounding organs were not damaged.
Two days after surgery, Mr. T. no longer had abdominal pain, could eat and drink, returned to normal activities and was discharged from the hospital after 7 days of treatment.
Doctor checks patient's surgical wound
Dr. Dung shared that no one wants to have a work accident. Therefore, compliance with occupational safety and occupational protection at the workplace is extremely necessary to avoid risks when an accident occurs. If an accident occurs at work, doctors recommend that people should quickly provide first aid to the patient.
If the wound is bleeding, stop the bleeding with a clean cloth for the patient. Then quickly take the patient to a medical facility for examination and timely treatment of the injury. If the wound is severe and the patient cannot be moved, call an ambulance immediately for support from staff as soon as possible. In particular, people need to equip themselves with the necessary knowledge and first aid skills to provide timely support, contribute to saving lives or mitigating the consequences of accidents for victims.
Source: https://thanhnien.vn/thanh-go-vang-trung-bung-nguoi-dan-ong-gay-thung-ruot-18524120309281809.htm
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