(kontumtv.vn) – Affirming the role, position and contribution of the working class in the cause of national liberation, construction and protection of the Fatherland, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor (VGCL) has just issued a Plan to organize activities for Workers' Month in 2025 with the theme "Vietnamese workers take the lead in entering a new era".

The Vietnam General Confederation of Labor (VGCL) has just issued a Plan to organize activities for Workers' Month 2025 with the theme "Vietnamese Workers Pioneer Entering a New Era".

Activities during Workers' Month contribute to raising awareness and responsibility of the whole society in caring for and protecting the legitimate and legal rights and interests, improving living and working conditions of workers; honoring and promoting workers in the new development stage of the country...

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Safety training.

Activities aim to create strong spread and attention of the whole society, especially employers and authorities at all levels, to the jobs, lives and issues of workers.

According to the Plan, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor requires all levels of Trade Unions to continue organizing activities that are proving effective in localities, sectors, and units; and at the same time, select to implement well the following activities: Program "Creative workers, confidently entering the new era", Program "Dialogue in May" and Forum "Party with workers - Workers with the Party", Program "Thanking workers", organizing a peak month for developing union members, establishing grassroots unions; introducing the development of party members and workers; Program "Propaganda, raising awareness of union members and workers".

The program “Creative workers, confidently entering the new era” will include the organization of “Creative Labor Festival 2025,” competitions to propose ideas, initiatives, and technical solutions to innovate production processes; save raw materials, fuel, time, and labor; new methods, good models in modern business management; content and methods of union activities at the grassroots level. The program will honor and commend workers with achievements in labor and production with many initiatives and creativity; achieve high results in competitions for skilled workers, etc.

For the “May Dialogue” Program and the “Party with Workers – Workers with the Party” Forum, trade unions at all levels advise, propose, and coordinate to organize for leaders of Party committees, authorities at the same level, and employers to contact and dialogue with union members and workers in accordance with actual conditions. In addition, advise Party committees at the same level to organize the “Party with Workers – Workers with the Party” Forum before the Party Congress at the same level to listen to and resolve workers’ issues; absorb and implement the Party’s instructions.

Implementing the program "Thanking workers," trade unions at all levels coordinate with employers to organize activities to care for, support, and show gratitude to workers (visiting, giving gifts, giving shopping vouchers; praising workers for their efforts to overcome difficulties, exemplary workers, workers with many years of experience, etc.); organizing sightseeing, vacations, and meetings with workers' families; "Cultural and Sports Festival"...

To organize a peak month for developing union members, establishing grassroots unions; introducing and developing Party members for workers, unions at all levels promote representation, care, and protection of the legitimate and legal rights and interests of workers, creating a breakthrough in developing union members and establishing grassroots unions, especially in non-state enterprises and informal sector workers; organize the admission of "Union Member Class of May".

During Workers' Month, trade unions at all levels will widely disseminate and disseminate the Trade Union Law and the Social Insurance Law 2024; organize online contests combined with dissemination via social networks, phone applications, and dramatization of these two laws; organize talk shows to invite experts to advise and answer questions; create short clips and infographics to help workers easily access policies and laws.

In addition, trade unions at all levels will propagate and raise awareness among union members and workers about Party congresses at all levels; about opportunities and challenges in the current period; about the new era - the era of national growth.

The Vietnam General Confederation of Labor will also organize the launching ceremony of Workers' Month and the Month of Action on Occupational Safety and Hygiene in 2025; Organize the "Creative Labor Festival" at the General Confederation level; Organize an online contest to learn about the Trade Union Law and the Social Insurance Law in 2024...
