According to the report, in 2023, the company is expected to complete all planned targets. Of which, raw coal production will reach over 1.55 million tons; 19,800m of tunnels will be dug; 1.56 million tons of coal will be consumed; average salary will reach 18.2 million VND/person/month; 278 mine workers will be recruited; security and order will be ensured...
In 2024, the company aims to produce 1.55 million tons of raw coal; dig more than 19,000 meters of tunnel; average salary of 18.2 million VND/person/month; ensure profit targets, pay to the state budget...
The company has identified key tasks for 2024, including: Building a mine development strategy; focusing on clearing the 7th seam market; synchronously implementing solutions to attract and retain miners, ensuring underground labor for production; continuing to assign contracts to workshops on a monthly basis; implementing grassroots democracy regulations well; continuing to restructure, streamline auxiliary labor, increase underground labor; strengthening measures to ensure labor safety, prevent storms and floods, protect mine boundary resources, ensure security and order in production, etc.
Reporting on the progress of the implementation of the Technical Plan for the depth of the -250/-550 layer of the Mong Duong Coal Mine Phase 2 Exploitation Project, the company's leaders said that the project has a total reserve of 33.7 million tons; the mine life is 18 years, ending in 2044; the tunnel meter according to the plan is 12,416m, estimated to be completed by December 31, 2023 at 6,286m, equal to 50.6% of the plan. Implementation progress: preparing the -250/-400 layer closely following the schedule to complete construction by 2024; investing in the coal transportation system: conveyor belt, bunker, tilting beam completed in the first quarter of 2023... It is expected that by the end of 2025, the company will put the first longwall into operation.
Recognizing and appreciating the company's 2023 production and business results, General Director of the Group Dang Thanh Hai emphasized that the company has made efforts to overcome difficulties, successfully completed the plan and paid attention to improving working conditions and living conditions for workers in terms of income, accommodation and travel. The General Director of the Group especially paid attention to the Company's work on occupational safety and health, storm prevention, waste disposal site safety, ensuring safety, security and order in production; performing well in costing, strengthening management and administration, improving production and business efficiency.
Regarding the Technical Plan to go down to the -250/-550 level of the Mong Duong Coal Mine Phase 2 Exploitation Project, this is the company's strategic project to maintain stable production, so the company focuses on implementing, reviewing the legal basis, standardizing, and adjusting accordingly; ensuring the project's coal production cost; building a company development strategy in line with the reality and direction of the Group's Board of Directors, and achieving the goal of sustainable development.
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