With its intact beauty, Si Thau Chai village, Ho Thau commune is becoming an attractive community tourism destination for visitors.
The Dao people (Dao Dau Bang group) live in 7 villages of Ho Thau commune, including: Si Thau Chai, Chu Lin, Gia Khau, Ta Chai, Nhieu Sang, Pho Ho Thau, Rung guoi Kheo Thau, with a population of more than 3,000 people. Like other ethnic groups in the mountains, the main occupation of the Dao Ho Thau people is slash-and-burn farming. In addition to the hard daily work, the Dao people here are still proud of their rich folk cultural treasures such as: Cap sac ceremony, Cung rung ceremony, Cau hau hau ceremony...; one of the mysterious rituals with its own unique identity is the "Fire Jumping" ceremony.
The head of Si Thau Chai village - Lu A Nghi said that according to the plan, this year's "Fire Jumping" Festival will be held in Si Thau Chai village, a community tourism village of Ho Thau commune. The person chosen by the Dao community in Si Thau Chai to be the master of this year's ceremony is Mr. Tan A Diu. According to the Dao people, Mr. Tan A Diu is a prestigious person, a skilled master who has presided over many important ceremonies of the Dao people in Ho Thau.
The shaman in front of the altar, preparing offerings to offer to the "Fire God"
Master Tan A Diu shared that this year's "Fire Jumping" Ceremony will be organized more simply than the traditional ceremony, ensuring both savings and anti-waste while still preserving traditional cultural features. The "Fire Jumping" Ceremony usually takes place at the end of the year, when the harvest season is over, starting from the 10th lunar month to the end of the first month of the following year. According to custom, the selection of the "Fire Jumping" Ceremony takes place according to the clan, it must be a typical clan, actively participating in community activities, having many advanced and typical examples in studying and working. The "Fire Jumping" Ceremony takes place in a large space, usually in the center of the village.
This year, 7 healthy and virtuous young men will be selected to perform the “Fire Jumping” ceremony, which is not only a source of pride for the families whose children are selected but also an honor for the clans whose members attend the ceremony. Lu A Man, 20 years old, Si Thau Chai village said: “I strive to be selected by the village this year as a member of the “Fire Jumping” ceremony. Since I was little, my grandparents taught me that as a Dao man, I must know how to jump on fire. Jumping on fire will increase strength and endurance to overcome the harshness of nature. When overcoming fire, people become smarter and more clear-headed in life...”
Dao ethnic men in Ho Thau commune demonstrate their ethnic group's "fire bathing" skills.
Mr. Phan A Xao, Chu Lin village, who has practiced the "Fire Jumping" ceremony for many years, said: The "Fire Jumping" ceremony begins in the evening, when the sun has not yet set. At that time, the main shaman will invite the gods to attend, with the hope of granting strength to the members participating in the fire jump. When the fire is burning, the shaman's invitation is accepted, the boys start to dance, they keep dancing until the fire goes out, the embers are dead. There is a special point, although they jump into the middle of the blazing fire with bare feet, the embers are red, the boys seem to "bathe" in the fire but no one gets burned or blistered. They seem to be playing with fire, without feeling any burning or fear. In the cheers and applause of the spectators, the boys seem to be given more strange power.The pride of the Dao Ho Thau men when dancing with fire
There is a customary law that requires the Dao people in Ho Thau to participate in this sacred ritual: The men chosen in the fire god conquest ceremony must have pure souls and good morals, so that when jumping into the fire, they will be protected by the gods. The Dao Dau Bang people in Ho Thau believe that: Coming to the "Fire Jumping" ceremony, one must have faith to overcome. When jumping into the fire, they seem to see gods around them helping them overcome dangers to survive and make a living; in which, the supreme god is the "Fire God" and fire brings luck and prosperity to the village. A person can participate in the fire jump many times, thereby demonstrating strength, dexterity and agility. Fire jump is only for men, which affirms the strength of Dao men that there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome.
After the fire dies down, the shaman will gather the boys to the back to end the ceremony. They bow, thank the gods for coming to celebrate with the villagers and pray for the gods to bless the villagers with prosperity, bountiful crops, and good health. At the end of the ceremony, the shaman must end the ceremony so that the boys can return to their original state. Legend has it that if the shaman does not end the ceremony so that the boys can leave, they will want to jump into any fire they see.
During their free time, Dao women in Ho Thau pass on their handicrafts to the next generation.
Through the ups and downs of history, for the Dao Ho Thau people, the “Fire Jumping” ceremony is a profound spiritual and cultural activity, a “string” that unites the community. Through that, with the desire to demonstrate the power to conquer nature and master the lives of the Dao people in the highlands of the Northwest.Ha Minh Hung/Dan Toc Newspaper
Source: https://baophutho.vn/than-lua-mang-suc-khoe-cho-cong-dong-nguoi-dao-213011.htm
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