Rules of the Writing Contest "The First Tea of a Hundred Years"
The works participating in the Contest must be associated with people, production, business and processing activities of tea, associated with the tea economy and tea culture of Thai Nguyen; be a source of materials to introduce and promote the land and people of Thai Nguyen associated with tea trees and the tea industry of Thai Nguyen province.
The Contest is open to Vietnamese citizens and Vietnamese people living abroad who have not violated Vietnamese law (members of the Organizing Committee, the Jury and those directly involved in the organization are not allowed to participate in the Contest).
The theme of the Writing Contest is about the historical, cultural, economic values of tea trees and the tea industry of Thai Nguyen province. Honoring collectives and individuals who are attached to the profession of planting, growing, processing and developing tea trees, preserving and promoting the historical and cultural values of Thai Nguyen tea. At the same time, proposing new ideas in preserving and developing the Thai Nguyen tea brand.
The works participating in the contest can be in the following categories: articles, memoirs, reports, travelogues... (not including poems); the articles can be accompanied by photos or short clips under 3 minutes long for illustration. The works must be written in Vietnamese, have not been published in the media, and have not participated in other competitions. The content of the works must not violate copyright or legal regulations related to the author or the work. Length of works: Maximum 2,000 words; serial articles (no more than 03 installments), maximum 4,500 words.
Address for receiving entries: Authors send their entries in paper (A4 size) via post or express delivery to the Standing Office of the Organizing Committee of the Writing Contest "One Hundred Years of the Best Tea" - Thai Nguyen Provincial Information Center, No. 16A Nha Trang Street, Thai Nguyen City, Thai Nguyen Province. Or send entries via Email: [email protected] in Word format (.doc or .docx) with attached illustrations in (JPEG/PNG) format, videos (MP4) with captions (confirmed by email from the Organizing Committee). Clearly state the author's full name (including birth name and pen name if any), title of the work, genre of the work, unit, address, phone number of the author or group of authors.
Each author or group of authors (no more than 03 people) is selected to submit no more than 02 works. Each author is allowed to be named in no more than 02 works or 02 groups of authors. The author is fully responsible for the accuracy of the information and copyright of the submitted works.
Time for submission and receipt of entries to the Contest is from March 1, 2025 to 24:00 on August 20, 2025. Preliminary and final judging will be held in September 2025. Summary and awarding will be held in October 2025.
The Organizing Committee has the right to use the entries to promote and disseminate Thai Nguyen tea culture in the media. Publish a collection of award-winning works (in book or e-book form). Display at exhibitions, related events... Use the works for non-commercial purposes and always clearly state the author's information.
Prize structure
First Prize: 15 times the basic salary and a gift of Thai Nguyen tea products. Maximum 01 prize.
Second Prize: 10 times the basic salary and a gift of Thai Nguyen tea product/prize. Maximum 02 prizes.
Third Prize: 05 times the basic salary and a gift of Thai Nguyen tea product/prize. Maximum 03 prizes.
Encouragement Prize: 03 times the basic salary and a gift of Thai Nguyen tea product/prize. Maximum 5 prizes.
In addition, depending on the quality of the entries, the Head of the Organizing Committee of the Contest will consider and decide to increase or decrease the number of awards after receiving a proposal from the Standing Committee of the Organizing Committee of the Contest.
The winning works will be published and introduced in mass media and publications, and will receive royalties according to regulations.
The winning author of the Contest will be awarded a Certificate by the Contest Organizing Committee.
The Organizing Committee will select a number of authors to invite to participate in field trips to visit tea regions, interact with people, and experience the tea production process in the second quarter of 2025.
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