Find opportunity in challenge
Within the framework of the 2023 National Press Festival with the theme "Solidarity - Professionalism - Culture - Creativity", on March 18, the Central Journalists Association of the Vietnam Journalists Association in collaboration with the Journalists Magazine Association - Vietnam Journalists Association organized a talk show: "Journalists in the digital age". This is a practical activity for journalists, a place to meet, exchange and share professional experience in journalism in the era of technology and digital transformation.
The panel discussion included speakers: Journalist Ho Quang Loi, former Permanent Vice President of the Vietnam Journalists Association; Journalist Nguyen Minh Duc, Vice President of the Hanoi Journalists Association, Editor-in-Chief of the Economic & Urban Newspaper; Journalist Do Doan Hoang, Dan Viet/Today's Rural Electronic Newspaper.
Journalist Nguyen Minh Duc believes that journalism in the past and now is very different. More than 20 years ago, reporters attending events or doing research took notes on paper, and after writing an article, they had to go to a typewriter shop to send the article to the editorial office (by fax was common). To learn knowledge, one had to rely almost exclusively on information channels stored in books and newspapers in the library. Now, digital technology has become a powerful support tool for journalists.
According to journalist Nguyen Minh Duc, many press agencies have applied AI, Big Data, IoT to create new products: Automatic response applications (Chatbot), or data journalism products, visual journalism... Innovation and creation of new products and services associated with new ways of consuming and enjoying services not only meet the needs but also stimulate the development needs, both increasing the customer experience and opening up opportunities for the development of press and media units.
In fact, in the digital age, along with the rapid development of connection technology, the number of electronic newspapers has also flourished all over the world, transmitting information in all forms. Digital technology has made the press make a leap forward in information time, coverage space, information access methods, increasing the number of readers, as well as the quantity and quality of information.
Although no one can deny that technology has brought about great conveniences, facing the strong and widespread development of information technology, journalists also have to face many challenges, requiring them to quickly catch up with the trends of the times.
Sharing the same view, journalist Do Doan Hoang, Dan Viet/Nong Thon Ngay Nay e-newspaper, said that because of digital transformation, young reporters tend to chase sensational, attention-grabbing information while forgetting the humanity of journalism. Young journalists catch up with technology faster, but are caught up in information without delving into the issues. Social networks are increasingly competing with the press, with topics appearing on Facebook before they are finished. In particular, journalists can get information from Facebook to write articles. In addition, digital-era journalists also spend a lot of time on social networks and technology devices, which also reduces the time they have to focus on and delve into the issue.
Journalist Do Doan Hoang believes that in the digital age, if a work is not unique, it has no value. Therefore, journalists must know technology, be fluent in foreign languages, and have in-depth knowledge of certain fields. At the same time, they must always focus on the core values of journalism, building and cultivating a strong character to be able to overcome all temptations.
Content and technology go hand in hand
Journalist Nguyen Minh Duc believes that when content and technology always go hand in hand, journalists and press agencies will affirm their position and capacity. In the digital age, the question of what to write and how to write is therefore even more urgent. Journalists today must know the rules of the game of technology, changing the traditional journalistic thinking to the thinking of digital journalism. At an event, journalists must work together on many platforms, creating diverse products to meet the needs of many different readers. The value of a work, besides the "unique" topic, also lies in the fact that the writer must be specialized, almost an expert in that field.
When advanced media become powerful tools for journalism, especially when social networks, the internet... become popular with the public, it is not enough for journalists to master technology or grasp information.
Agreeing with journalist Nguyen Minh Duc, journalist Ho Quang Loi said that in the context of the digital age, press content must of course be of good quality to attract readers. Therefore, content and technology must always go hand in hand.
According to journalist Ho Quang Loi, if content is king, then technology is queen. To have a good press product, there must be both good content and technology. However, journalists must master technology and not let technology kill the emotions of journalists.
The press must also regularly verify information quickly, closely follow mass media information, listen to the wishes of the people, and bring authentic news to the people as quickly as possible. Especially in the digital age, journalists must quickly change their working methods to adapt and keep up with the changes and developments of technology in the integration period. Journalists must quickly adapt to the development of information technology in the digital age.
Journalist Ho Quang Loi commented that it has never been easier for journalists to lose themselves than in the current digital media era. "We will no longer be journalists if we only follow social networks, losing our conscience and ethics as professionals. We will no longer be journalists if our journalistic works do not serve society but serve our own interests. Those things are the most dangerous traps that journalists can easily fall into. Therefore, doing journalism in the digital era requires a particularly great spirit of dedication and fighting spirit" - Journalist Ho Quang Loi shared./.
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