( Bqp.vn ) - On September 10, 1974, Prime Minister Pham Van Dong signed Decree No. 211/CP establishing the General Department of Engineering - a strategic advisory agency with the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defense on military engineering work and directing the entire army's technical work. This was an important event, marking a new step in the quality of our Army in directing the centralized and unified military engineering work, meeting the requirements of the Army's combat missions.
General Phan Van Giang, Politburo member, Deputy Secretary of the Central Military Commission, Minister of National Defense and delegates visited the exhibition of scientific and technological products on technical work at the Conference to review 15 years of implementing Resolution No. 382-NQ/ĐUQSTW dated November 29, 2007 of the Central Military Party Committee (now the Central Military Commission) on leading technical work in the new situation, November 2022.
Immediately after its establishment, the General Department of Engineering focused on directing agencies and units to urgently research and successfully manufacture 120, 160mm guns and mortars; 82mm DKZ; at the same time, directing the assurance of tens of thousands of tons of weapons, equipment, and ammunition for the battlefield according to the orders of the Ministry of National Defense; sending hundreds of technical officers and staff to combat units to directly direct the repair and recovery of "using enemy weapons to fight the enemy", meeting the requirements of the fronts and major campaigns, contributing with our army and people to completely liberate the South and unify the country.
Entering the period of national construction and defense, the task of building the Army poses new requirements for the General Department of Technology; first of all, to rectify the organization of the force, carry out the major tasks of equipment and technical assurance work determined by the Central Military Commission: Urgently collect, manage, preserve, repair and have a plan to use the technical facilities captured from the enemy; quickly collect our weapons, technical equipment and supplies remaining on military transport routes and localities for better preservation and to perfect the warehouse system; along with building a defense industry with repair and production, gradually producing necessary modern weapons, moving towards self-equipping the armed forces with modern weapons and technology.
During the war to protect the southwestern border and the fight to protect the northern border of the Fatherland, the General Department of Engineering mobilized to ensure the units with thousands of guns and artillery of all kinds, over 20,000 tons of ammunition, bombs, mines and thousands of tons of supplies and spare parts. Factories in the General Department of Engineering increased production and repair of weapons and equipment and sent mobile repair teams to perform the task of ensuring on-site technical support, promptly serving the victorious fighting units, contributing to protecting the sacred territorial integrity of the Fatherland and fulfilling the international obligation to help the Cambodian people defeat the genocidal regime.
Lieutenant General Tran Minh Duc inspects technical work at Factory A41 (Air Defense - Air Force), May 2023.
In response to the requirements of building the Army in the new period, on February 24, 1979, the Minister of National Defense issued a Decision to establish Technical Departments under military regions, army corps, and arms; Technical Departments at division and brigade levels and Technical Boards at regimental level. The consolidation of the Army Technical system in a synchronous and unified manner at all three levels (strategy, campaign and tactics) has made technical work take a new step forward, meeting the requirements of the Army's training and combat readiness tasks.
In the late 1980s, facing the risk of the socialist system falling into crisis, our Party and State advocated building and enhancing the strength of the armed forces, ready to crush the plots of "peaceful evolution" and violent overthrow by hostile forces. To implement that policy, the Central Military Party Committee (now the Central Military Commission) and the Ministry of National Defense reorganized and organized the Army, including quickly perfecting the management, command, and technical assurance system at the strategic level. On April 24, 1989, the Minister of National Defense signed Decision No. 130 stipulating the functions, tasks, and organizational structure of the General Department of Engineering. The Decision clearly stated: "The General Department of Engineering is an agency under the Ministry of National Defense, with the function of directing the work of ensuring equipment and technical assurance of the armed forces; directing military science and technology research...".
From 1989 to present, the General Department of Engineering has performed well its advisory function to the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defense in directing agencies and units throughout the army to perform well in technical work; notably, building a regular technical work; building a system of strategic and campaign-level warehouses, workshops and factories; effectively implementing projects, programs and plans on technical work; developing and promulgating legal documents, creating a synchronous legal corridor and a mechanism for directing and organizing the implementation of technical work; maintaining technical coefficients to meet the requirements of performing the Army's tasks.
In order to continuously improve the quality of technical work in the new situation, at the proposal of the General Department of Engineering, in 1995, the Ministry of National Defense issued Directive No. 216 to launch the entire army to implement the Campaign "Management and exploitation of weapons and technical equipment in a good, durable, safe and economical manner"; in 1998, Directive No. 50 was issued to continue promoting the implementation of the Campaign; at the same time, the Steering Committee "Traffic Safety" and the Steering Committee 50 were merged into the Steering Committee of the Campaign "Management and exploitation of weapons and technical equipment in a good, durable, safe and economical manner and Traffic Safety" (abbreviated as Campaign 50). Up to now, after nearly 30 years of implementation, Campaign 50 has increasingly become a driving force for the entire army, especially the engineering sector, to strive to excellently complete the technical assurance work, meeting the requirements of the tasks of the Army and units in the entire army.
Along with advising and directing the organization to effectively implement the 50 Campaign and emulation movements in the entire Army Engineering sector, from 1996 to present, the General Department of Engineering has advised the Ministry of National Defense to promulgate and amend the Technical Work Regulations in accordance with each stage of development of the Army (on January 19, 2023, the General Department of Engineering advised the Ministry of National Defense to promulgate Circular No. 06/2023/TT-BQP on "Technical Work Regulations of the Vietnam People's Army" replacing the 2004 Regulation), ensuring that technical work is carried out regularly and consistently throughout the army. At the same time, advising the Central Military Commission to promulgate resolutions to lead technical work, especially Resolution No. 382 dated November 29, 2007 on leading technical work in the new situation; Resolution No. 1656 dated December 20, 2022 on leadership of technical work until 2030 and the following years. In particular, in the context of the country's economic difficulties, the General Department of Engineering has advised and proposed to the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defense to direct the entire military engineering sector and directly repair, upgrade, extend, improve, and modernize existing weapons and technical equipment to extend their lifespan; improve technical and tactical features; save fuel; reduce the number of combat crews and increase reliability and safety for users..., meeting the training and combat readiness needs of the Army, saving thousands of billions of VND.
In order to meet the requirements of building a lean, compact, and strong Army; building a "strong, compact, unified, synchronous, and effective" Army engineering sector, the General Department of Engineering has advised and proposed the implementation of many projects, programs, and plans to carry out technical work. Completed the adjustment of the organization of technical forces at the tactical and campaign levels according to the plan. The entire army's warehouse system has been gradually invested and upgraded in a standardized and unified direction. Up to now, basically all strategic, campaign, and tactical warehouses have met technical standards. The system of technical equipment repair facilities is standardized, unified, compact, and strong; ensuring the repair of all types of technical equipment in the three regions (North, Central, and South). Focused on investing in in-depth technology for factories and repair stations, gradually approaching the maintenance and repair of new, high-tech technical equipment, forming a number of modern technological chains; Promote research and application of achievements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in technical work to improve, modernize, enhance the ability to master, self-repair technical equipment and the capacity to self-produce technical materials domestically. The system of technical schools has been upgraded and innovated in terms of content, programs, processes and training methods in a modern direction, closely following the development of technical equipment and science and technology. Scientific research, promotion of initiatives, and technical innovation have closely followed practical needs, focusing on research and application of new technologies to solve 3 major problems: Preservation, maintenance, repair, and storage of technical equipment in the establishment; improvement and modernization of technical equipment; exploitation and mastery of new modern technical equipment.
The entire military engineering sector has done a good job of ensuring and managing technical equipment for the militia and reserve forces. The successful completion of the task of directing timely technical assurance for drills, participating in the prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic, supporting the inspection of civilian motor vehicles, etc. has been highly appreciated by the Government, the Ministry of National Defense, and the people for the professional qualifications and service attitude of the officers and employees of the Army Engineering sector. Implementing international cooperation well, focusing on coordination programs on technical work; promoting military technical cooperation with foreign countries, focusing on technology transfer, joint research, manufacturing, production, testing of technical equipment and supplies in Vietnam and assisting the Lao and Cambodian armies in ensuring technical assurance, transporting military goods, training technical officers, etc. Promoting the application of information technology, digital transformation in military administrative reform, building e-Government in the Army Engineering sector.
In recognition of the achievements gained during the process of construction and development, and the great contributions in the wars to protect the Fatherland, many collectives and individuals of the General Department of Engineering were awarded the title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces and many other noble awards. In particular, the General Department of Engineering was awarded by the Party and the State 01 Gold Star Order; 02 Ho Chi Minh Orders; 02 First-class Military Exploit Orders; 01 Second-class Military Exploit Order; 01 First-class Fatherland Protection Order and 01 Third-class Fatherland Protection Order... In particular, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Traditional Day (September 10, 1974 - September 10, 2024), the General Department of Engineering was honored to be awarded the Ho Chi Minh Order for the third time by the Party and the State.
The achievements in 50 years of construction, development and growth of the General Department of Engineering are the result of the leadership and direction of the Central Military Commission, the Ministry of National Defense, the crystallization of the spirit of "Proactiveness, creativity, self-reliance, self-strengthening" of the Party Committee, the General Department's command, of all officers and soldiers in the General Department of Engineering in particular and the Army Engineering sector in general. On that basis, the General Department of Engineering has drawn valuable lessons in leadership, command and direction. In which, the decisive issue is to constantly maintain and strengthen the Party's leadership in all activities of the General Department. Focus on building a General Department that is strong in politics and ideology, considering this as the foundation to ensure the successful implementation of all assigned tasks. At all times and in any circumstances, we must always thoroughly grasp the revolutionary guidelines, viewpoints and tasks, and the military tasks of the Party and the Army, closely combine urgent issues with fundamental and long-term issues, and propose correct solutions in leading and directing the technical work of the entire army in accordance with the practical situation. In addition, an important driving force contributing to improving the quality and effectiveness of all aspects of technical work is the spirit of initiative, creativity, self-reliance and self-improvement of the team of technical officers and staff in the entire army.
Over the years, leaders and commanders of agencies and units throughout the army have always paid attention to building technical forces in terms of quantity, quality and structure to meet the requirements of technical tasks in each period. They have built a team of technical officers and staff with political qualities, qualifications, capacity, sufficient in quantity, suitable in structure, capable of completing tasks, especially mastering the exploitation and technical assurance of weapons and technical equipment, including new generation, high-tech weapons and technical equipment, meeting the requirements of building a regular, gradually modernized Army Technical Sector.
Source: https://mod.gov.vn/home/detail?current=true&urile=wcm:path:/mod/sa-mod-site/sa-ttsk/sa-tt-qpan/tap-trung-xay-dung-nganh-ky-thuat-quan-doi-vung-manh-tinh-gon-thong-nhat-dong-bo-hieu-qua
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