(TN&MT) - On the morning of February 4, in Hanoi, Deputy Minister Tran Quy Kien chaired a meeting to listen to a report on the progress of drafting documents to implement the Law on Geology and Minerals. Attending the meeting were representatives of the Vietnam Mineral Resources Department; Vietnam Geological Survey; Office of the National Mineral Reserves Assessment Council and representatives of the Legal Department.
Reporting at the meeting, representatives of the Vietnam Minerals Department and the Vietnam Geology Department said that in order to implement the Law on Water Resources in a timely, synchronous, unified and effective manner, the two state management units on geology and minerals are focusing on developing Decrees and Circulars providing detailed guidance on the implementation of the Law on Geology and Minerals. Specifically, the drafting of the Decree detailing a number of articles of the Law on Geology and Minerals; the draft Decree and Circular providing guidance on a number of articles of the Law on Geology and Minerals on Group IV minerals with simplified procedures has been completed. These Decrees are being sent for comments from members of the Drafting Committee, the Editorial Team and relevant agencies and organizations.
In addition, the two units are also drafting guiding circulars to ensure that when the Law comes into effect on July 1, 2025, the entire system of guiding documents will be ready for synchronous implementation. The drafting process will be carried out transparently, with wide consultation from experts, businesses and social organizations to ensure feasibility and effectiveness when applied in practice.
Along with developing documents guiding the implementation of the Law, the two units are also focusing on developing and compiling documents to disseminate, propagate, and provide in-depth training on the contents of the Law on Geology and Minerals for relevant agencies and organizations to study and learn; at the same time, developing a plan to organize conferences to disseminate, disseminate, and provide in-depth training on the Law on Geology and Minerals, and legal documents detailing the Law on Geology and Minerals.
In addition, units also focus on reviewing to submit for promulgation according to authority to amend, supplement, replace, abolish or issue new ones, ensuring compliance with the provisions of the Law on Geology and Minerals.
Speaking at the meeting, Deputy Minister Tran Quy Kien requested that the two units managing geology and minerals coordinate closely and regularly exchange with agencies, units under the Ministry and relevant agencies and organizations in implementing the Law. At the same time, specify the work contents, deadlines, progress of completion and assign responsibilities to relevant agencies and units in organizing the implementation of the Law on Geology and Minerals.
Regarding the drafting of sub-law documents, specifically Decrees and Circulars guiding the implementation of the Law on Geology and Minerals, the Deputy Minister requested that units agree on the number of Decrees and Circulars, promptly complete the drafting to submit for early promulgation to ensure that when the Law on Geology and Minerals takes effect on July 1, 2025, the entire system of guiding documents will be ready for synchronous implementation.
The Deputy Minister noted that units need to focus on developing documents guiding the implementation of the Law with provisions that ensure both strictness and transparency, but also must be suitable for local realities and easy to implement. At the same time, focusing resources and intelligence on developing articles and provisions of legal documents must ensure a unified understanding among agencies on the principles of mineral activities in accordance with planning. In addition, ensuring a balance between mineral resource exploitation and environmental protection, ensuring the interests of the State, enterprises and people.
Emphasizing the importance of disseminating and popularizing new points of the Law on Geology and Minerals to agencies, organizations, businesses and people, Deputy Minister Tran Quy Kien requested units to develop a Plan and promptly organize propaganda and training to disseminate the Law on Geology and Minerals, especially new regulations, in order to soon put the provisions of the law on geology and minerals into practice, improving the effectiveness and efficiency of geology and mineral management.
Source: https://baotainguyenmoitruong.vn/tap-trung-nguon-luc-dua-luat-dia-chat-va-khoang-san-vao-cuoc-song-dam-bao-thi-hanh-tu-ngay-1-7-386270.html
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