That was the direction of comrade Vu Xuan Cuong, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council when chairing the 36th regular meeting organized by the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Council on the morning of June 27.

Attending the meeting were comrades: Vu Van Cai, member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, Permanent Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Hoang Quoc Khanh, member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, Permanent Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; Ly Binh Minh, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; leaders of the People's Council committees and related departments and branches.

The meeting approved the report assessing the activities of the Standing Committee, committees, and delegation groups of the Provincial People's Council in June 2024.
Accordingly, in June, the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Council closely followed the direction of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the 2024 Action Program, the resolution of the 35th regular meeting of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Council, and led the organization to complete the proposed work plan. Directed the committees and delegations to well implement their tasks and powers according to the provisions of law; well prepared the organization of the 20th session of the Provincial People's Council; successfully organized the fifth conference to exchange experiences in the activities of the People's Councils at the provincial and district levels. The committees and delegations continued to regularly monitor and supervise the implementation of the resolutions of the Provincial People's Council, the promulgation of resolutions of the District People's Councils; the settlement of voters' recommendations and recommendations after supervision; organized the implementation of inspection, supervision and survey activities to ensure the plan...
The Standing Committee, committees and delegations of the Provincial People's Council have conducted 6 monitoring and survey activities. The work of receiving citizens, handling petitions, complaints and denunciations has been carried out in accordance with regulations. The Standing Committee of the People's Council and leaders of the People's Council committees have received 13 citizens; received and processed 10 petitions and letters in accordance with procedures.

At the meeting, delegates discussed and officially approved the agenda of the 20th session of the Provincial People's Council, the session's operating script; leaders of the People's Council committees reported the results of examining reports, submissions and a number of other important contents.
Accordingly, the 20th session of the 16th Provincial People's Council is expected to take place in 2 days from July 4 to 5. The session will review and approve 35 reports, proposals and 27 resolutions deciding on important local issues such as: Resolution on adjusting investment policies for a number of public investment projects in Lao Cai province; Resolution on changing forest use purposes to other purposes; Resolution on adjusting the medium-term public investment plan for the period 2021 - 2025 in Lao Cai province...

Concluding the meeting, Comrade Vu Xuan Cuong, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council highly appreciated the performance of the Standing Committee of the People's Council, committees and People's Council delegates in June.
Regarding the July task, Comrade Vu Xuan Cuong requested the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Council and the Provincial People's Council delegates to uphold their sense of responsibility, perform well the external affairs of the Provincial People's Council; pay attention to the work of receiving citizens, handling petitions and letters in a practical, effective and realistic manner. In addition, it is necessary to focus on preparing the contents and programs of the 20th Session of the 16th Provincial People's Council to ensure scientific and effective results; pay attention to completing the draft reports, submissions and resolutions expected to be presented at this session.
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