With many drastic and synchronous solutions, Vinh Phuc has achieved positive results in building e-government, moving towards digital government, gradually building a modern and professional administration; contributing to improving the effectiveness, efficiency, fundamentally innovating the operations of the government apparatus, better serving people and businesses.
Clearly define key tasks
To accelerate the process of building digital government, the province has issued many projects, plans, leadership and directive documents, clearly identifying key tasks such as increasing investment in developing digital infrastructure, digital platforms, digital information and digital data; building digital institutions; strengthening information security and network security; promoting propaganda, creating unity and determination of the entire political system and people in carrying out the task of building digital government.
The Provincial Public Administration Service Center promotes the application of information technology and online public services in handling administrative records and procedures. Photo: Tra Huong
The province's telecommunications network infrastructure has spread to villages and residential groups, ensuring service for the direction and operation of agencies and units, meeting the needs of information technology application and use of digital services of people and businesses.
The province's administrative procedure (TTHC) information system is constantly being improved and optimized to create favorable conditions for organizations and citizens, meeting the procedures for receiving and handling administrative procedures of agencies and units; ensuring 3-level connectivity (province, district, commune) and connection with information systems according to Government regulations.
The system has completed the feature of digitizing records and connecting with the Electronic Data Management Warehouse of organizations and individuals on the National Public Service Portal; 701 administrative procedures are provided with full online public services and 516 administrative procedures are provided with partial online public services.
In addition, the province's shared, integrated platform (LGSP) is installed and operated at the established Provincial Information Infrastructure Center, connected to the National Document Interconnection Axis, the National Centralized Payment Gateway; the Provincial Intelligent Monitoring and Operation Center (IOC) is speeding up the trial operation progress...
Up to now, the province's documents and directives are mainly issued in electronic form, with the digital signature rate on document management software reaching over 99%.
To facilitate people when participating in transactions on the network environment, the Provincial Police have focused on issuing chip-based citizen identification cards and electronic identification accounts for citizens; the Provincial Public Administration Service Center and one-stop departments at all levels have made efforts to digitize records and results of handling administrative procedures; established a department to answer questions and support people in performing online public services...
Thanks to that, the rate of online public service application submission in the province has been increasing. Since the beginning of the year, the rate of online application submission in districts and cities (including communes, wards and towns) has reached 99.39%; at the provincial level (departments, branches, sectors, Provincial Public Administration Service Center) has reached 60.48%.
Hold leaders accountable
2024 is the third year that the Provincial People's Committee has assigned digital transformation targets and tasks to heads of agencies, units, and Chairmen of District and City People's Committees with many new and difficult targets and used the results of digital transformation tasks to evaluate leaders.
To implement the targets and tasks of building digital government, all levels, sectors and localities must strengthen the role of leaders in implementing each assigned digital transformation target, pay attention to investing funds to complete technical infrastructure and information technology equipment to meet the requirements of building digital government; develop plans and implementation roadmaps, organize signing of commitments, and assign targets to each department, division and unit.
Civil servants of the one-stop shop of Trung My commune, Binh Xuyen district guide people to use online public services. Photo: Tra Huong
At the same time, encourage cadres, civil servants and public employees to promote initiatives, improve efficiency, work quality and the quality of assigned tasks of building digital government.
Striving to complete the assigned targets in 2024 on digital transformation in general and building digital government in particular, Vinh Yen City People's Committee has directed 100% of departments, offices and affiliated units to apply information technology in operations and work processing; use software applications to serve professional work.
Currently, 100% of incoming and outgoing documents of the City People's Committee (except confidential documents) are updated and processed through document management and administration software. The sending and receiving of electronic documents with digital signatures between state agencies is widely used to help reduce time and costs, and improve the safety and security of transactions.
In addition, the city has invested in equipment to deploy information technology applications in meeting mode, moving towards implementing paperless meetings. Of the total 15 assigned digital transformation tasks, up to now, Vinh Yen has achieved and exceeded the target of 13 tasks, 1 task has not been implemented because the software has not been officially put into operation, and 1 task is continuing to be implemented.
Determined to realize the goal of "By 2025, building and perfecting digital platforms for digital government to operate synchronously, comprehensively, uniformly, effectively and efficiently in the real-digital environment", Vinh Phuc continues to strengthen leadership and direction in building digital government; promote the role of heads of Party committees, authorities and each cadre, civil servant and public employee in performing the tasks of building digital government.
At the same time, pay attention to building a legal basis to promote digital transformation; develop digital infrastructure, digital platforms, digital information and digital data; strengthen information security and network security; enhance training, fostering and popularizing digital skills for officials and civil servants; attract officials with high expertise in information technology and information security to serve the province's digital transformation...
Le Mo
Source: https://baovinhphuc.com.vn/Multimedia/Images/Id/113290/Tang-toc-xay-dung-chinh-quyen-so
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