Officials attending the 2nd ASEAN-EU Dialogue on Safe and Fair Labour Migration from July 4-7 in the Philippines. (Source: asean) |
The 2nd Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)-European Union (EU) Dialogue on Safe and Fair Labour Migration and the Launching Ceremony of the ASEAN Safe and Fair Migration Campaign were held from July 4-7 in the Philippines.
More than 70 policymakers, activists and representatives of international organizations attended the event to discuss ways to better protect the rights of the region’s 7.1 million ASEAN migrant workers and promote their valuable contribution to sustainable economic development.
Speaking at the event, Philippine Migrant Workers Secretary Susan V. Ople noted the important role of information and education in empowering millions of migrant workers in the region.
Philippine Undersecretary for Labor and Employment Benedicto Ernesto R. Bitonio and Chairman of the ASEAN Senior Labor Officials Meeting (SLOM) emphasized the importance of labor migration in expanding employment opportunities for ASEAN people and boosting the economies of member countries.
“With the resumption of labor migration activities after the pandemic, it is important to strengthen information and services to help ensure safe and fair migration,” said Chihoko Asada-Miyakawa, ILO Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific.
EU Ambassador to ASEAN Igor Driesmans said that migration is an important part of development, contributing to global economic growth and poverty reduction. The increase in labor migration brings with it an urgent need to prioritize safety and fairness.
Sarah Arriola, Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific at the International Organization for Migration (IOM), said that labour migration in the region is reaching pre-pandemic levels, which requires further development of the region’s labour migration management systems to maximize the contribution of migrants to the overall socio-economic recovery and growth.
The 2nd ASEAN-EU Dialogue on Safe and Fair Labour Migration is a forum for ASEAN and EU officials to share knowledge and perspectives on effective strategies to support the well-being of migrant workers and their families. The dialogue is part of the ASEAN Senior Labour Officials Meeting (SLOM) on the Mid-Term Review and Strategic Planning of the ASEAN Labour Ministers’ Five-Year Work Programme 2021-2025 held in Boracay, Philippines.
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