Speaking at the opening of the workshop, Mr. Tran Nhat Minh, Director of the RED Institute, said: The workshop is an activity within the framework of the “Win-Win for Vietnam” Project co-sponsored by the Delegation of the European Union to Vietnam. The project will be implemented from September 1, 2020 to February 29, 2024.

The specific objectives of the project include: Strengthening the capacity of social organizations and enterprises in Vietnam in corporate social responsibility (CSR) and cooperation to create shared value (CSV) towards sustainable development. Building an effective cooperation model between enterprises and social organizations in Vietnam. Raising awareness of stakeholders on sustainable development and multi-stakeholder partnerships.

Ms. Brenda Candries, Representative of the European Union Delegation to Vietnam shared: “We value cooperation with civil society organizations and private sector associations to achieve sustainable and inclusive development, promoting transparency and accountability in all areas of our cooperation. Therefore, I would like to encourage the connection between Vietnamese enterprises and civil society organizations for more sustainable development. Today’s event will provide an opportunity to connect and build networks to ensure more resilient and sustainable global value chains.”  

Overview of the Workshop "Corporate and social organization cooperation in carbon reduction: Trends and Opportunities".

According to experts, climate change (mainly caused by the increase in CO2 emissions and other greenhouse gases), extreme weather events, and the state of the environment are major global challenges today, requiring strong action in changing production and consumption habits, protecting the environment, and responding to climate change. The keywords “carbon reduction”, “net-zero emissions” and “carbon neutrality”, “climate action”, “carbon credit market”… are increasingly attracting the attention of businesses, governments, social organizations, and communities.

In the above context, the roadmap to green Vietnam and sustainable development requires the participation of the entire economy, especially the responsible participation of the business community; at the same time, promoting opportunities for more effective cooperation between businesses and social organizations, increasing the ability to impact and spread to create common values.

In many developed countries, social responsibility activities have become a new trend compared to traditional cooperation to create common value when businesses turn social and environmental challenges into opportunities and sustainable business strategies.

Cooperation between businesses and social organizations contributes positively to the goal of reducing emissions and protecting the environment, creating motivation to promote responsible business activities, enhancing brand position and reputation and aiming to achieve sustainable economic - social - environmental benefits.

News and photos: LA DUY

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