Over the years, prestigious people in Tan Son district have become "supports" in the community, always actively setting examples, taking the lead in propaganda and mobilizing ethnic minorities to well implement the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's policies and laws, preserve national cultural identity, contribute to poverty reduction and build great national unity.
Tan Son district currently has 164 prestigious people who are village elders, village chiefs, intellectuals, businessmen, youths, and typical examples of advanced ethnic minorities. They have truly promoted their roles in residential areas, villages, clans, and communities. With their understanding of local culture and customs, prestigious people always take the lead in propagating and mobilizing people to understand the importance of cultural values and participate in preserving, conserving, respecting, and embellishing the cultural values of their people.
Prestigious people have actively promoted and mobilized people to implement community conventions and regulations, practice cultural lifestyles, eliminate backward customs, superstitions and heresies in ethnic minority areas, and effectively implement population policies and family planning. Up to now, some backward customs of ethnic minorities have significantly decreased. People have proactively gone to medical facilities for consultation, medical examination and treatment, and maternal and child health care. There is almost no longer a situation of inviting shamans and sorcerers to perform rituals to cure diseases, or not registering births and deaths as before.
The movement “All people unite to build a cultural life” in residential areas has been widely propagated and strongly developed. Typical examples are prestigious people such as Mr. Dinh Xuan Dang, Thach Kiet commune; Hoang Van Luong, Tan Phu commune; Ha Xuan Lai, Vinh Tien commune; Phung Minh Tien, Thu Ngac commune...
Mr. Ha Xuan Sy (standing 2nd from left) - a prestigious person in Kim Thuong commune actively mobilizes people to participate in building new rural areas.
Implementing projects, the National Target Program for Sustainable Poverty Reduction; socio-economic development in ethnic minority areas; the National Target Program for New Rural Construction and other ethnic programs and policies, prestigious people have been making positive contributions in mobilizing people to join hands in building new rural areas, contributing to changing the face of their homeland. A typical example is Mr. Ha Xuan Sy, Chieng 2 area, Kim Thuong commune. Mr. Sy has actively mobilized people to donate land, clear the ground to build cultural houses in residential areas, build rural roads, contribute working days to build inter-area roads, mobilize people to contribute to purchasing cultural house equipment to serve activities, meetings, and sports in the area.
Mr. Sy said: “Previously, when mobilizing people to donate land to expand the road, people did not understand the benefits so they did not really agree. I am a prestigious person so I “went first” and was willing to donate land to build the road, contribute money to buy equipment for the cultural house, then mobilized relatives, then neighbors, from there people agreed to respond, trust and follow.”
In the field of economic development, prestigious people always mobilize people to actively work in production, develop economic models, services, tourism, effectively implement loan sources, plants, breeds, apply new scientific and technological knowledge to production to increase productivity, product quality, stabilize life, develop household economy to escape poverty, contributing to reducing the poverty rate of the district.
Mr. Ha Van Luan (far right) leads tourists to visit Long Coc tea hill.
A typical example is the young and prestigious Ha Van Luan (27 years old), a Muong ethnic. Born and raised in a land famous for hundreds of large and small tea hills in the shape of bowls in Long Coc commune, Mr. Luan is one of the typical young people who boldly do community tourism associated with preserving ethnic identity for economic development. He is one of the pioneers in innovating in business and improving service quality, using social networks as a useful tool to promote, introduce, and trade services for his own homestay.
From a place with 1-2 rooms, the homestay has now built 2 more stilt houses including 2 communal rooms and 5 separate rooms. Mr. Luan is also a "photographer", an amateur "tour guide", taking photos according to the needs of visitors, leading groups of tourists on "tours" to local tourist destinations. Mr. Luan shared: "I often wander on the tea hills at many times of the day, finding beautiful moments and angles to guide "check-in" points for first-time visitors to Long Coc or to keep for them beautiful pictures and memories here. I have also gradually improved and enhanced the quality of services at the homestay, from the way of preparing typical dishes of my people to changing the rooms to ensure comfort but still preserving the national culture and connecting with tea producers so that visitors can have more interesting experiences".
Coming to the highland villages in Tan Son district, we can see the full role and responsibility of prestigious people. They are the bridge between ethnic minorities and departments, branches and organizations, the basis for implementing the policy of great national unity, an important information channel contributing to propagating the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's laws and policies, mobilizing people to raise their vigilance, fight against the plots of hostile forces, provide valuable information to help the Party and local authorities grasp the situation where ethnic minorities reside, contributing to maintaining security and order in the locality.
Vy An
Source: https://baophutho.vn/tan-son-phat-huy-vai-tro-nguoi-co-uy-tin-223225.htm
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