Zone 4 belongs to the administrative boundaries of Phuoc Hoa and An Xuan wards. The zone boundary is limited from Ton Duc Thang Street to Le Duan Street of Zone II, determined in the General Planning Project of Tam Ky City, Quang Nam Province to 2030, with a vision to 2050. The planning area is about 298.05 hectares, with a population of about 29,800 people.
This is a residential subdivision combining commerce and services with the orientation of renovating and increasing the land use coefficient for existing functional areas, developing commerce and services along Nguyen Tat Thanh and Bach Dang streets. The criteria of the subdivision planning project ensure that it is suitable for a type II urban area and the orientation of completing a type I urban area.
Tam Ky City has 12 zoning plans, of which 9 have been announced so far. At the end of December 2024, the city will continue to announce the planning of Zone 5, while Zones 3 and 6 are currently focusing on completing documents and procedures.
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