The rainy season is the time when dengue fever is very likely to break out in our country when the number of cases is showing signs of increasing rapidly and has not stopped.
Dengue fever is an acute febrile disease caused by the Dengue virus, transmitted to humans through the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito carrying the virus.
After feeding on a person carrying the dengue virus for 4-10 days, mosquitoes begin transmitting dengue fever for the rest of their life cycle. Female mosquitoes infected with the dengue virus also contain the virus in their ovaries and transmit the virus to larvae and subsequent generations of mosquitoes.
Shelters and breeding grounds of Aedes mosquitoes. |
The cycle of dengue fever can be understood as follows: virus carrier → Aedes mosquito → people around. Specifically, after a mosquito bites an infected person, the virus from the patient's blood will be transmitted to the mosquito's cells and will survive for about 12 days.
During this time, the virus multiplies inside the mosquito's body, spreading to cells in various parts of the body until it reaches the mosquito's salivary glands. When the mosquito bites another person, it transmits the virus to their body.
Aedes mosquitoes live in places that many people do not expect, such as flower vases, buckets, mops, hot and cold water dispenser trays, small water trays behind the refrigerator, tires, pots and pans, plastic bottles, broken bowls, pieces of pottery, coconut shells with rainwater... Indoors, mosquitoes are often in places such as wardrobes, under beds, corners of cabinets, blankets...
Dengue fever is not a disease that is transmitted directly from person to person, so it can be proactively prevented by killing mosquitoes or avoiding mosquito bites with some simple measures:
Cover water containers tightly.
Female mosquitoes lay eggs in places with stagnant water. After 2-3 days, the eggs hatch into larvae (wigglers), which then develop into Aedes mosquitoes. Therefore, to eliminate mosquito breeding and shelter, the following measures must be taken:
Cover all water containers and remove any areas with stagnant water. Regularly scrub the walls of water tanks, jars, and barrels to prevent mosquito eggs from sticking to the walls.
Small fish and guppies can be placed in large water containers to kill mosquito larvae. Note that decorative items such as flower vases also need to be cleaned and the water changed regularly.
Collect household waste
In addition to humid places, areas where household waste accumulates can also attract mosquitoes and are good breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Therefore, garbage collection and disposal cannot be ignored.
Dispose of waste in the right place, absolutely do not litter. Collect and destroy waste items in and around the house such as bottles, jars, broken glass, butter tubes, coconut shells, old tires/car covers, etc.
Use curtains and mosquito nets
If sleeping in a normal environment without mosquito repellent, using a mosquito net is an effective way to prevent dengue fever.
Especially in rural areas, where there are many ponds and stagnant water, hanging mosquito nets is a must. You should pay attention to washing the nets regularly because dirty nets will create conditions for bacteria to grow quickly. At the same time, you should carefully check and treat the tears on the nets to prevent mosquitoes from entering.
Wear long sleeved clothing
To reduce the risk of mosquito bites, you should wear clothes that are thick and loose enough to cover your skin, and prioritize light-colored clothes when gardening or going to places with lots of mosquitoes.
Apply mosquito repellent
Applying mosquito repellent is a very effective way to prevent dengue fever for children and adults. These products contain DEET, which repels insects, especially mosquitoes, making them afraid to come near.
Currently, there are many different mosquito repellent products on the market. Note that you should choose to buy and use products from reputable brands, with guaranteed origin and quality to avoid causing side effects to the skin.
Use mosquito repellent, essential oils or mosquito coils
Using mosquito repellent or mosquito coils is also a common way to prevent dengue fever, creating a safe area away from mosquitoes. In addition, some families also apply the method of fumigating essential oils to help repel mosquitoes and create a feeling of relaxation and comfort.
To ensure health safety, you should only buy the above products with clear origin and quality inspection.
Clearing the bushes
Bushes are considered to be a breeding ground that mosquitoes love because they are quite humid and cool. Especially in the rainy season, bushes always have stagnant water, so places with lots of bushes will have more mosquitoes, especially in the countryside - where there are many gardens and fields. To eliminate the breeding environment of mosquitoes, we should regularly clear bushes, creating a well-ventilated environment for the area around the house.
Coordinate with local authorities to spray chemicals to prevent epidemics
For mosquito-killing chemicals to be most effective, localities should spray chemicals twice a year at the beginning and end of the rainy season. At the same time, everyone should actively cooperate by proactively cleaning the environment and houses so that the spraying can take place quickly and evenly. When spraying chemicals, people should clean up food, close windows and vents to effectively kill mosquitoes. In addition, people should also leave their homes for 30 minutes - 1 hour so that the chemicals do not harm their health.
In addition to the above measures to prevent dengue fever, if you or someone around you shows signs of dengue fever, you should immediately take the patient to a reputable medical facility for timely examination and treatment by a doctor.
Many people believe that once they have had dengue fever, they will not get it again. This is not necessarily true. According to medical experts, dengue fever is caused by four strains of the Dengue virus: DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3, and DEN-4. All four strains of the virus are capable of causing the disease.
Therefore, if a person has had dengue fever, during the illness the body can create antibodies. However, the immunity created is only specific to each individual strain. The patient may not be reinfected with the old strain of the virus, but can still be infected with the new strain, so dengue fever can recur.
Many people think that when having dengue fever, you should only drink electrolytes and not drink coconut water because it does not have a rehydration effect and it is difficult to detect complications.
This is completely wrong, in dengue fever, high fever for several consecutive days will cause the patient to become dehydrated and lose fluids. The simplest way to compensate for fluid loss is to give the patient Oresol.
However, many patients have difficulty drinking Oresol. This can be replaced by drinking coconut water, orange juice, grapefruit juice, lemon juice to compensate for the lost fluid. Moreover, the above fruits contain many minerals and vitamin C, helping to strengthen resistance and increase the strength of blood vessel walls.
Many parents have the wrong treatment when their children have dengue fever. When they see a bruise on their child, they think that cutting the wound to remove some of the toxic blood will help them recover quickly.
This can lead to uncontrolled bleeding. This is an entry point for bacteria, which can cause life-threatening blood clotting disorders in children.
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