A recent post by Singapore's Medhya Herbals Health and Fitness Centre, which specialises in traditional medicine for women's health and hormonal balance, suggests: "Squeezing lemon and sprinkling pepper into your food can help control blood sugar levels."
Many people have the habit of sprinkling pepper and lemon juice on dishes such as noodles, vermicelli, and pho.
Accordingly, studies show that squeezing a few drops of lemon into a dish can help lower the glycemic index of the dish. The reason is that the acidity in lemon juice can prevent slows down the digestion of starch, leading to a slower rise in blood sugar. Pepper may improve insulin sensitivity. Some studies suggest that this action improves the body's ability to use sugar.
So, does a few drops of lemon and a sprinkle of pepper really help as claimed?
What do the experts say?
Ms. Riya Desai, nutritionist, Wockhardt Hospital, Mumbai (India), explains: Squeezing lemon into food helps slow down the digestion of carbohydrates (thanks to citric acid), helping sugar to be released into the blood slowly, according to Indian Express .
Squeezing lemon into food helps inhibit blood sugar spikes, says nutritionist Thousia Hassan, nutrition consultant at Motherhood Hospital, HRBR, Bangalore (India).
Lemons also add vitamin C, which helps reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, and indirectly increases insulin sensitivity for better blood sugar control. Polyphenols in lemons also have antioxidant properties that can also improve insulin sensitivity and sugar absorption.
Pepper and lemon help the body control blood sugar levels
As for pepper, expert Hassan explains: The main advantage of pepper is thanks to piperine - an active ingredient that helps the body absorb nutrients and metabolize better. As a result, the body is better equipped to absorb nutrients that help regulate blood sugar levels.
Similar to lemon components, piperine has the ability to improve insulin sensitivity and sugar metabolism, helping to regulate blood sugar levels, Hassan further explains.
In addition to improving the flavor of dishes, pepper and lemon also work together to enhance carbohydrate digestion, help absorb nutrients better, and provide many other benefits.
Pepper and lemon can be consumed in salads or for liquid dishes such as soups, vermicelli, pho, noodles, or egg and vegetable dishes, adds expert Hassan.
Source: https://thanhnien.vn/tac-dung-khong-ngo-cua-vat-chanh-rac-tieu-vao-mi-bun-pho-1852407011909325.htm
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