The patient said he had been treated in many places from private clinics, general clinics and hospitals but it did not go away completely.
On December 13, specialist doctor Vo Ba Thach, Head of the Interdisciplinary Department, Xuyen A Long An General Hospital, said that after examination, the doctors noted a bulging mass in front of the patient's hard palate about 2x2 cm, with a hole leaking cloudy fluid, and the patient's right nasal floor was also pushed up. Suspecting that this was a maxillary cyst, the doctors ordered a CT scan. The result was a 2x3 cm maxillary cyst, with destruction of the jaw bone that connected to the nose. The patient was advised to have surgery to remove the cyst and have a pathological examination.
The surgery took place in one hour under endotracheal anesthesia and intraoral approach through the upper lip groove, thus leaving no scars on the nose and face. The doctors removed the entire cyst. After the surgery, the patient's face and nose were much lighter, and the wound healed quickly after 1 week.
The cyst after being removed
Similarly, female patient LLP (62 years old, Long An) came for a general health check-up and had a nasal endoscopy. Doctors discovered a cystic mass in the patient's right front nostril (right behind the external nostril) with yellow fluid inside, covering half the diameter of the patient's nostril.
Suspecting that this was a nasolabial cyst, the doctor ordered a CT scan and the results were as expected. The cyst was 1x2 cm in size, located in the right nasolabial area. The patient underwent surgery to remove the cyst through the mouth, removing the entire cyst. After surgery, the patient was stable and pathology showed that the cyst was benign.
Dr. Thach said that jawbone cysts are benign tumors with a clear shell and fluid inside, often classified into odontogenic cysts and non-odontogenic cysts. Cysts often develop silently, with unclear symptoms until they are large enough to manifest as: swelling in the upper lip, swelling in the nose, or hard palate, abnormal discharge in the lip-nose area, or painful swelling when infected. Odontogenic cysts are often related to tooth decay, retained teeth, etc.
Treatment of maxillary cysts is mostly surgical removal of the entire cyst and capsule to prevent recurrence. According to Dr. Thach, due to its silent nature, with few initial symptoms until the cyst is large enough to cause nearby symptoms, to detect maxillary cysts early, people should have regular dental check-ups at reputable dental and maxillofacial clinics. In addition, they should go for an early examination when detecting abnormalities in the maxillofacial and ENT areas.
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