New vitality in ethnic minority villages in Sa Thay district

Báo Dân tộc và Phát triểnBáo Dân tộc và Phát triển05/12/2024

From a poor land, the border district of Sa Thay (Kon Tum) is now rising strongly. Temporary houses are being replaced by solidly built ones; spacious schools are opening to welcome students; poor ethnic minorities are supported in their livelihoods to escape poverty; The appearance of villages and hamlets in ethnic minority areas is improving day by day... That is the result of the determination of the entire political system of Sa Thay district in implementing the National Target Program on socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas for the period 2021 - 2030, phase I: From 2021 - 2025 (abbreviated as National Target Program 1719). 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Nguồn lực đầu tư từ Chương trình MTQG 1719 đã và đang làm thay đổi diện mạo vùng đồng bào DTTS huyện Sa Thầy
Investment resources from the National Target Program 1719 have been changing the face of ethnic minority areas in Sa Thay district.

Supporting poor ethnic minorities

After many years of hard work and production, in 2023, Ms. Y Di's family (Gia Rai ethnic group), Chu village, Ya Ly commune, Sa Thay district was removed from the list of poor households. To help Ms. Y Di's family stabilize their lives, in 2024, from the capital of the National Target Program 1719, Ya Ly commune supported 40 durian seedlings. Supporting seedlings not only helps her family improve their mixed garden but also opens up opportunities for a stable source of income in the future.

Ms. Y Di shared: With the support of the State and the efforts of the couple, the family has now escaped poverty. Recently, the commune has supported more durian seedlings and commune officials regularly come down to guide the installation of water-saving irrigation systems and care techniques. After more than 5 months of planting, the durian trees have grown very well. Hopefully, when these 40 durian trees are harvested, they will help the family increase their income.

Cán bộ xã Ya Ly hướng dẫn gia đình chị Y Di cách chăm sóc cây sầu riêng
Ya Ly commune officials instruct Ms. Y Di's family on how to take care of durian trees.

These days, the atmosphere in the resettlement area of ​​Dak Wok village, Ho Moong commune, Sa Thay district is more bustling than usual. 40 Ba Na households are focusing on building houses and are determined to complete them in December 2024 to prepare for the Lunar New Year.

Mr. A Ru (Ba Na ethnic group), Dak Wok village, Ho Moong commune, Sa Thay district shared: His family just escaped poverty in 2023 and was arranged by the commune nearly 200m2 of land in the resettlement area, supported with an additional 30 million VND, the family contributed an additional 20 million VND to build a house. Trying to finish early so that this year we can celebrate Tet in the new house.

Mr. Tran Cong Thanh, Vice Chairman of Ho Moong Commune People's Committee, Sa Thay District said: From the capital of National Target Program 1719, the district has invested in resettlement areas and the commune has organized meetings for people to vote and select households lacking residential land to arrange land in resettlement areas.

Regarding the house construction budget, it is allocated for people to build their own houses according to their family's wishes. The commune only checks and supervises to ensure that people build houses that meet the 3 hard criteria. Through inspection, most households contribute more money to build more spacious houses together with the project's support money.

40 hộ đồng bào Ba Na đang tập trung xây dựng nhà ở Khu giãn dân, tái định cư thôn Đăk Wơk, xã Hơ Moong, huyện Sa Thầy và quyết tâm hoàn thành trong tháng 12/2024 để chuẩn bị đón Tết Nguyên đán
40 Ba Na households are focusing on building houses in the resettlement area of ​​Dak Wok village, Ho Moong commune, Sa Thay district and are determined to complete it in December 2024 to prepare for the Lunar New Year.

Sa Thay is a border district, with 21 ethnic groups living together, ethnic minorities account for over 57% of the population. Implementing the National Target Program 1719, from 2022 to present, Sa Thay district has supported residential land for 15 households, supported the construction of 42 houses, supported job conversion for 483 households, distributed domestic water for 633 households; invested in the construction of 03 centralized domestic water works for about 544 beneficiary households; implemented 2 projects to stabilize ethnic minority residents, with a scale of concentrated support for 40 households, on-site stabilization of 310 households, and interlaced support for 20 households for people to stabilize their housing; effectively implemented 32 projects to support community livelihoods for 644 poor and near-poor ethnic minority households; built 07 school buildings to serve children in ethnic minority areas; Invest in building 71 infrastructure projects of all kinds, creating convenience for people in daily life as well as production...

Ms. Ro Cham Lan, Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Sa Thay district, said: In order for investment resources from the National Target Program 1719 to be effective and truly a lever for the development of ethnic minority areas, the district has directed all levels and sectors to coordinate with the Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations, promote the role of Party cell secretaries, village chiefs, and prestigious people among ethnic minorities to do a good job of propaganda and mobilizing ethnic minorities to comply with the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's laws and policies, effectively implement investment resources associated with changing thinking and working methods and eliminating bad customs and practices that are no longer suitable.

Ethnic minority areas flourish

With investment resources from the National Target Program 1719 and other programs, Ya Ly commune, Sa Thay district, from a poor commune with many difficulties in the lives of ethnic minorities, has risen to meet new rural standards in 2023. The appearance of villages and hamlets has changed significantly, the poverty rate of the commune has decreased to 4.7%; 99.93% of ethnic minority households have residential land, 99.05% of ethnic minority households have production land; the material and spiritual life of ethnic minorities is increasingly improved, ethnic minorities trust the leadership of Party committees at all levels, and the direction and administration of authorities at all levels.

Mr. A Thoai, Party Cell Secretary and Head of Chu Village, Ya Ly Commune, Sa Thay District, shared: From 2022 to now, people in Chu Village in particular and Ya Ly Commune in general have received a lot of support, from seedlings, residential land, production land, house construction, domestic water and concrete roads. With the attention and investment in all aspects of the Party and the State, ethnic minorities have had a prosperous and happy life, and poverty has gradually receded.

Các tuyến đường liên thôn ở làng Chứ, xã Ya Ly, huyện Sa Thầy được bê tông hóa từ nguồn vốn đầu tư của Chương trình MTQG 1719
Inter-village roads in Chu village, Ya Ly commune, Sa Thay district were concreted from investment capital of National Target Program 1719.

Mr. Tran Lenh Tuyen, Chairman of the People's Committee of Ya Ly Commune, Sa Thay District, said: Investment resources from the National Target Program 1719 have completely changed Ya Ly Commune. This is because during the implementation process, the Commune has always followed the instructions of the Central Government, the Province and especially the high consensus among the People. Therefore, the investment resources have been effective, the People's lives have been improved, the villages have flourished and most importantly, the Commune has met the new rural standards.

Under the leadership and direction of the District Party Committee, People's Council and People's Committee of Sa Thay district, the implementation of the National Target Program 1719 has achieved important results. Up to now, the face of ethnic minority areas has changed significantly; 100% of communes and villages have solidified roads; 100% of households have access to the national grid; 5 communes have met the new rural standards, 2 communes have met the advanced new rural standards, 1 commune has basically met 19/19 criteria; 4 villages have been recognized as meeting the model new rural standards, 16 villages have met the new rural standards in ethnic minority areas; the poverty rate in ethnic minority areas has decreased to 2.79%; the rate of ethnic minority households with residential land is estimated at 99.93%, with production land is estimated at 99.05%.

The material and spiritual life of ethnic minorities is increasingly improved. Ethnic minorities always trust in the leadership of Party committees at all levels and the direction and administration of authorities at all levels.

Sau khi được hỗ trợ bò cái sinh sản từ Chương trình MTQG 1719, ông A Ydáo (thứ 2 từ phải sang), thôn Kà Bầy, xã Hơ Moong, huyện Sa Thầy đã vươn lên thoát nghèo
After receiving support for breeding cows from the National Target Program 1719, Mr. A Ydao (second from right), Ka Bay village, Ho Moong commune, Sa Thay district, has risen out of poverty.

Mr. A Ydao (Gia Rai ethnic group), Ka Bay hamlet, Ho Moong commune, Sa Thay district said: In 2023, the commune supported the family with a breeding cow, trained in care techniques and the family planted more grass for livestock farming. Up to now, there is 1 more calf and the mother cow is pregnant, preparing to have another calf. In 2024, the family has applied to be removed from the list of poor households, because I am still healthy and the state's support is enough, the family must be self-reliant, cannot rely on the state's support forever.

With investment resources from the National Target Program 1719 and the spirit of solidarity and determination of the entire political system, ethnic minorities in Sa Thay district have made remarkable progress in recent years. This is the premise and motivation for Sa Thay district to continue to effectively implement the National Target Program 1719 in the following years.

Ms. Ro Cham Lan, Vice Chairman of Sa Thay District People's Committee, said: To strive to have at least 1 more commune meeting the New Rural standards by the end of 2025; 100% of ethnic minority households have residential land and production land. Sa Thay District People's Committee focuses on directing all levels and sectors to closely coordinate, promptly and effectively implement projects, sub-projects, and contents of the National Target Program 1719, especially projects with large capital sources, affecting the socio-economic development of ethnic minority areas. Directing competent agencies to regularly inspect, monitor, and evaluate the implementation of the National Target Program 1719 to promote advantages, grasp difficulties and obstacles to promptly direct solutions.

Looking back at 5 years of implementing ethnic work in the new situation


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