On June 11, the Agricultural General Hospital reported that doctors at this unit had miraculously saved the life of a patient who was struck by lightning and had a critical prognosis during the recent heavy rain and thunderstorms in Hanoi.
Earlier, early in the morning of June 5, the hospital received an emergency case, a female patient from Thanh Tri - Hanoi, who was admitted to the hospital in a deep coma, suffering from cardiopulmonary arrest due to a lightning strike while working in the field.
After 4 days of intensive treatment, the patient gradually regained consciousness and his body functions gradually recovered. Photo: BVCC
The patient's critical condition posed a major challenge to the hospital's medical team. The patient received cardiopulmonary resuscitation and was transferred to the Intensive Care Unit for further treatment.
Recognizing that this was an extremely complicated and dangerous case, the doctors of the Intensive Care Unit held an emergency consultation. The patient was given advanced command hypothermia techniques to control body temperature and combined with other active resuscitation measures such as mechanical ventilation, vasopressor drugs, blood filtration, rehydration, electrolytes... to correct the disorders caused by circulatory arrest.
" Thanks to the dedication, professionalism and high sense of responsibility of the medical team, after many days of urgent and non-stop treatment, the patient's condition gradually improved positively. Every small sign of recovery brings great hope to the family and the treatment team ," said the Agricultural General Hospital.
After 4 days of persistent treatment, a miracle happened. The patient gradually regained consciousness, and his body functions gradually returned to normal.
Previously, according to the assessment of Associate Professor Ha Huu Tung, Director of the Agricultural General Hospital, this was a case where the family gave first aid very well. The patient stopped circulating immediately after being struck by lightning, but relatives still actively performed external cardiac compressions along with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, giving the patient a chance to be saved.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/thong-tin-moi-nhat-ve-suc-khoe-cua-nguoi-phu-nu-ha-noi-bi-set-danh-khi-dang-di-cat-rau-172240611163145234.htm
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