ANTD.VN - Draft Circular 30/2011 clearly stipulates that manufacturing facilities will not continue to inspect and issue factory release certificates for products that are in violation or have errors... to put on the market.
The Ministry of Transport is seeking comments on the draft Circular amending and supplementing a number of articles of Circular 30/2011 regulating the inspection of technical safety quality and environmental protection in the production and assembly of motor vehicles.
Notably, the draft Circular clearly stipulates that manufacturing facilities will not continue to inspect and issue factory release certificates for products that are in violation or have errors... to put on the market.
Accordingly, after the product is certified, the manufacturing facility will conduct mass production, quality control throughout the production and assembly process for each product and must ensure that these products meet technical standards and regulations in accordance with the product inspection records and certified typical samples.
"Manufacturing facilities are only allowed to export products and issue factory quality inspection certificates for motor vehicles when complying with the provisions of this Circular on ensuring product quality and evaluating product types that have been granted Certificates," the draft Circular states.
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The draft also clarifies regulations on annual assessment of product quality assurance at production facilities (COP) with a 12-month implementation cycle to check the maintenance of quality assurance at production facilities.
The inspection contents include: Checking the storage of product inspection records; Conformity of the factory products with the quality indicators registered in the product inspection records and the management and use of the Factory Quality Inspection Certificates are carried out according to the probability inspection method.
Expanding the scope of inspection and assessment is considered when there is non-conformity in the production, assembly and quality control processes.
The draft Circular also amends regulations on inspection and testing to clarify regulations on quality management agencies supervising product testing at testing facilities.
In addition, in the regulations on the work that production facilities need to perform to ensure the maintenance of the quality of mass-produced products, the draft Circular has revised the content on technicians.
Accordingly, instead of the current regulation requiring a technician responsible for the quality of the products being exported from the factory, certified by the foreign manufacturer (technology transferor) or the quality management agency for quality inspection skills appropriate to the type of product being manufactured or assembled, the draft regulation only requires an inspector who meets the quality inspection skills and the ability to use inspection equipment during the production and quality inspection stages of the products being exported from the factory.
In the draft Circular submission sent to the Ministry of Transport, the Vietnam Register said that the development of the Circular amending and supplementing a number of articles of Circular 30/2011 regulating the inspection of technical safety quality and environmental protection in the production and assembly of motor vehicles is to implement the direction of the Ministry of Transport in the inspection conclusion on the inspection of technical safety quality and environmental protection in the production and assembly of motor vehicles.
At the same time, to review, update, supplement and amend administrative procedures and related regulations in accordance with the current practical situation, to overcome the shortcomings arising between regulations and actual implementation.
Along with that, more clearly regulate administrative procedures towards transparency in implementation steps and implementation time.
In particular, amend and supplement regulations related to clarifying the time for evaluating dossiers for granting Certificates of technical safety and environmental protection quality, the time for returning dossiers in case the dossiers are incomplete according to regulations; the time for notifying to supplement and amend dossiers if the dossiers do not meet requirements.
The Draft Circular also clarifies the time for granting the Design Appraisal Certificate from the time of appraisal of the design dossier content; clarifies the time for returning the dossier, the time for notifying additional amendments, the time for the design facility to complete the design dossier and supplement the design appraisal procedure when re-issuing, losing, tearing or damaging.
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