The Ministry of Transport is seeking comments on a draft amendment and supplement to Circular No. 10/2018 regulating aviation staff; training, coaching and testing aviation staff.
The notable point in the draft new Circular is the regulations related to the training program for ratings and training for rating conversion for air traffic controllers.
The air traffic controller qualification and transfer training programs will be separated for positions with and without air traffic controllers (Illustration).
In particular, with the training program for air traffic controller qualifications, instead of just general regulations for long-distance controllers, the new draft specifically separates the program for long-distance controllers without ATS supervision (air traffic supervision), or with air traffic supervision.
A rating is a certification of the professional competence of an aviation employee who meets the requirements to perform the duties according to the title stated in the aviation employee license.
The transfer of rating training program also specifically classifies air traffic controllers from air traffic control positions to unsupervised approach control positions, or air traffic controllers from air traffic control positions to unsupervised long-distance control positions.
The draft notes that employees transferring from air traffic control to air traffic surveillance approach control will have to participate in a training program including: Theoretical and practical training, followed by review and testing; no on-site training due to the current lack of a training environment; no requirement for unsupervised approach control.
Continue training to transition to the air traffic control approach and surveillance position, then attend the test for this position.
For staff transferring from air traffic control to long-range air traffic control and supervision, they will have to participate in a training program including: Theoretical and practical training, followed by review and testing; no on-the-job training (OJT) due to the current lack of a training environment; no long-range control rating without air traffic supervision is required.
Then, continue training to convert to the position of long-distance air traffic control, then participate in the test for this position.
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