Regarding the proposal to increase television advertising by 5-10%, delegate Pham Van Hoa (Dong Thap delegation) said it is necessary to assess the impact to increase persuasiveness, and consider the appropriate time to advertise.

"When watching TV, I think it's extremely rude and disrespectful to customers to suddenly interrupt interesting content for commercials. Therefore, increasing the duration by 5% or 10% is unnecessary," Mr. Hoa stated his opinion.

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Delegate Pham Van Hoa. Photo: National Assembly

Regarding advertising in print newspapers, delegates shared that market share is decreasing sharply, and adjusting advertising space has not fundamentally solved the difficulties of press agencies. Therefore, delegates proposed to remove the regulation limiting the ratio of advertising space in newspapers and magazines so that press agencies can decide on the area according to the needs of readers and the market.

Mr. Hoa analyzed that the press is a revenue-generating public service unit, so advertising much or little, widely or narrowly is the right of that agency. If readers find too much advertising boring and boycott, then that newspaper will not develop and will not have revenue.

According to the draft law, each feature film program cannot be interrupted for advertising more than twice, each time no longer than 5 minutes; each entertainment program cannot be interrupted for advertising more than 4 times, each time no longer than 5 minutes.

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Delegate Hoang Thi Thanh Thuy. Photo: National Assembly

Delegate Hoang Thi Thanh Thuy (Tay Ninh delegation) analyzed that this regulation will lead to two realities. Television stations will adjust the length of each episode while still applying the above advertising break regulation, causing frustration for television service users who have to receive unwanted advertisements, the film is too short but the advertisement is too long.

Cutting the length of a film or program may affect the copyright of works such as screenwriters, directors, and cinematographic works.

Regarding print advertising, Ms. Thuy said that most press agencies operate under a self-financing mechanism and face difficulties when the number of viewers decreases and customers no longer invest much in advertising on these media.

Press agencies must take every measure to increase revenue, including optimizing advertising profits.

However, Ms. Thuy said that doubling the advertising area compared to the old regulation is too high, not only affecting the volume and quality of official information but also causing mixed reactions from readers.

The female delegate proposed that the advertising area should not exceed 20% of the total area of ​​a newspaper publication or 30% of the total area of ​​a magazine publication, except for newspapers and magazines specializing in advertising that must have signs to distinguish advertising from other content.

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Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Nguyen Van Hung explains. Photo: National Assembly

Explaining later, Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Nguyen Van Hung said he would work with the Ministry of Information and Communications and major press agencies to listen to, absorb and discuss the opinions of National Assembly deputies. He emphasized that he would try to ensure the interests of press agencies, while not affecting the interests of users.

"This is also a problem that needs to be considered. Of course, many delegates suggested that the press agencies should proactively do it themselves. This is also an idea that is being considered when we are implementing a market economy.

The Party and the State are making a revolution in organization, including rearranging press agencies, I think we must also calculate to ensure," the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism emphasized.

How to verify drug advertisements that are 'more exaggerated than their real effects'

How to verify drug advertisements that are 'more exaggerated than their real effects'

In reality, there are still drug advertisements that exaggerate the truth, "exaggerating the real effects", National Assembly delegates are concerned that when switching from pre-control to post-control, it will be difficult to control.
National Assembly Chairman: Don't let people 'lose money and suffer' due to drug advertising

National Assembly Chairman: Don't let people 'lose money and suffer' due to drug advertising

According to the National Assembly Chairman, the issue of drug advertising must be strictly controlled, not allowing the content and form of advertising to distort the nature of the drug, not allowing people to "lose money and suffer".