Ms. Nguyen Thanh Hai - Secretary of Thai Nguyen Provincial Party Committee shared this when discussing the draft Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on People's Public Security during the working session of the National Assembly at the 5th Session on the morning of June 2.
Propose a "neutral" solution
Expressing his agreement with the policy groups mentioned in the revised draft law, delegate Nguyen Thanh Hai said that increasing the service age of police officers, workers, non-commissioned officers, and People's Public Security officers is consistent with the Labor Code, which focuses on regulations for special groups of workers in toxic environments.
According to the draft, group 1 will immediately increase by 2 years of age, including lieutenant colonels, majors, lieutenants and non-commissioned officers. This is the group whose retirement age is 53 years old in the 2018 Law on People's Public Security, lower than the provisions of the 2020 Labor Code (60 for men and 55 for women). Therefore, now that the Labor Code has been amended to increase the general retirement age, this group must also increase the retirement age and the draft law to immediately increase by 2 years is appropriate.
Delegate Nguyen Thanh Hai - Secretary of Thai Nguyen Provincial Party Committee.
Regarding the timeline for applying the age increase according to the roadmap for the remaining group of lieutenant colonels and colonels, according to Ms. Nguyen Thanh Hai, this group has a retirement age for both men and women consistent with the previous Labor Code, so now that the Labor Code has revised the retirement age according to the roadmap, increasing the retirement age in the police is also appropriate.
However, because the Law on People's Public Security has just been reviewed and amended, it is 3 years later than the Labor Code, so it is necessary to calculate the time frame to ensure consistency in retirement age according to the law.
From the above analysis, Ms. Nguyen Thanh Hai proposed a neutral solution. Specifically, the age of service for colonels and lieutenant colonels in the law will be increased in two steps. Step one is to increase the age of service for male colonels and lieutenant colonels to 60 years and 9 months and for female lieutenant colonels to 1 year as soon as the law comes into effect, similar to the immediate increase of 2 years for lieutenant colonels, majors, lieutenants, and non-commissioned officers when the law comes into effect to synchronize with the general retirement age in 2023 of 60 years and 9 months for men and 56 years for women.
Step two is from the following years onwards, increase according to the schedule of 3 months for men and 4 months for women.
Referring to gender equality, the Secretary of Thai Nguyen Provincial Party Committee shared that at the colonel level, the province currently has 5 men and no women; Lieutenant Colonels have 105 men and 5 women.
“Therefore, increasing the retirement age for female lieutenant colonels and colonels will create equal opportunities in terms of time for female leaders in the police force to strive, so that after the law comes into effect for a while, the number of female colonels nationwide will not be just 67 and the number of female generals will not be just 6 as at present. We can absolutely think that there will be a female lieutenant general and deputy minister of public security in the near future,” Ms. Nguyen Thanh Hai expressed and shared that this is also the sentiment of female officers and soldiers of the Thai Nguyen provincial police force sent to the National Assembly.
Need to explain more clearly the plan to increase retirement age
Delegate Nguyen Phuong Thuy (Hanoi delegation) - Vice Chairman of the National Assembly's Law Committee suggested that there should be a more convincing explanation on the distinction between different age limits for female police officers, female non-commissioned officers and People's Police officers, currently there are 3 levels: 2 years, 3 years and 5 years.
Delegate Nguyen Phuong Thuy.
According to the female delegate, if the work of female officers and non-commissioned officers is determined to be regular, directly performing combat missions, in arduous and toxic environments as stated on page 9 of the Ministry of Public Security's impact assessment report No. 256, the service age limit for this group of subjects should be uniformly regulated at 55 years old to ensure consistency with the provisions in Clause 3, Article 169 of the Labor Code on retirement age for workers doing arduous, toxic and dangerous jobs.
For positions requiring a longer service age, regulations on age extension will be applied when the unit has a need and the officer wishes to serve.
Regarding the roadmap for increasing the service age, delegates suggested that it is necessary to have general regulations according to the corresponding roadmap of the Labor Code to ensure similarity, in accordance with the goals and requirements set out when amending and supplementing this law.
"If the law stipulates that these cases must immediately increase the age limit by 2 years, it will not ensure consistency," said Ms. Nguyen Phuong Thuy.
Also related to this content, delegate Quàng Thị Nguyệt (Điện Biên delegation) - Member of the National Assembly's Ethnic Council requested the examining agency to coordinate with the drafting agency to further explain why for male cases, the age will increase by 3 months each year from January 1, 2021 according to the age increase roadmap of the Labor Law, while other male subjects will be increased immediately when this law takes effect from September 1, 2023. Similarly, it is necessary to clearly explain whether such a regulation for female subjects ensures fairness and equality or not.
Delegate Quang Thi Nguyet.
“In my opinion, it is enough to only stipulate a roadmap to increase the maximum service age by 3 months per year for men and 4 months for women and determine the time to increase the age limit from January 1, 2021 according to the provisions of the Labor Code, while the specific subjects and the specific age increase roadmap are determined by the Government,” said the delegate of Dien Bien delegation.
Ngoc Thanh (VOV.VN)
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