Amending and supplementing many regulations on the time of invoice issuance
Clearly specify the time of invoice issuance for exported goods
Decree No. 70/2025/ND-CP amends and supplements Clause 1 and Clause 2, Article 9 of Decree No. 123/2020/ND-CP on the time of invoice issuance.
Accordingly, the time of invoice issuance for the sale of goods (including the sale and transfer of public assets and the sale of national reserve goods) is the time of transfer of ownership or right to use the goods to the buyer, regardless of whether the money has been collected or not.
For export of goods (including export processing), the time for issuing e-commerce invoices, electronic value-added invoices or electronic sales invoices is determined by the seller, but no later than the next working day from the date the goods are cleared through customs in accordance with customs laws.
The time of invoice issuance for service provision is the time of completion of service provision (including service provision for foreign organizations and individuals) regardless of whether the payment has been collected or not. In case the service provider collects money before or during the service provision, the time of invoice issuance is the time of payment collection (excluding the case of deposit or advance payment collection to ensure the performance of the contract for the provision of services: Accounting, auditing, financial and tax consulting; price appraisal; survey, technical design; supervision consulting; construction investment project preparation).
Amend regulations on invoice issuance time for some specific cases
Decree No. 70/2025/ND-CP amends and supplements points a, e, l, m, n, Clause 4, Article 9 of Decree No. 123/2020/ND-CP on the time of invoice issuance for a number of specific cases such as providing large-volume services, arising regularly, requiring time to reconcile data (point a), crude oil exploration, exploitation and processing activities (point e), lending activities, foreign exchange agents (point l), passenger transport business activities by taxi using payment software (point m), medical examination and treatment activities (point n).
Specifically, Decree No. 70/2025/ND-CP is amended as follows:
a) For cases of selling goods and providing services in large quantities, arising regularly, it is necessary to have time to reconcile data between enterprises selling goods and providing services and customers and partners, including : Cases of providing direct support services for air transport, supplying aviation fuel to airlines, electricity supply activities (except for the subjects specified in Point h of this Clause), providing support services for railway transport, water, television services, television advertising services, e-commerce services, postal and delivery services (including agency services, collection and payment services), telecommunications services (including value-added telecommunications services), logistics services, information technology services (except for the cases specified in Point b of this Clause) sold in certain periods, banking services (except for lending activities), international money transfer, securities services, computerized lottery, road toll collection between investors and toll service providers. and other cases under the guidance of the Minister of Finance, the time of invoice issuance is the time of completion of data reconciliation between the parties but no later than the 7th day of the month following the month in which the service is provided or no later than 7 days from the end of the convention period. The convention period is the basis for calculating the quantity of goods and services provided based on the agreement between the unit selling goods and providing services and the buyer.
e) For crude oil exploration, exploitation and processing activities: The time to issue invoices for the sale of crude oil, condensate, and products processed from crude oil (including product offtake activities according to the Government's commitment) is the time when the buyer and seller determine the official selling price, regardless of whether the money has been collected or not.
For the sale of natural gas, associated gas, and coal gas transported by gas pipeline to the buyer, the time of invoice issuance is the time when the buyer and seller determine the volume of gas delivered in the month, but no later than the last day of the deadline for declaration and tax payment for the month in which tax obligations arise according to tax laws.
In case the Government's guarantee agreement and commitment have different provisions on the time of invoice issuance, the provisions in the Government's guarantee agreement and commitment shall apply.
l) The time of invoice issuance for lending activities is determined according to the interest collection period in the credit contract between the credit institution and the borrowing customer, except in cases where the interest is not collected by the due date and the credit institution monitors off-balance sheet according to the provisions of the law on credit, the time of invoice issuance is the time of collection of loan interest from the customer. In case of early interest payment according to the credit contract, the time of invoice issuance is the time of early interest collection.
For foreign exchange agency activities, activities providing foreign currency receiving and payment services of economic organizations of credit institutions , the time of invoice issuance is the time of foreign currency exchange, the time of completion of foreign currency receiving and payment services.
m) For passenger transport business by taxi using fare calculation software according to the provisions of law: at the end of the trip, the enterprise or cooperative operating passenger transport business by taxi using fare calculation software shall issue an electronic invoice to the customer and at the same time transfer the invoice data to the tax authority according to the provisions .
n) For medical examination and treatment facilities that use medical examination and treatment management software and hospital fee management software , each medical examination and treatment transaction and the performance of imaging, x-ray, and testing services will have a receipt printed (hospital fees or examination and testing fees) and saved on the information technology system. If the customer (person coming for medical examination and treatment) does not need an invoice, at the end of the day, the medical examination and treatment facility will base on the medical examination and treatment information and information from the receipt to compile and create an electronic invoice for the medical services performed during the day. In case the customer requests an electronic invoice, the medical examination and treatment facility will create an electronic invoice and deliver it to the customer.
Medical examination and treatment facilities shall issue invoices to the social insurance agency at the time the social insurance agency pays and settles medical examination and treatment costs for people with health insurance cards.
Supplementing regulations on the time of invoice issuance for insurance business, lottery business, casino and electronic games with prizes
Decree No. 70/2025/ND-CP supplements points p, q, r, clause 4, Article 9 of Decree No. 123/2020/ND-CP regulating the time of invoice issuance for insurance business, lottery business, casino and electronic games with prizes.
According to the new regulations, the time of invoicing for insurance business activities is the time of recording insurance revenue according to the provisions of the law on insurance business.
For traditional lottery ticket business, lottery with immediate results (lottery tickets) in the form of selling pre-printed lottery tickets of full face value to customers, after collecting unsold lottery tickets and at the latest before the next draw, the lottery business enterprise shall issue an electronic value-added invoice with a tax authority code for each agent, organization or individual, for lottery tickets sold during the period and send it to the tax authority to issue a code for the invoice.
For casino and electronic game business activities , the time to issue electronic invoices is no later than 1 day from the end of the revenue determination date, and at the same time, casino and electronic game business enterprises transfer data recording the amount of money collected (from exchanging conventional currency for players at the counter, at the table and the amount collected at the electronic game machine) minus the amount of money exchanged for players (due to the player winning the prize or the player not using it all) according to Form 01/TH-DT Appendix IA issued with this Decree to the tax authority at the same time as transferring the electronic invoice data. The revenue determination date is the period from 0:00 to 23:59 on the same day.
Decree 70/2025/ND-CP takes effect from June 1, 2025.
Minh Hien
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