The G20 Summit will take place in Brazil on November 18-19.
G20 leaders will discuss to build consensus on global issues from fighting poverty, reforming global governance, taxing the super-rich, promoting gender equality, addressing climate change. One of the major issues that attracted special attention from the public during the G20 summit was the issue of fighting poverty.
Activists held a public demonstration on Rio de Janeiro's Copacabana Beach yesterday, where they set up 733 empty plates to call on world leaders at the G20 summit to commit to fighting global hunger. The plates represent the 733 million people who will go hungry by 2023.
The 2024 G20 Summit will be held in Brazil. (Photo: Getty)
"We placed 733 empty plates on the sand of Copacabana Beach, symbolizing the 733 million people who went hungry last year, according to data provided by the United Nations. The purpose of this public action is to demand that public authorities attending the G20 in Rio de Janeiro quickly commit to eradicating hunger," said Carlos Costa, the event's organizer.
The event comes a day after the Brazilian government officially launched the Global Alliance Against Poverty ahead of the G20 Summit. The alliance, which includes 41 countries, has pledged to help lift 500 million people out of poverty through cash transfers and social protection programs.
The initiative aims to bring together developed countries, non-governmental organizations and financial institutions to mobilize finance and expertise to support struggling countries. The alliance aims to eradicate poverty in all countries on the Food and Agriculture Organization's hunger map by 2030.
According to the Multidimensional Poverty Index report published by the United Nations Development Programme and the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative, more than 1 billion people in the world are currently living in extreme poverty, with more than half of them being children. Poverty rates are three times higher in countries experiencing war. In 2023, between 713 and 757 million people will face hunger, meaning that 1 in 11 people in the world will go hungry.
Speaking ahead of the summit, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva called for strong action by G20 leaders in the fight against poverty towards the United Nations' goal of eliminating extreme hunger worldwide by 2030:
“To reach the hearts of ordinary people, the government needs to break the growing discord between the voice of the market and the voice of the street.
Neoliberalism has exacerbated the economic and political inequalities that plague democracies today. The G20 needs to discuss a range of measures to reduce the cost of living. This G20 social forum cannot stop here. You are not closing the social forum. You are starting a war that will have to continue 365 days a year.”
The 2024 G20 Summit, themed “Building a Just World and a Sustainable Planet,” announced three priorities: Combating hunger, poverty and inequality; promoting energy transition and sustainable development; and reforming global governance.
G20 leaders are expected to advance efforts to rebuild and strengthen the multilateral system, rooted in the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter and international law, with innovative institutions and a reformed governance that is more representative, effective, transparent and accountable, reflecting the social, economic and political realities of the 21st century.
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