Cancer actor reveals 4 times he beat liver cancer
Korean media reported that veteran actor Song Min Hyung passed away on April 3. SKY Castle star passed away at the age of 70 after a long battle with gallbladder cancer. Previously, Song Min Hyung revealed that he had beaten liver cancer four times, but unfortunately he was diagnosed with the terrible gallbladder cancer.
Actor Song Min Hyung (left) appeared in many popular TV series
During his lifetime, Song Min Hyung always had the desire to act until his last breath. The veteran actor's funeral was held at the Seoul Red Cross Hospital Funeral Home on April 5. His coffin was buried at Byeokje Seunghwawon Cemetery in Goyang City, Gyeonggi Province. Many fans and many actors who worked with Song Min Hyung such as Jeong Da Hye and Kim Hyun Sook expressed their deepest condolences.
According to medical experts, gallbladder cancer does not have specific symptoms, so it is difficult to diagnose. In addition, the location of the gallbladder covered by the liver will create conditions for this cancer to develop without being detected.
What causes gallbladder cancer?
Currently, the cause of gallbladder cancer is not clearly identified, but there are risk factors for the disease such as:
Gallstones cause gallbladder cancer
Gallstones are one of the most common risk factors for this disease and are also a common digestive tract disease. Up to 75-90% of patients with gallbladder cancer have a history of gallstones. However, less than 1% of patients with gallstones develop cancer. The cause of gallstones causing cancer is determined in some patients and in some patients with gallstones is still unclear.
Gallbladder polyps cause gallbladder cancer
Gallbladder polyps larger than 1cm are recommended to be removed because they have a high chance of developing into cancer. Therefore, if the disease is detected early, removal should be performed to eliminate the risk of causing the disease.
Other causes
In addition to the two basic causes above, this disease is determined by the following risk factors:
Age: Most patients with gallbladder cancer are diagnosed in their 70s.
Gender: This cancer occurs mainly in women, with women being twice as likely to develop it than men.
Smoking: Smoking increases your risk of bile duct cancer, so quit smoking.
Family history: If your family has a history of bile duct cancer, you are also at risk for the disease.
Early symptoms of gallbladder cancer
Although the initial symptoms of gallbladder cancer are quite vague, it is not impossible to identify the disease. Below are some common signs that patients can predict the disease:
- Abdominal pain is the most noticeable symptom of the disease. Patients with abdominal pain due to gallbladder cancer will have sharp, cramping or severe pain in the right hypochondrium and will spread to surrounding areas such as the shoulder, back or waist,...
- There may be mild to high fever. Abdominal feeling of tightness and bloating. Jaundice and yellow sclera may appear.
- Anorexia causes the patient's weight to decrease significantly (in many cases, the patient lost 10 kg in less than 1 month).
- Patients often feel nauseous, sometimes vomiting yellow, bitter fluid.
- Not only do symptoms of gallbladder damage appear, but patients may also suffer from complications caused by the disease in other areas such as the liver, bones, lungs or even the brain. Symptoms of the disease can appear silently and gradually but sometimes also flare up violently such as: causing difficulty breathing, coughing up blood, bone pain or even broken bones, neurological disorders, epilepsy,...
Measures to prevent gallbladder cancer
There is no specific method to prevent GBC. Accordingly, doctors prescribe preventive measures such as healthy eating, scientific lifestyle, regular exercise and periodic check-ups to have the best health, specifically:
- Quit smoking.
- Limit alcohol, smoking or other stimulants.
- Have regular health check-ups every 6 months.
Caring for people with gallbladder cancer
Gallbladder cancer is a dangerous disease that seriously affects the patient's health. Especially during the treatment process, the chemicals affect the patient's health and the patient's condition is very weak. Therefore, supplement foods that are good for the patient such as:
Protein: Includes fish, poultry, lean red meat, eggs, low-fat dairy products, nuts, peanuts.
Lipids: Fat is also necessary for the patient's body, but should supplement with vegetable fats such as fish oil,...
Starch: Found in vegetables, fruits, cereals, etc.
Water, vitamins and minerals help replenish energy for the body every day.
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