According to the Department of Transport, the elevated road option will have many advantages over the expansion option. Specifically, this option will not require new land allocation, saving land, using land effectively and intelligently because it does not require expansion. Because it does not require site clearance on the main route, industrial parks, clusters, and existing residential areas on both sides of the route, investment costs will be reduced.
When put into operation, the project will ensure the design speed, save travel time; solve the shortcomings of traffic infrastructure, especially at level crossings, and limit traffic accidents. Proactively plan construction, shorten project implementation progress.
National Highway 5, 116 km long, is a vital traffic route in the Northern region. The route has been put into operation since 1998 with the scale of a level II plain road (from 4 to 8 lanes), and is considered by localities as an economic development axis, especially for large vehicles going to and from ports in Hai Phong with a very high daily traffic volume.
In recent years, localities have gradually invested in a number of National Highway 5 feeder roads. In 2015, the Hanoi - Hai Phong expressway was opened to traffic, sharing part of the traffic volume.
However, this highway has long been overloaded (according to the management unit's vehicle count, the actual traffic volume is currently about 90,000 vehicles/day and night, more than 6 times the design traffic volume). The operating speed is only 50-60km/hour for cars, equal to 50-60% of the design speed.
The traffic accident situation on the route is extremely complicated, with frequent congestion, especially during rush hour. National Highway 5, a 44 km section through Hai Duong province, has many accidents, with the number of deaths and injuries being higher than on other routes in the province.
According to the road infrastructure planning scheme for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2050, which the Ministry of Transport is preparing, National Highway 5 will remain at its current size.
With the very important role of National Highway 5 now as well as in the future, early planning and investment in expansion or construction of an elevated road is very urgent, meeting the requirements of the economic development triangle of Hanoi - Hai Phong - Quang Ninh, solving the overload situation and traffic safety on the route.
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