In the instructions sent to related units and sectors, the Department of Education and Training of Quang Ngai province clearly stated the permitted revenues in the 2024-2025 school year, including tuition fees for the 2024-2025 school year and student health insurance.
A primary school classroom in Quang Ngai. Photo: CX
Voluntary contributions, including funding and aid (reception must be carried out in accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of Education and Training); personal insurance, this is a voluntary contribution, parents have the right to choose the type of insurance; the school does not collect; students are not required to buy personal insurance from any insurance business in the school.
Allowed collections of mass organizations in schools, including Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Fund and Ho Chi Minh Young Pioneers Fund.
Regarding the Parents' Representative Board Fund, the Department of Education and Training of Quang Ngai province clearly stated that the operating expenses of the Parents' Representative Board of the class are the voluntary support of parents and other legal funding sources for the Parents' Representative Board of the class.
The operating budget of the school's Parents' Representative Board is taken from the operating budget of the class Parents' Representative Boards, according to the recommendation of the plenary meeting of the class Parents' Representative Board Heads at the beginning of the school year; other legal funding sources for the school's Student Representative Board.
The collection and expenditure of funds by the Parents' Representative Board must ensure the principles of transparency and democracy; after spending, the financial settlement must be publicly reported at the class-wide meetings of parents and the school-wide meetings of the Parents' Representative Board; there is no regulation on the average level of financial support for parents.

Boarding meals, one of the agreed revenues in the 2024-2025 school year. Photo: CX
Some agreed revenues include revenues for which the school performs some tasks, replacing parents in the work of raising and serving students, such as boarding service fees; drinking water fees; seats (for first-grade students); exam papers, scratch paper (for general tests if any).
For this content (agreed revenue), the Department of Education and Training said the implementation process is as follows: At the beginning of each school year, schools develop revenue and expenditure estimates for each revenue item and each work content, and at the same time agree within the Party Cell, Board of Directors, and School Council on the revenue level, expenditure content, revenue and beneficiary objects, and form of organization to mobilize contributions.
Organize a conference with the Parents' Representative Board, then organize a school-wide parent conference, get opinions from parents (of each class), agree on each collection item and collection level and make a record.
Based on the consensus of parents, the school can organize the collection; before collecting, it must publicly announce the collection items and the collection level of each item according to the collection level approved by the School Council and parents according to regulations.
Regarding boarding service revenue, right from the beginning of the school year, the school conducts an inventory of boarding equipment from previous school years, then based on the boarding organization plan, builds usage needs and purchase estimates, and agrees with parents to set an appropriate contribution level.

Department of Education and Training of Quang Ngai province. Photo: CX
For uniforms, badges, name tags, logos, the school will notify parents about product models, specifications, etc. Accordingly, parents can buy them themselves, or request the school to help them buy them centrally, following the principle of collecting just enough to cover expenses, without profit.