April 15, 2024 is a new important milestone in the fight against junk SIM cards in Vietnam. After this date, mobile telecommunications businesses must take full responsibility if new SIM cards that are not developed in accordance with regulations still appear on the market.
Previously, Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Manh Hung personally chaired a meeting on the issue of handling junk SIMs and gave specific instructions and set a specific deadline for completely handling junk SIMs. Accordingly, the state will manage and issue legal regulations, and telecommunications enterprises must strictly manage the development of genuine subscribers. After April 15, if violations regarding junk SIMs are detected, the Ministry Inspectorate will handle them and the highest level is to stop developing new subscribers for the violating network operator. At the same time, the Ministry of Information and Communications will consider issuing a document reminding the head of the violating enterprise and may report to the Prime Minister for disciplinary consideration.
The move of "grabbing the person with the hair" forces the business leaders who allow violations to occur to take direct responsibility. They must directly take specific measures and can no longer pass the buck to their subordinates.
Previously, SIM cards that were locked in one direction and had signs of being activated had to change their status to SIM cards without subscriber information; at the same time, subscribers with multiple SIM cards (from 4 SIM cards/1 ID card or more) were completely handled to strictly manage and authenticate the owner with a specific identity.
Junk SIM cards are a global problem, not just in Vietnam. They are exploited by bad guys and criminals to commit illegal acts. Therefore, many countries and territories in the world such as Japan, Korea, Taiwan (China) ... have long managed the issuance of SIM cards very strictly, only selling SIM cards to legal residents with identification papers, and previously not even selling SIM cards to foreigners.
Having suffered too much, being tormented for many years by junk SIMs being abused for light calls such as advertising, marketing; and serious ones such as attacks, impersonation, fraud, blackmail..., the Vietnamese mobile phone user community always supports the government's drastic efforts to eradicate the problem of junk SIMs. The only thing is, until now, junk SIMs still exist because the telecommunications companies themselves, from network operators to SIM sellers, have not yet wholeheartedly and wholeheartedly dealt with junk SIMs.
The community hopes that this time, having been hit "on the head", the "trash sim snake" will have no way to escape.
Source: https://nld.com.vn/sim-rac-het-duong-luon-lach-196240416185219339.htm
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