According to the forecast of the Southern Hydrometeorological Station, today, November 25, will be cloudy, with light fog in some places in the early morning and sunny in the afternoon. However, from the afternoon and evening, thunderstorms will occur in many districts.
Weather in Ho Chi Minh City today, November 25, cloudy, light fog in some places in the early morning, sunny in the afternoon.
Specifically, the weather in Ho Chi Minh City is cloudy in the morning, with light fog in some places, and sunny in the afternoon. In the afternoon and evening, there may be showers and thunderstorms in some places.
Temperatures range from 30 - 31 degrees Celsius, down 1 - 2 degrees from the previous day. Relative humidity is generally 69 - 70%, cloud density 97 - 98%.
Wind direction is South to North Northwest with speed of 11 km/h. Strong wind with speed of 26 - 28 km/h.
UV index forecast: The maximum UV index in districts of Ho Chi Minh City is generally at the medium risk threshold.
Ho Chi Minh City weather at night is cloudy, with scattered showers and thunderstorms. Thunderstorms are likely to cause tornadoes, lightning and strong gusts of wind.
Temperatures range from 25 - 27 degrees Celsius, slightly up 1 - 2 degrees compared to the previous night. Average humidity is 84 - 91%, cloud density is 97 - 100%.
Wind direction from East Southeast to West Northwest reaches a speed of 7 - 9 km/h. Strong gusts of wind reach a speed of 20 - 24 km/h.
Weather in the South on November 25, morning and noon have intermittent sunshine, temperature ranges from 29 degrees Celsius - 32 degrees Celsius. Specifically, Ca Mau City 28 degrees Celsius, Bac Lieu City 28 degrees Celsius, Rach Gia City 29 degrees Celsius, Vung Tau City 29 degrees Celsius, Phu Quoc City 29 degrees Celsius, Can Tho City 30 degrees Celsius, Ben Tre City 30 degrees Celsius, Chau Doc City 31 degrees Celsius, Ho Chi Minh City 31 degrees Celsius, Dong Phu District 31 degrees Celsius and Tay Ninh City 32 degrees Celsius.
In the afternoon, the weather in the Southwest region is likely to have heavy rain and moderate rain. Rainfall mainly occurs between 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. with rainfall ranging from 25 to 50mm.
Weather at sea: The sea around the island districts of Tho Chu, Nam Du, Phu Quoc and Hon Khoai has thunderstorms, during the rain, beware of tornadoes and strong gusts of wind. The sea from Binh Thuan - Ca Mau and the west of Truong Sa island district has thunderstorms, strong winds of level 6 to level 7, gusts of level 7 to level 8, rough seas.
The weather in Hoang Sa island district has little rain, but the northeast wind is still at level 6 to level 7, gusts at level 8 to level 9, and the sea is rough.
Luong Y
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