Currently, tea continues to affirm itself as the main crop and strength of Thai Nguyen province, leading the country in terms of area, output and product value. In order to further enhance its value, the province has invested many resources to develop tea trees and tea products, especially mechanisms and policies to encourage people to produce organically.
In 2024, Thai Nguyen will support tea growing areas to ensure procedures and have 40 hectares of tea recognized as meeting Vietnamese organic standards. |
Mr. Nguyen Ta, Head of the Department of Cultivation and Plant Protection, said: Organic tea is a type of food produced according to the requirements of standards and methods of the organic agriculture industry. Accordingly, tea does not contain toxic substances, pesticides, herbicides or fungicides... If pesticides and herbicides are used, they must be on the permitted list according to regulations. In addition, the process of intensive tea cultivation does not use dirty water, sewage sludge or chemical fertilizers, antibiotics; stimulants and growth drugs. The tea varieties also do not use genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
According to Mr. Ta, to achieve organic certification, tea producers must comply with strict standards set by international and Vietnamese organizations; ensuring the principles of protecting consumer health and the environment. To date, Thai Nguyen has 120 hectares of organic tea. This is a rather modest number, but in reality, with the right awareness of clean and safe production, tea regions in the province are actively producing tea in an organic direction.
It is worth mentioning that with the primary goal of creating clean, safe, and quality products, many cooperatives and cooperative groups have proactively used organic fertilizers and biological pesticides and said no to herbicides and growth stimulants.
Mr. Nguyen Thanh Duong, Director of Tan Cuong Midland Tea Cooperative: Organic tea production not only protects human health and the environment but also helps people increase their income, moving towards clean agriculture and sustainable development.
In order to encourage households, the province has effectively implemented a number of policies such as: Support for training, propaganda, new tea varieties; organic and biological fertilizers; VietGAP certification and especially organic certification. Thereby, not only bringing much higher economic efficiency but also protecting the health of producers and consumers when creating tea products that ensure food hygiene and safety; protecting the environment, ecology...
A remarkable result is that up to now, the province has over 17,800 hectares of tea produced according to safe processes, most of which are produced in an organic direction, according to VietGAP processes. According to the assessment of professional agencies, this form of production needs to be upgraded to have more tea areas recognized by domestic and foreign organizations as meeting organic standards. From there, creating a "passport" to bring Thai Nguyen tea to demanding markets in the world, especially countries in the European Union, the US, Japan, etc.
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