Appearing on The Khang Show, Sam shared about her current life. The actress revealed that her 24 hours a day now revolve around her role as a mother.
Sam shares about her current life after getting married and having children.
She is currently unable to return to work because she wants to devote all her time to caring for the twins. She thought it would only take a month to adjust and return to work, but the reality is more complicated than expected. Being a meticulous person, Sam always wants to take care of her children herself, from eating to daily activities.
Sam admits to having obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). There are multiple sterilizers in the house, and when she asks a maid to take care of her child, she takes meticulous notes to make sure they do it right. These shares help the audience feel more clearly her challenging but equally meaningful journey of motherhood.
Sam also opened up about the changes in her marriage after having children. She said her husband once joked that since having two children, he “almost disappeared from her life”. “ He was jealous of the two children, saying that I didn’t love him like before,” Sam confided.
Despite this, Sam insists that her feelings for her husband remain intact, but she no longer has much time to nurture the relationship. In the past, the couple often shared everything in their lives, but now, whenever her husband mentions things other than children, she often feels uncomfortable. “I know it’s not right, but maybe that’s the psychology of a mother,” she shares.
Recalling the time when she first met her husband, she said she never thought she would marry a foreigner, but fate brought them together on a trip with friends, and then they worked together in business.
At first, she was reluctant to open up because she was heartbroken. However, her husband’s sincerity and efforts changed her mind. On their first date, an interpreter sat in between them to help them talk. After a while, they no longer needed an interpreter and used a mixture of languages. “My friends even said that my husband and I were speaking a language that didn’t exist,” she shared.
Sam said her husband not only cared for her but also took care of her family. On their first meeting, he gave his mother-in-law a massage chair and was praised for being gentle. She also felt that he had changed a lot to suit her, from a hot-tempered person to a calmer person.
Sam revealed that her Korean husband is 'jealous' of her two children because his wife doesn't love him like she did in the beginning.
Sam and her husband have been together for 7 years. She said there was a time when they broke up when she was filming Confetti Vietnam abroad. Sam admitted that she had started a fight with her lover but refused to make up first. After that, her husband took the initiative to text and help them reconnect.
The couple made it a rule that no matter how big the argument, they would not stay angry for too long and would always sleep in the same bed. “Every time we argued, he would give in first because I was usually quiet,” Sam said.
Currently, Sam limits her artistic activities to prioritize her family but still participates in short-term projects. In addition, she tries her hand at business with plans to open a Korean restaurant and a dental clinic. Sam said she is not ambitious but just wants a full life to satisfy her passion and take care of her family.
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