The Ministry of Industry and Trade has just sent a document to the Ministry of Finance regarding the handling of the Petroleum Price Stabilization Fund of petroleum traders, including two petroleum traders that have been identified by the Government Inspectorate as having violated the use of the Petroleum Price Stabilization Fund, namely Hai Ha Waterway Transport Company Limited and Thien Minh Duc Group Joint Stock Company.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade requested the Ministry of Finance to give its opinion on the handling of the fund balance currently held at these two enterprises, before revoking their petroleum import and export business licenses.
However, in the response of the Ministry of Finance to the case of Hai Ha Waterway Transport Company Limited, this agency said that the Ministry of Industry and Trade is the licensing agency for enterprises, along with establishing and forming the petrol price stabilization fund, and presiding over the management of petrol prices, so "it must be responsible for its decisions".
The Ministry of Finance requested that the Ministry of Industry and Trade, in order to revoke the petroleum import-export business license, proactively and synchronously handle the petroleum price stabilization fund, including closing the balance of the stabilization fund with this enterprise.
Regarding Thien Minh Duc Group Joint Stock Company, the Ministry of Finance requested the Ministry of Industry and Trade to determine the balance of the Petroleum Price Stabilization Fund, continue to coordinate with the State Bank and commercial banks where traders open stabilization fund accounts, and recover the fund to the budget before the enterprise's role as a key trader is terminated.
To revoke the petroleum business license of the main enterprise, it is necessary to first complete the handling of the Petroleum Price Stabilization Fund formed at the main enterprise to avoid loss of state budget revenue. Due to the inability to handle the issue related to the Stabilization Fund, up to now, the two above enterprises have not had their petroleum business licenses revoked.
The Government Inspectorate has transferred the files of these two enterprises to the police for consideration, investigation and handling. In particular, it will consider violations of the law in declaring and paying environmental protection tax on gasoline and oil, and using the price stabilization fund at Thien Minh Duc Group Joint Stock Company; Xuyen Viet Oil Trading, Transport and Tourism Company Limited and Hai Ha Waterway Transport Company Limited.
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