In addition to choosing quality vegetables, the process of preparing and washing vegetables is also very important - Illustration photo
Washing vegetables is not simply rinsing them with water, but requires methods to achieve the highest cleaning efficiency.
Why do we need to wash vegetables?
According to the Department of Food Safety (Ministry of Health), washing vegetables before using or processing is an important step in ensuring food safety and health.
Food, especially vegetables and fruits, are often exposed to many external factors such as dirt, bacteria from the soil, or preservatives and pesticides during the growing and transporting process.
These agents not only affect the appearance of vegetables but also pose a great risk to health if not proactively washed before eating or processing.
Washing vegetables effectively removes these contaminants, reducing the risk of bacterial contamination and foodborne illnesses.
In addition, this process also helps protect and maintain the amount of nutrients in fruits and vegetables, from vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, beta-carotene to minerals necessary for the body such as potassium and magnesium...
Before washing vegetables, choose fresh vegetables that are not crushed or rotten. Remove wilted or yellow leaves, dirty roots or inedible parts. Wash your hands before preparing and washing vegetables. Use clean water to wash, avoid using pond or lake water that is easily contaminated with bacteria. The steps to properly wash vegetables include:
Step 1: Rinse with clean water to remove sand, dirt and dust on vegetables.
Step 2: Soak vegetables in clean water or diluted salt water (0.9%) for 5 - 10 minutes to help remove bacteria and chemicals. Salt water can be replaced with rice water or a safe vegetable washing solution.
Step 3: Rinse several times under running water to completely remove dirt, bacteria and pesticide residues. For leafy vegetables, wash each leaf individually for effective cleaning.
Step 4: Remove the vegetables and drain or use a vegetable spinner to dry them before processing.
Be careful not to soak vegetables for too long as this can cause loss of nutrients. Do not use potassium permanganate or chemicals of unknown origin to wash vegetables. For raw vegetables, wash them more thoroughly and soak them in ozone water if possible. Use vegetables immediately after washing to avoid re-contamination.
Depending on the type of leafy vegetables, root vegetables, fruits or flowers, you should have a different way of washing them - Illustration photo
Instructions for washing each type of vegetable cleanly and effectively
Leafy vegetables and herbs (green vegetables, raw vegetables, mustard greens, onions, coriander...): Pick and remove wilted leaves, soak vegetables in cold water for about 10 minutes. Then wash the leaves thoroughly under running water. Soak vegetables in diluted salt water for about 5 minutes, then wash vegetables again before use.
Fruit and vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers...): Wash the fruit, then drain and store in the refrigerator for about 2 - 3 days before use. Note: do not soak in salt water before storing to avoid the situation where wet fruits and vegetables can easily spoil.
If needed to use immediately, you can soak the vegetables in diluted salt water for about 5 minutes, then rinse under running water.
Root vegetables (sweet potatoes, carrots, etc.) are usually grown underground, so they are very safe. Root vegetables should be washed under running water to remove dirt. Peel and wash again before cooking.
Flowering vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower): Soak in diluted salt water for about 5 minutes, then rinse with clean water.
Common mistakes when washing vegetables
Soaking vegetables for a long time to clean them better : Many people have the habit of soaking vegetables in water for a long time to make sure all dirt and pesticides are removed. However, soaking for too long can cause the vegetables to lose their nutrients and also cause them to absorb water, making them lose their original crispness and freshness.
Using bleach : Many people think that using bleach is an effective way to clean vegetables. However, bleach can increase the risk of poisoning because the chemicals can seep into the inside of vegetables and fruits.
Washing in multiple steps : Washing in too many steps with different substances such as baking soda, salt water, rice oil, etc. can reduce the nutrients of vegetables without increasing cleaning efficiency.
No need to wash organic vegetables : Even without pesticides, organic vegetables can still contain bacteria and dirt and need to be washed before eating.
Washing with hot water : This not only destroys nutrients but can also reduce the nutritional value of vegetables and fruits.
Only wash the surface : Many people only focus on washing vegetables and fruits on the outer surface, forgetting that bacteria and chemicals can seep inside through cracks.
Not washing the root area thoroughly : When washing vegetables and fruits, many people only focus on the stems and leaves, forgetting that the root area of vegetables also needs to be washed to remove dirt and pathogens.
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