Hanoi Law University is one of the schools that announced the results of the admission method the earliest compared to other schools in the northern region. According to the initial decision of the President of Hanoi Law University on the admission score based on the method based on high school academic results (transcript) and based on the results of the international English certificate, the highest standard score belongs to the A01 group of economic law majors: 30.3 points. In addition, there are 5 other groups - majors (out of a total of 12 groups - majors in Hanoi) with a standard score of 29 points or more. The lowest group - major (excluding majors trained at the Dak Lak branch) must also be above 27 points.
Student of Foreign Trade University
However, immediately after that, Hanoi Law University announced the adjustment of admission scores according to the early admission method. Accordingly, the admission score for the A01 group of economic law majors was lowered to 30. The benchmark scores for other groups and majors remained the same as the original decision.
Speaking to Thanh Nien, Associate Professor To Van Hoa, Vice Principal of Hanoi Law University, said that this adjustment was at the request of the Ministry of Education and Training, to avoid the situation where the admission scores of study groups and majors exceed 30 points. Associate Professor Hoa explained that according to the admission regulations issued by the Ministry of Education and Training last year, the admission score, including the scores of the component subjects, must not exceed 30. However, in the admission plan of Hanoi Law University, the admission score with the early admission method includes 3 factors: component scores, priority points (region, subject), and incentive points. Among the candidates who registered for early admission to Hanoi Law University, there were some candidates who achieved an admission score of over 30 thanks to the incentive points. The school also did not receive the Ministry of Education and Training's official dispatch on university admissions in 2023 (Official Dispatch 1919/BGDĐT-GDĐT), which required universities to convert to a 30-point scale (including all points considered) and determine the priority points for consideration before admission. Therefore, the school determined the benchmark score according to the formula announced by the project. When the Ministry of Education and Training requested to implement Official Dispatch 1919, Hanoi Law University lowered the benchmark score for group A01 - economics.
According to many schools, the formula for calculating the benchmark scores of the schools has been announced in the enrollment plan. The content of the plans is based on the enrollment regulations issued by the Ministry of Education and Training last year. Therefore, the content of the plans of many schools is inconsistent with Official Dispatch 1919/BGDĐT-GDĐT issued by the Ministry of Education and Training on April 28.
What is the actual highest standard score of Foreign Trade University?
According to the admission plan of Foreign Trade University, the formula for calculating the standard score of subjects in method 1 and method 2 is the same. Accordingly, the admission score = M1 + M2 + M3 + priority points for prizes (if any) + priority points according to policy subjects and regions (if any).
With method 5, the formula for calculating admission scores is: converted score (from the national university's capacity assessment test scores) + priority points (if any) + priority points according to policy subjects and regions (if any).
Priority points are calculated for national excellent student subjects of method 1, for all subjects of method 2 which are excellent student prizes and national science and technology competitions, the maximum priority level is 4 points.
Thus, the actual score of the national excellent students in method 1, of all subjects in method 2, method 5 is 34 points. However, for these subjects, Foreign Trade University only announced one standard score column, instead of 2 columns. In which, the highest standard score is 30. Thus, the standard score of this program is 30/34; if converted to a scale of 30, it is 26.5. Similarly, for a series of admission programs according to method 1 for national excellent students, method 2, method 5, the school announced the standard score above and below 28, but if converted to a scale of 30, it is only less than 25 (28/34x30 = 24.7 points).
According to the project of many schools, the admission score not only includes the scores of the component subjects and priority points (region, subject) but also bonus points, additional points, incentive points... for each different candidate such as excellent students, students with international certificates... Therefore, the maximum admission score of each school will be different. For example, Foreign Trade University is 32, University of Transport is 34... But according to Official Dispatch 1919, if the admission is based on a scale other than 30, the university must determine the corresponding priority score as the 30-point scale (according to the provisions of Article 7 of the Admission Regulations). The university stipulates that the secondary criteria for candidates with outstanding abilities (if any) must ensure that the admission score is not greater than 30, including priority points and bonus points (if any).
To implement the requirements of Official Dispatch 1919, when determining the benchmark score, the University of Transport had to do an additional step of converting the 34-point scale to 30. The admission score of the candidate will be the converted math + physics/chemistry/literature + English score multiplied by 30/34.
For Thuyloi University, in addition to the scores of the component subjects and priority points, the school also has additional admission points for candidates who meet the conditions set by the school with a maximum of 3 points, so the admission score of this school is 33. Therefore, there are majors of the school that seem to be close to the ceiling (such as IT at 29.5; economic law 29.5; e-commerce 29.25...), but when converted to a 30-point scale, the standard score will be less high.
To harmonize the information published in the project with Official Dispatch 1919 of the Ministry of Education and Training, Foreign Trade University chose a more "cumbersome" way, which is to simultaneously publish 2 columns of benchmark scores with method 1. One column is the benchmark score calculated according to the formula that the school published in the enrollment project, the other column is the benchmark score converted to a scale of 30. Therefore, one column has many majors with over 30 points, the other column has a corresponding number of only about 28.2 - 28.3 points.
Associate Professor Vu Thu Hien, Head of Training Department of Foreign Trade University, explained: "The method of calculating scores for method 1 has been implemented stably for the past 3 years. Therefore, right after the school announces the enrollment plan, each parent and student can calculate their own admission score, from which they can guess their ability to pass which major. If the school now only announces the converted score on a 30-point scale, it will cause confusion for parents and students."
Ms. Hien affirmed that determining the benchmark score on a scale of 30 does not affect the rights of PhDs.
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