The number of candidates taking social science exams is nearly double that of natural science exams.

On the morning of October 31, the Ministry of Education and Training held a conference to summarize the high school graduation exam for the period 2020-2024. Mr. Huynh Van Chuong, Director of the Department of Quality Management, Ministry of Education and Training, said that since 2020, the high school graduation exam has been increasingly improved in technology to make the exam organization better and better. However, the setting of questions between years and between subjects (natural sciences and social sciences) is not consistent, so there is a high inflation of scores.

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Summary of graduation exam results for the period 2020 - 2024. Source: Ministry of Education and Training

According to statistics from the Ministry of Education and Training, from 2020-2024, the number of candidates taking the social science exam has continuously increased over the years (according to the table above).

Mr. Chuong said that the fact that schools use many early admission methods has narrowed the admission quota based on high school graduation exam scores. Many students with high exam scores still fail to pass their favorite wishes, creating a negative social psychology for thousands of candidates and their parents.

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Summary of average scores of subjects over the years. Source: Ministry of Education and Training
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In addition, the circus of building a question bank for the 2020-2021 school year is also facing difficulties due to many objective reasons such as the complicated developments of the Covid-19 pandemic and the lack of a team of specialized experts. The exam drafting committee must mobilize teachers and lecturers from educational institutions to both teach and review and participate in the work of building a question bank and creating exam questions. This leads to difficulties in ensuring independence, raising concerns in public opinion about the objectivity of the work of building a question bank to create exam questions for exams.

During the organization of the graduation exam, there were some local shortcomings in the printing and copying of exam papers and invigilation, which were promptly handled to ensure the rights of candidates.

In the period 2025-2030, the graduation exam will maintain the paper-based exam method.

2025 is the first year of the high school graduation exam according to the new program. A representative of the Ministry of Education and Training said that each candidate will take 4 subjects, including 2 compulsory subjects: Literature, Mathematics and 2 elective subjects from the remaining subjects studied in grade 12 (Foreign Language, History, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Economic and Legal Education, Information Technology, Agricultural Technology, Industrial Technology). Literature will be tested in essay form; the remaining subjects will be multiple choice.

Mr. Huynh Van Chuong, Director of Quality Management Department, Ministry of Education and Training

In the period 2025-2030, the graduation exam will maintain the paper-based exam method; at the same time, the application of information technology in all stages of the exam will be enhanced. In the period after 2030, the computer-based exam will be piloted step by step in localities with sufficient conditions (can combine paper-based and computer-based exams). Strive to switch to organizing the high school graduation exam on computers for multiple-choice subjects when all localities nationwide have sufficient conditions.

The Ministry of Education and Training will propose fairness in using high school graduation exam scores for admission. Specifically, when using these scores, fairness must be ensured if multiple subject combinations (admission combinations) are used to consider admission to the same major.

For capacity assessment exams, thinking assessment exams, etc. organized by educational institutions, the Ministry of Education and Training issues specific admission regulations on state management to ensure quality control and supervision.

On the other hand, the time to announce early admission results must be after the end of the program and school year plan, which is May 31 every year.

2 universities jointly organize specialized competency assessment exams for enrollment from 2025

2 universities jointly organize specialized competency assessment exams for enrollment from 2025

Ho Chi Minh City University of Education and Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry and Trade will jointly organize specialized competency assessment exams for enrollment from 2025.
Dozens of universities have 2025 enrollment plans

Dozens of universities have 2025 enrollment plans

In 2025, many universities will change their admission methods. Some schools will increase their admission methods and quotas, but many schools will also shorten them to avoid being cumbersome and ineffective.
Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine increases 3 admission methods in 2025

Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine increases 3 admission methods in 2025

In 2025, Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine will increase enrollment quotas for three majors: Pharmacy, Traditional Medicine, and Nursing. The school will enroll students through 6 methods, an increase of 3 methods compared to 2024.