When information about the content of Decision No. 17/QD-TTg dated March 5, 2025 of the Prime Minister was disseminated, many members and farmers, especially good farmers and businessmen in Son La, expressed their hope to be supported in fostering knowledge and skills in digital transformation, production linkage, e-commerce, knowledge about agricultural product markets, etc.
Farmers want to have more knowledge and skills in agricultural economics
Deputy Prime Minister Le Thanh Long has just signed and issued Decision No. 517/QD-TTg dated March 5, 2025 of the Prime Minister approving the project "Training Farmers' Association officials at all levels, heads of farmers' associations, good farmers in production and business, and excellent farmers for the period 2025 - 2030".
As a farmer in a mountainous province, rarely participating in training courses to improve knowledge about digital transformation in agriculture, linking production and consumption of agricultural products, developing rural tourism models, Mr. Bui Ngoc Thang (born in 1984), Director of Pha Din Tourism Cooperative, Phong Lai Commune, Thuan Chau District, Son La Province (Outstanding Vietnamese Farmer 2023) is very excited because Decision No. 517 of the Prime Minister will be an opportunity for him and the members of the Cooperative to improve their knowledge in developing eco-tourism models with agricultural development in the most effective way.
Pha Din Tourism Cooperative currently has 7 members, with 25 hectares of fruit trees, including all kinds of fruits such as: persimmon, grapefruit, plum, peach, guava,... In addition, realizing the potential and advantages of tourism development at Pha Din pass, the Cooperative has built the "Pha Din top" tourist area with a scale of more than 30 hectares, including ecological forest, flower garden, spiritual area.
The fruit tree model of Pha Din Tourism Cooperative, Phong Lai Commune, Thuan Chau District, Son La Province cultivates more than 25 hectares of various fruit trees. Photo: Van Ngoc
Mr. Bui Ngoc Thang shared: With 25 hectares of fruit trees, to meet the requirements of productivity and quality, the cooperative has applied scientific advances in cultivation. Each year, the cooperative produces hundreds of tons of fruit. Although the quality of the cooperative's fruit has been confirmed, the cooperative still faces difficulties in selling its products.
According to Mr. Thang, the reason why the cooperative has difficulty in consuming fruit products is because Son La's geographical location is far from big cities, so preserving and transporting goods is not without difficulties. In addition, the cooperative is also limited in linking with consumption units such as supermarkets, clean agricultural product stores in the province as well as outside the province. The cooperative even wishes to have a unit to link up to export fruit to foreign countries.
According to Mr. Thang, when he learned about Decision No. 517/QD-TTg dated March 5, 2025 of the Prime Minister approving the Project "Training Farmers' Association officials at all levels, heads of farmers' associations and good farmers in production and business, excellent farmers in the period 2025 - 2030", he was very happy. Because this will be an opportunity for him to participate in training courses on agricultural economic development.
In particular, he can access training courses on linking production and consumption of agricultural products. Through the training course, he hopes to gain knowledge on production and linking product consumption. In addition, when participating in training courses, the cooperative will also have the opportunity to expand cooperation with businesses and units across the country. This will help the cooperative more conveniently consume agricultural products, increasing income for farmer members.
Pha Din Tourism Cooperative, Phong Lai Commune, Thuan Chau District, Son La Province cultivates more than 25 hectares of various fruit trees. Photo: Van Ngoc
Digital transformation in agricultural production, new rural construction, tourism development
Talking about the eco-tourism model of the cooperative, the Director of Pha Din Tourism Cooperative is also very concerned about this issue. Mr. Thang shared: the "Pha Din top" tourist area has been built for more than 5 years now, with quite a lot of investment and many items. Every year, the cooperative renovates and upgrades the items in the tourist area.
However, the number of visitors to the "Pha Din top" tourist area is still quite modest. Visitors to the tourist area are mainly on weekends, from within the province. Visitors from other provinces and on tours are very few, not significant.
"Pha Din top" tourist area of Pha Din tourism cooperative, Phong Lai commune, Thuan Chau district, Son La province. Photo: Van Ngoc
According to Mr. Thang, part of the reason why the tourist area has not really welcomed the desired number of visitors is because many people do not know about the tourist destination. The limitation of the cooperative is that the promotion of the image of the tourist area is still limited, and the application of digital transformation in tourism development is still weak.
"I myself, as well as the members of the Cooperative, wish to participate in digital transformation courses in tourism development. From the training course, we hope to gain knowledge about creating images, videos, and clips about the tourist area and posting them on social networking platforms. From there, we can spread the beautiful image of the Cooperative to many places, many places, so that many people know about the tourist area. From there, we can attract more visitors to the tourist area," said Mr. Thang.
"Pha Din top" tourist area has invested in many items to serve tourists. Photo: Van Ngoc
The specific objectives of the project "Training Farmers' Association officials at all levels, heads of farmers' associations, good farmers in production and business, and excellent farmers in the period 2025 - 2030", in Decision No. 517/QD-TTg dated March 5, 2025 of the Prime Minister on approval are:
* Annually:
- From 30 - 50% of Farmers' Association officials at all levels are trained in knowledge and skills according to job position requirements and other training programs according to regulations.
- 50,000 excellent farmers and good farmers in production and business are trained to improve their qualifications and skills.
* By the end of 2030:
- 100% of the Chairmen and Vice Chairmen of the Provincial Farmers' Association, leaders of departments and units under the Central Association are trained in knowledge and leadership and management skills at least once.
- 100% of central and provincial Farmers' Association officials are trained in Association work at least once.
- 100% of central and provincial Farmers' Association officials are trained and updated on Association work skills at least once.
- 100% of Commune-level Farmers' Association Chairmen are trained in Association work.
- 100% of key officials of the Farmers' Association at the commune level are trained and updated on Association work skills at least once.
- 100% of central and provincial Farmers' Association officials receive professional training according to their job position at least once.
- 70 - 80% of part-time lecturers and reporters of the Farmers' Association at the central and provincial levels are trained in pedagogical skills.
- 100% of Farmers' Association Branch Chairmen are trained in skills and professional work of the Association.
Source: https://danviet.vn/quyet-dinh-517-cua-thu-tuong-chinh-phu-se-giup-nong-dan-son-la-biet-lam-kinh-te-nong-nghiep-20250310134334896.htm
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