Therefore, the difference in scores and the luck of candidates in the literature exam marking process can still happen. This is considered as... "talented in studying, unlucky in taking the exam"!
Candidates exchange after the literature exam of the 2023 high school graduation exam
Essay marking process
Each locality (province, city) is an examination council. Each council consists of many examination sites and each examination site consists of many rooms. Before marking, the candidates' papers are checked by the council. This is done by mixing papers from many rooms (usually 5 rooms) into a bundle, then separating them into many bags according to their own permutation numbers. This step helps to ensure the confidentiality of the candidates' papers, because the room numbers have been mixed up compared to the original.
The process of marking the literature exam is very strict. When the exam papers are rearranged, the two examiners arrange to mark them in two independent rounds. Usually, in the first sessions, many examiners do not mark evenly, so it is easy to have different scores. However, after getting used to the answers, and receiving feedback from the checking stage (the checking requirement must reach 5% of the total number of papers marked by each council), the marking process limits the difference in scores.
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Due to the nature of the literature subject, if the score deviates from 0.25 - 0.75 points, the two examiners will handle the score themselves. If the score deviates from 1.0 - 1.5 points, the two examiners must have a consensus report attached to the score sheet. The score deviates from 1.75 points or more and must be graded by the third examiner. The third round of grading is also independent. After having the three grading results of the three examiners, the scoring is as follows: if the third examiner's score is the same as one of the other two examiners, the duplicate score will be taken; if all three examiners are different, the average score will be taken and rounded to 2 decimal places. For papers with 1 point or less (failure score) and 9 points or more, the examiner must be very careful when giving the score. Because these papers must be reviewed and agreed upon by the grading team.
In recent years, the grading of literature exams has become much more consistent because the answers, grading instructions and grading sheets are quite detailed and systematic. The inspection and grading council regulations are also stricter, and the responsibility of the examiners is also clearly emphasized.
Candidates during the literature test of the 2023 high school graduation exam
Is there any luck?
However, there is still a risk if the marking councils are not in sync with the general marking guidelines of the Ministry of Education and Training.
If the person in charge of the marking board is "kind" to the examiners and "gives a little bit of a loose mark", the scores will be different between one locality and another. This requires the inspectors of the Ministry of Education and Training to promptly check and adjust.
The speed of grading of each group and each council (partly due to the arrangement of the number of examiners) also affects the deviation of scores. The rush to finish the work and meet the number of papers to be graded also causes the examiners to speed up, making it easy to skim and grade incorrectly.
If two examiners grade loosely, when they agree, the candidate will easily benefit. If one of the two examiners grades tightly and the other examiner grades loosely, the test will still have some harmony and less deviation. The worst thing is that the test taker's test is graded too tightly by two examiners. This situation is quite common in literature because of its characteristics.
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