In Chapter III, Decree 53/2024/ND-CP clearly states regulations on the establishment and management of water source protection corridors and groundwater exploitation thresholds, and zoning of prohibited and restricted areas for groundwater exploitation.

Water sources must have a protection corridor with a water surface area of 2 hectares or more.
The Decree stipulates that water sources that must have a protection corridor include water sources specified in Clause 2, Article 23 of the Law on Water Resources.
Water sources that must have a protection corridor established according to the provisions of Point c, Clause 2, Article 23 of the Law on Water Resources include: lakes, ponds, lagoons, and estuaries in the List of lakes, ponds, lagoons, and estuaries that cannot be filled with a water surface area of 2 hectares or more.
Based on the actual situation of the locality, the Provincial People's Committee decides to include in the List of water sources that must establish water source protection corridors for lakes, ponds, lagoons, and lagoons in the List of lakes, ponds, lagoons, and lagoons that cannot be filled with a water surface area of less than 2 hectares.
Water sources must have a protection corridor established according to the provisions of Point d, Clause 2, Article 23 of the Law on Water Resources, including:
a) River, stream, canal, and ditch sections are water supply sources for domestic and production water supply works;
b) River and stream sections that have been eroded or are at risk of being eroded;
c) Inter-district and inter-provincial rivers, streams, canals, ditches and streams are drainage axes for urban areas, concentrated residential areas, industrial zones and clusters;
d) River, stream, canal, or ditch sections that are degraded, polluted, or exhausted and need water source improvement and restoration;
d) Rivers, streams, canals and ditches are closely associated with the livelihoods of riverside communities.
Scope of water source protection corridor for dams, hydroelectric reservoirs, irrigation reservoirs and other reservoirs on rivers and streams
For hydroelectric reservoirs with a total capacity greater than one billion cubic meters (1,000,000,000 m 3 ) or with a total capacity from ten million cubic meters (10,000,000 m 3 ) to one billion cubic meters (1,000,000,000 m 3 ) but located in a concentrated residential area or an area with national defense and security works, the scope of the water source protection corridor is the area calculated from the boundary with the highest water level corresponding to the design flood to the boundary with the same elevation as the reservoir clearance elevation (*).
For other hydroelectric reservoirs (*) mentioned above and other reservoirs on rivers and streams, the water source protection corridor is the area calculated from the boundary with elevation equal to the dam crest elevation to the boundary with elevation equal to the reservoir clearance elevation.
For dams and reservoirs, the scope and boundaries of the water source protection corridor are determined according to the boundaries of the protection scope of the irrigation works.
Marking the water protection corridor for dams, hydroelectric and irrigation reservoirs
The Decree clearly states that the placement of boundary markers for water source protection corridors for dams and irrigation reservoirs is carried out in accordance with the regulations on placement of boundary markers for the protection scope of irrigation works of the law on irrigation.
Marking of water source protection corridors is carried out for hydroelectric reservoirs with a total capacity of one million cubic meters (1,000,000 m 3 ) or more. Hydroelectric reservoirs with a total capacity of less than one million cubic meters (1,000,000 m 3 ) are encouraged to mark water source protection corridors. Marking and handover of water source protection corridors for hydroelectric reservoirs must be completed before reservoir water storage is carried out (**).
The organization managing and operating the hydroelectric reservoir specified in Clause (**) above shall preside over and coordinate with the People's Committee of the district where the reservoir is located to develop a plan to place boundary markers for the protection corridor of the reservoir's water source.
Based on the approved boundary marker planting plan, the organization managing and operating the hydroelectric reservoir shall preside over and coordinate with the People's Committee of the district where the hydroelectric reservoir is located to plant boundary markers in the field; hand over the boundary markers to the People's Committee of the province where the reservoir is located.
Based on the actual situation of each locality, the Provincial People's Committee shall assign boundary markers to the District People's Committee or Commune People's Committee where the hydroelectric reservoir is located for management and protection.
According to Government Electronic Newspaper
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