On December 1, 2022, Nigeria made a major shift in its education system with the introduction of a new national language policy, according to Al Jazeera .

Announced by then Education Minister Adamu Adamu and approved by the Federal Executive Council (FEC), the policy marked a dramatic change in the way languages ​​are used in schools in the African nation.

With local languages ​​set to become the primary medium of instruction in primary education instead of English as it has been for over six decades, Nigeria is reshaping its approach to language and education.

Heritage from history

English proficiency among Nigerians is generally high, especially in urban areas and among the educated population. According to the EF English Proficiency Index 2023 (EF EPI), Nigeria is ranked 27th out of 113 countries and territories, higher than France, Spain, Italy and many other European countries, and is considered “highly proficient”.

During the British colonial rule (from the late 19th century until Nigeria gained independence in 1960), English was established as the official language in Nigeria. The British introduced English as the language of administration, management, education and law.

This imposition of English helped create a unified language for communication among the different ethnic groups in Nigeria.

Nigerians' English proficiency is rated high.

The colonial government established an educational system in which English was the medium of instruction.

Schools run by the British government or missionaries used English to teach subjects and conduct administrative work. This legacy persisted after Nigeria gained independence, with the African nation's education system continuing to use English.

The National Policy on Education (NPE) was first adopted in 1977, formalizing the role of English as the medium of instruction in Nigerian schools. The policy mandated the use of English from primary to tertiary education, establishing English as the medium of instruction for all subjects, with local languages ​​taught as separate subjects.

This policy reflects the central role of English in maintaining national harmony and improving administrative efficiency.

Nigeria’s population is expected to reach over 218 million by 2022 with over 250 ethnic groups. The choice of English as the official language of education was a strategic decision to unify the country’s various ethnic groups, each with their own language and dialect.

The policy also equips students with the skills needed to study and work in a professional environment. However, the implementation of this policy varies across regions due to differences in access to educational resources and infrastructure.

Strong move

The new National Language Policy (NLP) introduced in 2022 has brought major changes to the teaching and learning of English in the West African country. The policy stipulates that from the beginning of primary education, teaching must be conducted in local languages ​​spoken in the students' communities.

With about 625 languages ​​spoken across Nigeria, the policy aims to integrate these languages ​​into the education system, especially in the first six years of primary education.

The aim of the new policy was to "promote, enhance the development and use of all Nigerian languages", said Nigeria's then Minister of Education Adamu Adamu.

After this six-year period, English will be introduced alongside local languages ​​at the secondary level. This strategic shift is intended to ensure that while local languages ​​are preserved and promoted, students also develop their English proficiency.

The introduction of local languages ​​into primary education has a number of important implications. The policy aims to revive and preserve Nigeria’s rich linguistic heritage. By integrating local languages ​​into education, the policy helps ensure that these languages ​​continue to flourish and remain part of Nigerian culture.

At the same time, early education in the student's native language can lead to better interaction and understanding. Many studies have shown that students learn more effectively when taught in a familiar language, which can lead to better academic results.

The gradual introduction of English ensures that students are prepared for the demands of higher education and the job market. This approach helps to continue to maintain Nigeria’s competitiveness in an increasingly connected and competitive world.

The Netherlands has long been ranked number one in English proficiency, early bilingual education The Netherlands is known as the country with the most English proficiency among non-native English speaking countries. This is not only the result of advanced education but also comes from many cultural, economic and social factors.