Vietnam Weekly would like to briefly republish some comments on modern and effective national governance in the Era of national rise by Associate Professor, Dr. Le Hai Binh - Alternate member of the Party Central Committee, Editor-in-Chief of Communist Magazine, introduced in the proceedings of the National Scientific Conference "New Era, Era of Rise of the Vietnamese Nation - Theoretical and Practical Issues". Raising social awareness of development aspirations Associate Professor, Dr. Le Hai Binh said that it is necessary to raise awareness and actions of millions of people as one, all subjects in society share the same pride, national self-esteem, and the same aspirations and strategic goals for national development in the era of national rise as directed by General Secretary To Lam: “That is the era of development, the era of prosperity under the leadership and rule of the Communist Party, successfully building a socialist Vietnam, a rich people, a strong country, a democratic, fair, civilized society, on par with the great powers of the five continents. All people have a prosperous and happy life, are supported to develop and enrich themselves; contribute more and more to the peace, stability, development of the world, the happiness of humanity and global civilization. The destination of the era of rise is a rich people, a strong country, a socialist society, on par with the great powers of the five continents... by 2045, it will become a developed socialist country, have high income

Mobilizing all resources and all subjects in society to participate in national governance. Photo: Hoang Ha

Unifying the aspirations and visions of national development will change the awareness and actions of the subjects, which is the basis for uniting all forces in society, overcoming differences, strongly arousing national spirit, the spirit of autonomy, self-confidence, self-reliance, self-improvement, national pride, creating a combined strength, overcoming difficulties and challenges, taking advantage of opportunities, joining hands to build a strong nation, a prosperous society, and happy people. Improving the leadership and governing capacity of the Party Entering a new period with strong impacts and influences of the rapidly and unpredictably evolving domestic and international situation, our Party must address a series of issues to both promote the role, authority and responsibility, leadership and governing capacity of the Party, and promote the role, authority, responsibility, effectiveness and efficiency of state agencies according to the law. Along with that, the division of functions, tasks, authority and responsibility between Party agencies, organizations and State agencies as well as the authority and responsibility between the collective leadership, heads of Party agencies, organizations and heads of State agencies must also be clear and distinct. The organizational apparatus of Party agencies must also be designed and organized in the most streamlined way, avoiding overlapping or duplication of power between Party and State agencies. Building a reasonable structure in terms of both quantity and quality of the team of leaders and managers in the Party with strong political will, outstanding qualifications, qualities and abilities, determination to innovate, enthusiasm and aspiration to contribute. The team of leaders, managers, key cadres, and strategic-level cadres must have courage, enthusiasm, thinking, vision, and aspiration to contribute, dare to think, dare to speak, dare to do, dare to take responsibility, dare to face difficulties and challenges, innovate creatively, be decisive in action for the common good, be proficient in their profession, and have a scientific and professional working style. Be steadfast in the Party's leadership; at the same time, improve scientific management capacity, ensure democracy and governance according to the law. Scientificity is reflected in the fact that all Party decisions and policies are consistent with objective laws, current practices as well as forecasts, and take the interests of the people as the center. Democracy is reflected in collective leadership, individual responsibility, solidarity and unity within the Party as the core to implement democracy in society and unite the entire people. Innovation in the Party's leadership method ensures political, revolutionary, modernity, and flexible adaptation to current events. The Party focuses on leading, directing, and supervising the national governance system and the State's governance capacity. It is necessary to continuously improve the Party's leadership and governing capacity to adapt to new situations and contexts in the Era of national growth.

In the New Era, institutions, policies and laws are the driving force and resources for development. Photo: Pham Hai

Building and perfecting institutions, policies and laws to create development To build a modern and effective national governance, Vietnam needs to focus on building and perfecting the institutional system towards democracy, the rule of law, and creating development in accordance with the Party's viewpoint on building a socialist rule-of-law state of the people, by the people and for the people. There needs to be a breakthrough in thinking to solve the problem of institutions being the "bottleneck" of "bottlenecks". To do so, it is necessary to first innovate thinking in building and perfecting institutions, policies and laws in the direction of: In the new era, institutions, policies and laws are the driving force and resource for development. Policies and laws are issued to solve problems related to requirements and demands arising from practice. Institutions and policies are the resource for creating development. Therefore, it is necessary to apply a realistic and practical approach in building and implementing legal policies; ensure that it is suitable for the actual conditions of the country, solve problems in life and find a development path from practice. Be proactive in researching and developing policies and laws for new issues and new trends to create a legal corridor for the operation of the digital economy, digital society, digital government and digital nation. Building and perfecting policies and laws requires shifting from a management mindset to a development-creating mindset. Shifting from a "choose to give" mindset to a "choose to reject" mindset in planning and implementing policies and laws. Ending the "ask - give" mindset, providing favors, which can easily lead to harassment and negativity in the operations of public agencies, to a "request - response" mindset towards service provision, satisfaction and promoting cooperation and sharing among entities. When formulating policies and laws, thoroughly grasp the viewpoint of changing the approach from focusing on regulations establishing "obligations" to focusing on establishing regulations "protecting and ensuring the rights" of relevant parties. Shifting from thinking that law enforcement is not only a "public duty responsibility", but also aiming to imbue the thinking of "responsibility to serve" the people and society in formulating and implementing laws. Ensuring regulations for the State, cadres and civil servants "are allowed to do what the law prescribes and permits"; for citizens "are allowed to do what the law does not prohibit", ending the mindset of "if you cannot manage, it is prohibited" to create development. Institutions, policies and laws aim for people's happiness Happiness is the highest cultural value, the goal and aspiration that every country wants to bring to all people in the process of organizing and implementing policies. The happiness index of the people and the country is a “forecast” for the comprehensive and sustainable development of each country. From focusing only on economic development indicators, now when approaching happiness in policy and law analysis, the State will put economic indicators in correlation with criteria of safety, peace, friendliness, humanity, positive experiences and emotions within each individual in society.

Happiness is the highest cultural value, the goal and aspiration that every country wants to bring to its people. Photo: Vu Minh Quan

The approach to happiness must be demonstrated in both the construction and completion stages; the organization of implementation and evaluation of policies and laws. Therefore, national managers and leaders will have a more comprehensive and profound view in making decisions to govern the country. Institutions, policies and laws establish and operate the apparatus in the political system to be lean, compact, strong, effective and efficient. Restructuring the entire apparatus in the entire political system in accordance with the direction of General Secretary To Lam: "lean - compact - strong - effective - efficient - effective" with the highest goal of maximizing the value created and improving the quality of service to the people. Designing and operating the apparatus in the political system is based on the principles of scientific organization, suitable for practice, and ensuring optimal performance of the entire system. In particular, the design must ensure that each public organization in the system is placed in the right position, with the right role and function, so that the public apparatus is truly a value-creating machine, creating sustainable national development. First of all, focus on rearranging the apparatus, minimizing intermediate contacts, clearly defining authority, eliminating overlapping functions, tasks, and fragmentation according to the motto: Clear work, clear people, clear tasks, clear responsibilities. At the same time, to increase transparency and effectiveness, it is necessary to apply the principle of accountability and an evaluation mechanism based on work results. Develop and apply a set of indicators to accurately measure and evaluate the performance of public organizations. In addition, promote decentralization, delegation of authority and division of authority between levels of government, with the motto "locality decides - locality does - locality is responsible", in order to increase local initiative and optimize the decision-making process. At the same time, it is necessary to strictly control power, tighten discipline, resolutely fight corruption, negativity and “group interests” in the process of building and implementing policies and laws. The synchronous implementation of “streamlined - compact - strong - effective - efficient - effective” solutions is not only an urgent task, but also the foundation for building a modern, strong national governance system, meeting the development and integration needs of Vietnam in the new era. These solutions will help maximize the strength of the political system, improve the governance capacity of the State, and ensure the effectiveness of public agencies, creating momentum for sustainable development and bringing the country closer to the goal of becoming a developed country by 2045. Improving the capacity and ethics of public officials and civil servants. Modern and effective national governance requires a team of officials and civil servants who not only have high professional capacity, but also must comply with ethical standards and demonstrate accountability to the people and society.

Institutions, policies, and laws establish and operate a lean, strong, effective, and efficient apparatus in the political system. Photo: Thach Thao

The civil service is operated by a team of professional, responsible, dynamic and talented cadres and civil servants. Conduct evaluations of cadres and civil servants based on work results through measurement and substantive indicators. Resolutely remove from the civil service those who are not capable of doing their jobs. The cadres and civil servants in a modern and effective national governance system must truly be the elite and elite of society to govern society. There is a salary policy that creates motivation for work so that cadres, civil servants and public employees can work with peace of mind, promote the social value of the civil service profession, and always wholeheartedly devote themselves to the ideal and aspiration of "serving the Fatherland and serving the people". Applying digital technology in modern and effective national governance First of all, it is necessary to develop and apply shared digital platforms, ensuring interconnection between agencies in the political system, from the central to local levels. At the same time, promote digital transformation in work processes, data management, and provide high-level online public services throughout the process, serving people and businesses anytime, anywhere, regardless of administrative boundaries. Exploiting artificial intelligence, big data, and advanced technologies will help improve analytical and forecasting capabilities, support quick and timely decision-making. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure network security, national data safety, and build a team of cadres and civil servants with digital capacity and proficiency in digital skills. This is a strategic step for national governance to quickly adapt to the context of digital transformation, meeting the requirements of modern management and sustainable development. Mobilizing the participation of subjects in national governance Mobilizing all resources and all subjects in society to participate in national governance is the key to maximizing the combined strength of society, promoting effective and sustainable governance. To do that, it is necessary to build a clear legal mechanism, creating conditions for all classes of people, business communities, social organizations and unions to participate in contributing opinions to the policy making and implementation process. Along with that, promote information transparency, encourage the supervisory role of society. From there, increase consensus and common responsibility. Each subject in society, according to its role and function, makes maximum efforts to contribute value to national development in the following ways: Society provides resources, the market allocates resources, the State creates institutions and regulates resources reasonably. All subjects agreeing and joining hands will create a solid foundation for the aspiration for national development, in accordance with the reality and requirements of Innovation in Vietnam. ***** In the era of national development, building a modern, effective and flexible national governance not only meets the requirements of international integration, but also is the foundation for realizing Vietnam's development aspirations. The proposed solutions, from enhancing the Party’s leadership capacity to perfecting the rule of law and applying digital technology, are pillars to help build a transparent, accountable and innovative governance system that meets people’s needs and creates momentum for sustainable development. With the solidarity of the entire people and the Party’s sound leadership, Vietnam will firmly become a developed country, standing shoulder to shoulder with the world’s major powers by 2045.
