In recent years, the Party Committees and authorities at all levels in the province have focused on leading and directing the task of socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas. In particular, implementing Plan No. 130/KH-UBND dated July 1, 2022 of the Provincial People's Committee on implementing the national target program on new rural construction in the period of 2021-2025, the Department of Science and Technology (KH&CN) has effectively deployed topics and projects on high-tech agriculture and organic agriculture to support farmers in the province, ethnic minorities and mountainous areas in production and cultivation to create good quality products and improve economic efficiency.
Thanks to the application of scientific and technological advances, many precious flower varieties have been cultivated and developed well in Huong Hoa district - Photo: D.T
Pursuant to Decision No. 1625/QD-UBND dated June 22, 2022 of the People's Committee of Quang Tri province on assigning areas to support the construction of new rural areas in the period of 2022-2025, the Department of Science and Technology was assigned the area to support the construction of new rural areas in the period of 2021-2025, which is Huong Phung commune, Huong Hoa district. In the past time, the Department of Science and Technology has promoted the effective operation of the Bac Huong Hoa Science and Technology Research Station at 2 facilities.
Up to now, the department has mastered and is ready to transfer technological processes such as: producing seeds by tissue culture and commercial production of Phalaenopsis orchids, Cymbidium orchids, strawberries, dwarf gerberas, anthuriums, lisianthus and some other ornamental plants; producing cherry tomatoes; producing seeds by tissue culture and experimental planting of golden orchids, experimental planting of medicinal plants such as seven-leafed orchids; building a model of intensive cattle farming, raising indigenous chickens (Cu Roang chickens) with biological safety and developing indigenous chicken breeds; using various types of microbial preparations to produce organic fertilizers on-site for production.
Organized training for people on flower growing techniques, cordyceps production, chicken raising, and transferred the process of growing commercial lilies to some households in Huong Phung and Tan Lap communes and Khe Sanh town.
In particular, from the source of discarded processed coffee husks causing environmental pollution, the Department of Science and Technology has isolated and selected indigenous microorganisms to produce microbial preparations to process coffee husks into organic fertilizer and built a model to produce organic fertilizer from coffee husks with a system of production lines and fertilizer factories at Cong Bang Sa Mu Cooperative, Huong Phung Commune to serve coffee growers.
In 2021, the grassroots science and technology project "Research to perfect the process of intensive cultivation of pink bananas to ensure food safety and hygiene in Dakrong district, Quang Tri province" was implemented. The result was the successful construction of a pilot model of pure cultivation of 1 hectare of pink bananas using tissue culture varieties in A Ngo commune, Dakrong district. The tissue cultured pink banana model developed well, shortening the harvest time, the time from planting to harvest was 11-12 months, the average yield was 40 tons/ha, giving an average profit of 80 to nearly 100 million VND/ha.
The topic "Application of scientific and technological advances to build an organic farming model and process green-heart black beans to enhance the value chain of goods" in Trieu Nguyen commune, Dakrong district with a yield of 11.28 quintals/ha (summer-autumn crop) and 15.06 quintals/ha (winter-spring crop); completing the process and successfully producing deep-processed green-heart black bean sprout tea and green-heart black bean nutritional powder; registering for trademark protection as well as completing the product identification system and organizing product trade. Supporting the building of collective brands, building basic standards, packaging and labeling and trading Ba Nang leaf-fermented wine...
The Department of Science and Technology has also deployed the task of "Building a model for applying microbial products to treat waste and by-products in the production and processing of passion fruit into organic fertilizer in Huong Hoa district", with the implementation period from October to December 2023. Through the implementation, it has contributed to solving the problem of environmental pollution caused by waste and agricultural by-products; taking advantage of agricultural by-products to produce organic fertilizers on the spot with appropriate production costs, ensuring quality; contributing to equipping people with knowledge about applying microbial products to produce organic fertilizers from agricultural by-products.
In 2021, the Provincial People's Committee issued and assigned the Department of Science and Technology to preside over the implementation of the Project "Application of microbial preparations in agricultural production in the period of 2021-2025, with a vision to 2030 in Quang Tri province". Implementing the project, the department organized 60 training courses, transferring technical advances on the application of microbial preparations in production and life for 1,800 participants; organized the production and supply of over 56.5 tons of various microbial preparations for organizations and individuals to apply in agricultural production.
In livestock and poultry farming, the project has supported Pro-QTMIC and BioQTMIC preparations for farmers in Tan Lien commune (Huong Hoa district), Mo O and Ba Long communes (Dakrong district) to apply in livestock environmental treatment, improve livestock digestive systems, and reduce feed costs by increasing the rate of food digestion and absorption. In addition, using Bio-QTMIC preparations in livestock waste treatment helps enhance the decomposition process of organic waste, inhibit the growth of fermentation bacteria that cause bad odors, and contribute to environmental protection.
Implementing the grassroots science and technology task "Research on the application of microbiological products to treat waste in the processing of dried bananas combined with coffee husks to make organic biological fertilizers in Huong Hoa district" with the goal of applying microbiological technology to treat organic by-products in agricultural processing (banana peels, damaged and crushed bananas, coffee bean husks) into organic fertilizers for agricultural production, while solving the problem of environmental pollution. The result of the task is to build a model for treating waste in the processing of dried bananas combined with coffee husks into organic fertilizers, thereby replicating the model in the region.
In addition, the Department of Science and Technology also promotes propaganda and mobilization of the community and ethnic minority people to apply scientific and technological advances, build and replicate typical scientific and technological advances to serve production, daily life and socio-economic development, environmental protection, and sustainable poverty reduction in the locality.
Dan Tam
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