On the morning of July 17, comrade Do Trong Hung, member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council visited and worked in Quan Son district on the results after 4 years of implementing the Resolution of the 6th District Party Congress, term 2020-2025 and Notice No. 74-TB/VPTU, dated August 25, 2021 of the Provincial Party Committee Office on the conclusion of the Provincial Party Secretary at the working session with the leaders of Quan Son district.
Overview of the working session of Provincial Party Secretary Do Trong Hung with key leaders of Quan Son district.
Attending the meeting were comrade Nguyen Van Thi, member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, Permanent Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; leaders of provincial departments and branches; leaders of the Provincial Party Office.
Provincial Party Secretary Do Trong Hung and members of the delegation, along with leaders of Quan Son district, offered flowers and incense at the Monument to heroic martyrs of Quan Son district.
Before working with key leaders of Quan Son district, on the occasion of the 77th anniversary of War Invalids and Martyrs Day (July 27, 1947 - July 27, 2024), comrade Do Trong Hung, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council led a delegation of the province and Quan Son district to offer flowers and incense at the Monument to heroic martyrs of Quan Son district.
Provincial Party Secretary Do Trong Hung offered flowers to commemorate the heroic martyrs.
Provincial Party Secretary Do Trong Hung offers incense to heroic martyrs.
Provincial Party Secretary Do Trong Hung and members of the delegation, along with leaders of Quan Son district, observed a moment of silence in memory of the heroic martyrs.
In a respectful atmosphere, paying tribute to the heroic martyrs who heroically sacrificed for the cause of national liberation and reunification, Provincial Party Secretary Do Trong Hung and members of the delegation offered flowers and incense, praying for solidarity, overcoming all difficulties and challenges, successfully carrying out the tasks of socio-economic development, national defense and security, building Thanh Hoa province into a growth pole in the North of the Fatherland, worthy of the great sacrifices of the heroic martyrs.
Provincial Party Secretary Do Trong Hung, Permanent Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Van Thi, and Quan Son District Party Secretary Luong Thi Hanh chaired the meeting.
Quan Son District Party Secretary Luong Thi Hanh presented a report on the situation and results after nearly 4 years of implementing the Resolution of the 6th District Party Congress, term 2020-2025.
Working with key officials of Quan Son district, Provincial Party Secretary Do Trong Hung and members of the delegation listened to the leaders of Quan Son district report on the situation and results after nearly 4 years of implementing the Resolution of the 6th District Party Congress, term 2020-2025.
Accordingly, in the past 4 years, with solidarity, high determination, great efforts, along with the timely leadership and direction of the Provincial Party Committee, People's Council, and Provincial People's Committee; the coordination of provincial departments, branches, and sectors; the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee has focused on leading, directing, and organizing the synchronous implementation of local political tasks. Up to now, 9 targets of the Congress Resolution have been completed and exceeded the set plan. It is expected that by the end of 2025, 23 targets will be completed and exceeded the plan, and 4 targets are expected to be difficult to achieve the set targets.
In socio-economic development, the average growth rate of production value from 2021 to the end of 2023 reached 4.55% (the target set by the Resolution is 12.5%). The program of building new rural areas and OCOP products has been given attention and regular direction. Up to now, the whole district has 2 communes and 57 villages meeting new rural standards (of which 9 villages have met model new rural standards); there are 9 certified 3-star OCOP products. The total mobilized investment capital for social development by 2023 will reach 1,861 billion VND...
Culture and society have increasingly changed positively; social security policies have been paid attention to and implemented regularly, fully and promptly. National defense and security have been maintained, foreign affairs have continued to be strengthened with solidarity and friendship. Party building and the political system have been strengthened.
Regarding the implementation of Notice No. 74-TB/VPTU, dated August 25, 2021 of the Provincial Party Committee Office on the conclusion of the Provincial Party Committee Secretary at the working session with the leaders of Quan Son district, the Party Committee, government and people of all ethnic groups of Quan Son district have basically and effectively implemented the 8 key tasks that Provincial Party Committee Secretary Do Trong Hung concluded.
Permanent Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Van Thi spoke at the meeting.
Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism Pham Nguyen Hong spoke at the meeting.
Director of the Department of Finance Nguyen Van Tu spoke at the meeting.
Speaking at the meeting, Mr. Nguyen Van Thi, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee and leaders of provincial departments and branches acknowledged and highly appreciated the results that Quan Son district has achieved in 4 years of implementing the Resolution of the Party Congresses at all levels for the 2020-2025 term. In addition, they analyzed and clarified the potentials, outstanding advantages, opportunities and favorable conditions of the locality; oriented a number of solutions to develop the fields in the coming time.
Provincial Party Secretary Do Trong Hung delivered a concluding speech at the meeting.
Concluding the meeting, Provincial Party Secretary Do Trong Hung stated: Quan Son is a mountainous district in the Northwest region of the province, with the third largest natural area in the province and is a district with an important strategic position, the western gateway of Thanh Hoa province bordering the Lao PDR.
Quan Son is also a land of "beautiful mountains and rivers", blessed by nature with many beautiful landscapes such as Bo Cung cave, Nang Non cave, Pu Man mountain, Pha Bai cave, etc., along with historical, cultural and spiritual relics such as Tu Ma Hai Dao temple, Pha Lo bridge, etc., with great potential for tourism development. Along with the process of "building Muong, building villages", the ethnic people in the district always maintain the tradition of patriotism, revolution, diligence in labor and production, always believe in the leadership of the Party and State.
After nearly 4 years of implementing the Resolution of the Party Congresses at all levels for the 2020-2025 term; along with the whole province, Quan Son district has faced many challenges and internal difficulties; however, with the timely and effective leadership, direction and support of the Central Government, the province, departments, branches, and other districts, along with the high determination and great efforts of the Party Committee, government and people of all ethnic groups in the district, Quan Son has achieved important results in all fields.
Delegates attending the meeting.
Besides acknowledging, appreciating and praising the results achieved by the Party Committee, government, army and people of all ethnic groups in Quan Son district, Provincial Party Secretary Do Trong Hung pointed out the limitations and weaknesses, which are: The economy develops slowly, unsustainably, and is not commensurate with the potential and strengths of the district; some important targets are very low and are unlikely to be completed compared to the plan... Currently, Quan Son is still one of the 74 poorest districts in the country. The development of agricultural and forestry economy is not yet effective; the main form of production is still spontaneous, fragmented and small-scale; the transfer of application of scientific and technological advances is still limited, there are not many large-scale, high-value, branded products; the connection with enterprises to link production and consume products for farmers is still limited; the structure of forestry crops in the district is not diverse, mainly bamboo and rattan. The work of building new rural areas is not very effective. Up to now, only 2 communes have met the new rural standards (although they were achieved in the previous term). This term, no commune has met the new rural standards (while the target is 8 new rural communes); Quan Son is also 1 of 5 mountainous districts that do not have an advanced new rural commune...
The quality of culture and society has not changed steadily; the poverty rate, although decreasing, is still high (30.02%, the second highest in the province), the lives of a part of the people, especially in ethnic minority areas, are still difficult... The leadership, direction and fighting capacity of some Party committees, authorities and organizations are still limited; the capacity and qualifications of the staff in some localities and units are not up to the task...
Regarding the tasks in the coming time, Provincial Party Secretary Do Trong Hung emphasized: The remaining time of the 2020 - 2025 term is only 1 year, the difficulties and challenges are still very great, while the remaining tasks are very heavy, so he requested the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee, the Standing Committee, the District Party Executive Committee, and key cadres of Quan Son district to truly unite, strive harder, strongly innovate thinking, work style more closely, resolutely, and specifically; must study and carefully evaluate the potentials, strengths, favorable factors, as well as the shortcomings, limitations, and bottlenecks of the district in the development process; clearly identify the goals, tasks, development orientations and appropriate solutions for rapid and sustainable development, helping Quan Son district soon escape from poverty and become a well-off district in the mountainous area of the province.
To achieve the set goals, Provincial Party Secretary Do Trong Hung suggested that the Standing Committee, the District Party Executive Committee, and each key cadre of Quan Son district need to continue to lead and direct the effective implementation of key programs and breakthroughs in the spirit of the Resolution of the 19th Provincial Party Congress and the Resolution of the 6th District Party Congress, in conjunction with the implementation of goals and tasks for 2024 and 2025. In the immediate future, the district needs to urgently review all the main goals and targets set by the Resolution of the 6th District Party Congress, especially the 27 targets, 3 key programs, and 3 breakthroughs. From there, clearly identify the tasks and solutions to further improve the quality of the targets that have been achieved and exceeded the plan; For targets that have not been achieved or are likely to be achieved, or are difficult to complete, it is necessary to focus on analyzing, clarifying the causes and having appropriate solutions to lead, direct, strive to complete and exceed all targets.
Delegates attending the meeting.
Quan Son also needs to focus on implementing the "5 steadfastnesses", which are: Maintaining the spirit of solidarity and unity within the Party, within the entire political system, among cadres, party members and all classes of people in the district; Maintaining the people's hearts, maintaining the people's trust and consensus in the leadership of the Party Committee, the administration of the government, the mobilization of the Fatherland Front and mass organizations; Maintaining the revolutionary and offensive spirit, promoting the spirit of self-reliance and self-improvement from the hands and minds, from potentials, strengths, historical, cultural and revolutionary traditions; Maintaining territorial sovereignty and national border security; Maintaining security and environment of upstream forests, maintaining water source security, thereby creating conditions to promote rapid and sustainable socio-economic development.
Along with that, closely follow the provincial planning and local development requirements to review, update, supplement, adjust, connect, and upgrade the District Planning, planning for construction of functional areas, urban and rural planning, land use planning, infrastructure planning and development space, etc. according to the motto of "expanding the vision to increase development opportunities" according to the economic structure of agriculture - forestry - fishery, tourism services, construction to maximize the comparative advantages, outstanding opportunities, and distinct potentials of the district, serving rapid and sustainable socio-economic development.
Continue to promote the restructuring of crops and livestock, apply scientific and technical advances in production, suitable to local soil and climate conditions. Promote the renovation of mixed gardens and mixed forests; pay attention to raising livestock in households, farms and ranches in suitable areas. Take advantage of the water surface of lakes and ponds to develop aquaculture associated with sightseeing and experience.
Provincial Party Secretary Do Trong Hung took souvenir photos with key officials of Quan Son district.
Provincial Party Secretary Do Trong Hung emphasized: As a locality with a large area and diverse and rich forest resources, the district needs to continue to identify forestry economic development as a key economic sector. Accordingly, it is necessary to pay attention to protecting water resources, preserving the forest ecological environment; strengthening forest management and protection, maintaining forest security, and developing sustainable forests...
Improve the quality and effectively implement the National Target Programs on new rural construction, sustainable poverty reduction, socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas... Continue to mobilize social resources and resources from the people to build new rural areas, ensuring efficiency, saving, avoiding waste, suitable to the actual conditions of each locality; in which, focus on perfecting the criteria for building new rural villages and model new rural areas in the district.
Focus on promoting the development of industry - construction, trade services associated with urban development and the Na Meo International Border Gate area. Promote the development of industries with strengths of the district... At the same time, focus on developing tourism in a professional, modern, sustainable direction, linking tourism with economic development, sustainable poverty reduction and preserving, maintaining and promoting the traditional cultural identity of ethnic minorities in the area. Strive to make Quan Son tourism an attractive new destination of the province and an important economic sector of the district.
Provincial Party Secretary Do Trong Hung and the delegation took a souvenir photo with the candidate class of the Party Executive Committee of Quan Son district.
Quan Son district also needs to continue to promote administrative reforms, strongly improve the investment and business environment. Diversify forms of calling for and promoting investment, mobilize maximum resources to invest in building the socio-economic infrastructure system... Promote enterprise development, household economy, collective economy and strengthen linkages and cooperation between economic types.
Continue to improve the quality of cultural and social activities. Preserve and promote the nation's fine traditions and cultural identities in conjunction with absorbing the quintessence of progressive culture; propagate, disseminate, thoroughly grasp, and seriously and effectively organize the implementation of Resolution No. 17 dated July 4, 2024 of the Provincial Party Committee on continuing to build and develop Thanh Hoa culture and people in the new period... Strengthen propaganda, mobilization, and encouragement for poor households to rise up, not to wait or rely on State policies. Extensively and effectively implement Directive No. 22, dated March 30, 2024 of the Provincial Party Standing Committee on the Campaign to build houses for poor households, policy families, and households with housing difficulties according to Directive No. 24, dated July 12, 2024 on the Campaign to mobilize people to donate land to invest in renovating, upgrading, and renovating infrastructure, focusing on roads in the province in a synchronous and modern direction. Continue to do a good job of natural disaster prevention and control; regularly review and allocate land funds to arrange and relocate households at high risk of flash floods, landslides, etc.
As a border district, Quan Son district needs to proactively deploy plans to ensure national defense, security and order, and take care to firmly build a national defense foundation associated with the people's security posture and the national border defense posture. Strengthen border patrol coordination with the armed forces of Laos, maintain the border line and national landmarks; maintain and enhance the effectiveness of comprehensive cooperation with Vieng Xay and Sam To districts, Hua Phan province (Laos).
In the work of building the Party and the political system, the Quan Son District Party Committee needs to continue to do well in organizing and building a truly clean and strong Party. Carefully prepare conditions to organize Party Congresses at all levels for the 2025-2030 term, towards the 7th District Party Congress under the direction and guidance of the Central and Provincial Party Committees.
Minh Hieu
Source: https://baothanhhoa.vn/quan-son-can-khai-thac-toi-da-loi-the-so-sanh-co-hoi-noi-troi-tiem-nang-khac-biet-de-phat-trien-kinh-te-xa-hoi-nhanh-va-ben-vung-219730.htm
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