Regarding the new regulations on extra teaching and learning, Deputy Minister of Education and Training Pham Ngoc Thuong said that the management of extra teaching and learning is not only a policy issue but also a change in social awareness.
Before Circular 29/2024/TT-BGDDT takes effect from February 14, 2025, Deputy Minister of Education and Training Pham Ngoc Thuong had discussions about this new regulation.
Reporter: Circular 29 is receiving special attention from the public. Could the Deputy Minister provide more information about the new points of this circular regulating extra teaching and learning?
Deputy Minister Pham Ngoc Thuong: From 2012 to 2024, regulations on extra teaching and learning will be implemented according to Circular No. 17/2012/TT-BGDDT dated May 16, 2012 and Decision No. 2499/QD-BGDDT dated August 26, 2019, abolishing some contents of Circular No. 17/2012/TT-BGDDT dated August 26, 2019.
Extra teaching and learning activities are complex, both inside and outside of school; the demand is great in the context of an increasingly developing society, so the document that has existed for more than a decade does not have enough management sanctions. On January 10, 2024, the Prime Minister issued Document No. 41/TTg-QHDP assigning the Ministry of Education and Training to develop and issue a Circular to replace Circular No. 17 on extra teaching and learning.
Implementing the Prime Minister's direction and practical requirements, the Ministry of Education and Training has researched and issued Circular No. 29/2024/TT-BGDDT dated December 30, 2024 regulating extra teaching and learning.
The circular was developed with the view of managing extra teaching and learning activities, not prohibiting them. The new circular stipulates that no extra teaching or learning is allowed for primary school students, except for cases of training in arts, sports, and life skills; no extra teaching for students whose schools have organized two sessions per day.
Extra teaching and learning in schools must not collect money from students and is only for 3 groups of students, who are the responsibility of the school: Students whose final semester study results are not satisfactory; students selected by the school to train excellent students and final year students who voluntarily register to review for entrance exams and graduation exams according to the school's educational plan.
High schools are currently applying the 2018 general education program. The Ministry of Education and Training has specified the number of periods/subject, and set out requirements for each subject that are suitable for students. The Ministry of Education and Training also gives schools the autonomy to develop their own educational plans to ensure effectiveness and teachers focus on innovating teaching methods to achieve the program's goal of developing students' abilities. Thus, in principle, schools and teachers implementing the prescribed study hours have ensured that students have the amount of knowledge and meet the program's requirements.
The Ministry of Education and Training's viewpoint is to aim for schools that do not have extra classes or tutoring. Time in general school is not only for learning knowledge but also for students to develop comprehensively in terms of personality, lifestyle, sense of responsibility and ability to integrate into society, and practice problem-solving skills.
Studying to be better and develop yourself is a legitimate desire, so the Ministry of Education and Training does not prohibit it. However, organizations and individuals who teach extra classes must register their business and must publicly disclose the location, subjects, study time, costs... and must strictly comply with legal regulations on working hours, working hours, safety, security...
Umbrella received positive reviews from society, but before the official implementation, there were some difficulties in implementation. What does the Deputy Minister share about the responsibilities of the parties in implementing this circular?
- As I discussed above, the issuance of Circular 29 is to comply with many current policies and regulations and to suit practical requirements. Up to this point, through monitoring public opinion, the provisions of the Circular have received consensus from society. Thus, the overall management of a "big, difficult" issue such as extra teaching and learning has been demonstrated through the provisions of Circular 29. Now is the implementation process, in which "understanding and fulfilling the responsibilities of all parties" is the decisive factor for Circular 29 to truly come into life.
After issuing Circular 29 and after the Prime Minister's Official Dispatch No. 10/CD-TTg dated February 7, 2025 on strengthening the direction of secondary and high school enrollment and management of extra teaching and learning activities, the Ministry of Education and Training will continue to issue further documents urging and directing the Departments of Education and Training to advise and issue instructions for implementation at the local level.
We understand that many Departments of Education and Training have issued guidelines for implementing Circular 29 and have advised localities to issue appropriate support policies for education and training development. The Ministry of Education and Training requests that Departments of Education and Training continue to pay attention and soon issue guidelines and advice appropriate to localities.
For schools and teachers, our responsibility is to teach students to form qualities, abilities, and meet output standards. The creation of test and assessment questions must also ensure that they are correct and sufficient to meet the requirements of the program. For students who are really weak and are still confused about preparing for the transfer exams and high school graduation exams, the responsibility of schools and teachers is to support them. When we determine such responsibilities, other problems will no longer be as heavy.
In recent days, there have been opinions that not teaching extra classes will reduce teachers' income. What is the Deputy Minister's opinion?
- We all know that there are many teachers such as preschool teachers, teachers in remote areas, teachers of many subjects... who do not teach extra classes but are still dedicated and passionate about their profession.
I would like to share more, recently when teaching and learning extra classes, some negative factors have appeared, many good teachers have also suffered bad reputation and injuries, so this new regulation is also aimed at "protecting the dignity of the teaching profession".
Change and innovation are always difficult and difficult to accept. But what the circular regulating extra teaching and learning is aiming for is for an education with good values.
Therefore, although the first steps are difficult, I hope that there will be consensus and determination in implementing this circular. The Ministry of Education and Training will closely work with localities, schools and teachers during the implementation process.
For the education sector in general and the issue we are discussing, extra teaching and learning, in particular, the efforts of the education sector alone are not enough. It also requires understanding, participation, and supervision from parents and society.
When parents are still burdened with their children’s academic performance, are not satisfied just because their children do not attend extra classes, and do not fully see the role of family education in addition to school education… then extra teaching and learning still exist in a negative perspective. Social supervision of the implementation of circulars regulating extra teaching and learning is also very important for the regulations to be implemented effectively.
In fact, extra teaching and learning are real needs of both teachers and students. Can the Deputy Minister tell us what are the long-term solutions to effectively manage extra teaching and learning?
- In addition to management innovations, extra teaching and learning also require changes in the awareness of the whole society towards this issue. Therefore, many short-term and long-term solutions are needed to effectively manage extra teaching and learning.
In addition to issuing circulars and specific regulations, there needs to be professional solutions: Improving teachers' capacity and teaching methods, teachers' responsibilities, and promoting students' self-study ability.
Innovation in assessment and entrance exams must be consistent with the content and requirements of the 2018 General Education Program; not confusing or going beyond the program content to ensure that students study according to the program and do not need to take extra classes to pass the exams and entrance exams.
Solutions to improve facilities and schools: There should be enough schools to ensure equal access to education for students; increase the number of schools and classes with two sessions per day.
In addition, strengthen inspection and examination; propaganda and mobilization solutions, thereby raising teachers' sense of self-respect and self-esteem to say "no" to extra teaching that is not in accordance with regulations. The management of extra teaching and learning is not only a policy issue but also a change in social awareness.
In addition, policies to ensure the lives of teachers are also solutions to this problem. In the past, the Ministry of Education and Training has had many consultations and is continuing to consult on policies for teachers, in which the Law on Teachers expected to be issued in the near future will also bring positive policies for teachers.
Thank you very much, Deputy Minister!
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