After completing the exam preparation stage, all exam papers are sealed and sent to the head of the exam committee, then handed over to the exam printing and copying committee and the exam invigilator to carry out the exam organization.
After completing the exam preparation stage, all exam papers are sealed and sent to the head of the exam committee, then handed over to the exam printing and copying committee and the exam invigilator to carry out the exam organization.
Regarding the suspicion of leaking the math exam for 9th grade gifted students in Hai Ba Trung district, Hanoi, on November 1, a representative of the Hai Ba Trung district Department of Education and Training said that after receiving the feedback, they had reviewed and verified it.
The results show that the process of implementing the stages in building the district's excellent student exam questions for cultural subjects in grade 9 for the 2024-2025 school year in general and Mathematics in particular was carried out in accordance with regulations, there was no leaking of exam questions, and no individual or department was found to have leaked information about the exam questions.
Regarding the process of creating exam questions for excellent students in grade 9, the Department of Education and Training of Hai Ba Trung district said that the Department has invited experts with experience in training and creating exam questions for excellent students from educational institutions outside the district to participate in supporting the creation of exam questions by subject, according to the exam matrix and program limits that the Department has built.
The Department also invited experts and key teachers to coordinate in reviewing the exam questions to ensure accuracy and requirements of the exam to select excellent students.
After completing the exam preparation stage, all exam papers are sealed and sent to the head of the exam committee, then handed over to the exam printing and invigilation committee to carry out the exam organization. These stages are carried out seriously, in accordance with the procedures and kept confidential according to regulations by the District Education and Training Department.
In Hai Ba Trung district, the teachers invited to give math questions are teachers from other districts and do not directly teach review in Hai Ba Trung district.
In addition to setting questions, teachers also support the Department of Education and Training in developing a review program when forming a district team to compete at the city level.
The annual district-level excellent student selection exam is seriously organized and implemented by the Department of Education and Training as well as schools, ensuring compliance with all regulations with the goal of selecting the best students for the city-level competition team.
The exam to select excellent 9th grade students for the 2024-2025 school year of Hai Ba Trung district took place on October 29 at the Ngo Quyen Secondary School Examination Site with the participation of 698 students from 18 public and non-public secondary schools in the district.
Students took the exam in 9 subjects: Literature, Math, History and Geography, Civic Education, Natural Science, Information Technology, English, French, Japanese. Of which, 78 students took the Math exam.
Currently, the marking work is being carried out by the departments. It is expected that the results of the district-level 9th grade excellent student exam will be announced on November 11.
To ensure objectivity, fairness and seriousness for the exam, the Department of Education and Training of Hai Ba Trung district will continue to grasp information, verify the incident, and at the same time strengthen inspection and supervision of the exam marking stage as well as other stages to ensure proper implementation of exam regulations.
If any errors are detected, the Department of Education and Training will handle them seriously, in accordance with regulations and ensure the best interests of students participating in the exam./.
The 2024-2025 school year is the first year that the national high school exam will be held according to the new 2018 general education program.
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