- Nền tảng quảng bá Việt Nam


Việt NamViệt Nam21/12/2024


1. The Vietnam Propaganda Liberation Army - the predecessor of the Vietnam People's Army - was born, won the first two battles, and together with the people carried out a General Uprising to seize power (1944 - 1945).

Right from its inception (February 3, 1930), in its first political platform, our Party affirmed that the path to struggle for class liberation and national liberation was to use revolutionary violence to seize power and required “Organizing a workers’ and peasants’ army”[1] to serve as the core for the entire people to carry out the revolutionary struggle. The Party’s political platform (October 1930) determined the essential task of the bourgeois democratic revolution, which clearly stated: “Establishing a workers’ and peasants’ army”[2].

In the revolutionary movement of 1930-1931, the peak was the Nghe-Tinh Soviet, from the uprising force of workers and peasants, the Workers and Peasants Self-Defense Team (Red Self-Defense) was born. That was the first premise of the revolutionary armed forces of Vietnam. Following that, a series of armed organizations were established one after another such as: Bac Son Guerrilla Team (1940), Guerrilla Teams in the South (1940), National Salvation Army (1941)...

On December 22, 1944, in the forest between Hoang Hoa Tham and Tran Hung Dao communes in Nguyen Binh district, Cao Bang province (now Na Sang hamlet, Tam Kim commune, Nguyen Binh district, Cao Bang province), the Vietnam Propaganda Liberation Army - the predecessor of the Vietnam People's Army was established according to the Directive of Leader Ho Chi Minh. In the Directive, he clearly stated: "The name VIETNAM PROPAGANDA LIBERATION ARMY means that politics is more important than military. It is a propaganda team"[3]; "The Vietnam Propaganda Liberation Army is a senior army, hoping that there will soon be other junior teams. Although its scale was small at first, its future is very glorious. It is the starting point of the liberation army, it can go from the South to the North, throughout the country of Vietnam"[4]. Comrade Vo Nguyen Giap was authorized by the Party Central Committee and Leader Ho Chi Minh to organize, lead, command, and declare the establishment of the Team, consisting of 34 people, organized into 3 squads with Comrade Hoang Sam as Team Leader, Comrade Xich Thang as Political Commissar, and led by the Party cell. December 22, 1944 was taken as the Founding Day of the Vietnam People's Army.

The Vietnam Propaganda Liberation Army, the predecessor of the Vietnam People's Army, was established on December 22, 1944 in Tran Hung Dao forest (Cao Bang).
The Vietnam Propaganda Liberation Army, the predecessor of the Vietnam People's Army, was established on December 22, 1944 in Tran Hung Dao forest (Cao Bang).

Immediately after its founding, at 5:00 p.m. on December 25, 1944, the Vietnam Propaganda Liberation Army Team cleverly, boldly, and suddenly broke into Phai Khat post and at 7:00 a.m. the next morning (December 26), broke into Na Ngan post (both located in Nguyen Binh district, Cao Bang province), killed two post commanders, captured all enemy soldiers, and seized weapons, military uniforms, and military equipment. The victory at Phai Khat and Na Ngan marked the beginning of the tradition of determination to fight and victory of the Vietnam People's Army.

In April 1945, the Party's Northern Military Revolutionary Conference decided to merge revolutionary armed organizations across the country into the Vietnam Liberation Army. During the August Revolution of 1945, the Vietnam Liberation Army, together with local armed forces and the People, carried out a General Uprising to seize power across the country. After the success of the August Revolution of 1945, the Vietnam Liberation Army was renamed the National Guard, then the Vietnam National Army (1946), and from 1950 it was called the Vietnam People's Army.

2. The Vietnam People's Army in the resistance war against French colonial invasion (1945 - 1954)

When the French colonialists invaded our country for the second time, under the leadership of the Party, the armed forces developed strongly, together with our people, they rose up and fought the invaders. At the end of 1946, according to the decision of President Ho Chi Minh, the whole country was divided into 12 war zones. At this time, in the South, the National Guard units were still organized, in the North and Central regions, there were 30 regiments and a number of battalions in the war zones; the party organization system in the Army was established from the Central Military Commission to the party cells.

On the night of December 19, 1946, the nationwide resistance war broke out. In the first days of the nationwide resistance war, our army and people fought hundreds of battles, eliminated thousands of enemies from combat, and destroyed many enemy war vehicles. In the spring of 1947, President Ho Chi Minh, the Party Central Committee and the Government went to Viet Bac, which became the center of command for the resistance war of the whole country.

In the fall and winter of 1947, the French colonialists mobilized more than ten thousand elite troops with the support of aircraft and warships to suddenly attack Viet Bac to destroy our resistance headquarters and main force troops. After more than two months of launching a counter-offensive campaign (October 7 - December 20, 1947), we eliminated more than 7,000 enemies from combat. This was the first large-scale counter-offensive campaign to achieve a strategic victory for our army and people; defeated the large-scale attack and bankrupted the French colonialists' strategy of "fighting fast, winning fast"; preserved and developed the main force troops, protected the headquarters and bases of the whole country.

Troops surrounded and attacked the enemy during the Hoa Binh campaign in 1952.
Troops surrounded and attacked the enemy during the Hoa Binh campaign in 1952.

After the Viet Bac campaign in 1947, our army had matured, but was not yet capable of launching large-scale campaigns. To defeat the enemy's pacification plot, we advocated launching widespread guerrilla warfare and implementing "independent companies and concentrated battalions", both promoting guerrilla warfare and learning concentrated mobile warfare. The concentrated battalions were consolidated and gradually advanced to fight larger ambushes and raids. From the beginning of 1948 to mid-1950, our troops continuously launched over 20 small campaigns on the battlefields. The concentration level for each campaign was from 3 to 5 battalions, then gradually increased to 2 to 3 regiments, with some campaigns using both mountain artillery and heavy machine guns. In many battles, our troops destroyed enemy companies and battalions outside fortifications and destroyed strongholds with more or less one enemy company stationed there.

From mid-1949, the General Command advocated withdrawing independent companies to build main regiments and divisions. On August 28, 1949, Division 308 was established; on March 10, 1950, Division 304 was established. Training was stepped up. Through the campaigns of "training soldiers to make achievements" and "forging cadres and rectifying troops" in 1948, 1949 and early 1950, our armed forces continuously developed and grew stronger.

In June 1950, the Party Central Committee decided to launch the Border Campaign, proactively attacking the French. After nearly a month (September 16 - October 14, 1950), we eliminated more than 8,000 enemies from combat, liberated the border area from Cao Bang to Dinh Lap (Lang Son), expanded and consolidated the Viet Bac base, broke the siege, opened communication with China and socialist countries, and connected our country's revolution with the world revolution. The Border Victory contributed significantly to changing the situation of the war: We entered the strategic phase of counterattack and attack, the French army gradually switched to a defensive strategy; at the same time, it marked a leap forward in the art of campaigning and the growth and maturity of our Army.

After the Border Campaign, the main divisions continued to be established: Division 312 (December 1950), Division 320 (January 1951), Artillery Division 351 (March 1951), Division 316 (May 1951). Within 6 months (December 1950 - June 1951), we launched three consecutive campaigns named: Tran Hung Dao, Hoang Hoa Tham, Quang Trung. These were the first large-scale campaigns to attack the enemy's fortified defense lines in the midlands and deltas of the North. We killed more than ten thousand enemies, of whom nearly half were mobile troops.

Soldiers pull artillery into the battlefield during the Dien Bien Phu Campaign in 1954.
Soldiers pull artillery into the battlefield during the Dien Bien Phu Campaign in 1954.

In November 1951, the Politburo decided to launch the Hoa Binh campaign; focusing on the main force on the main Hoa Binh front, while putting a part of the main force into operation in the enemy's rear area of ​​the Northern Delta, stepping up guerrilla warfare in the enemy's temporarily occupied areas. The campaign took place from December 10, 1951 to February 25, 1952; our army and people eliminated from combat more than 6,000 enemies on the Hoa Binh front and more than 15,000 enemies on the enemy's rear front. In this campaign, our troops made new progress in terms of tactics, techniques, long-term continuous combat capability, and coordination between the three types of troops.

In early September 1952, the Politburo decided to launch the Northwest campaign. After nearly two months of fighting (October 14 - December 10, 1952), we destroyed and captured more than 6,000 enemies, liberated a large area in an important strategic area, connected the Northwest liberated area with the Viet Bac and Upper Laos bases, maintained the initiative in attack, and defeated the enemy's plot to expand its occupation.

On December 5, 1952, in Binh-Tri-Thien, the 325th Division was established, contributing to increasing the fighting strength of the "revolutionary main punches". Up to this point, the main force under the General Command had 6 infantry divisions (308, 304, 312, 320, 316, 325) and 1 engineering and artillery division (351).

Faced with the changing situation of the war in Indochina, based on a correct assessment of the comparative strength between us and the enemy, in September 1953, the Politburo decided to launch the 1953-1954 Winter-Spring strategic offensive. Implementing that policy, the General Command ordered the main units to coordinate to launch strong offensives on the battlefields. We formed five strategic offensives in Lai Chau, Central Laos, Lower Laos - Northeast Cambodia, Central Highlands and Upper Laos, destroying many enemy forces, liberating many large areas of land, forcing them to spread out to deal with them everywhere.

After the French colonialists invaded Dien Bien Phu, on December 6, 1953, the Politburo met to decide to launch the Dien Bien Phu campaign. After 56 days and nights (March 13 - May 7, 1954) of continuous fighting, our army and people crushed the entire Dien Bien Phu stronghold, eliminated 16,200 enemy soldiers from combat, shot down and destroyed 62 planes; and captured all the enemy's weapons, warehouses, and technical facilities in Dien Bien Phu. The Dien Bien Phu victory dealt a decisive blow to the will to invade, forcing the French colonialists to sign the Geneva Agreement on the cessation of hostilities in Vietnam. The Dien Bien Phu campaign is an outstanding example, the pinnacle of Vietnamese military art in the resistance war against France; At the same time, it is a testament to the remarkable development of our Army after 10 years of building, fighting and glorious victory (1944 - 1954).

3. Vietnam People's Army in the resistance war against America to save the country (1954 - 1975)

The victory of the resistance war against French colonialism and American intervention opened a new stage of development of the Vietnamese revolution. The North was completely liberated and entered the transition period to socialism. The South continued the people's national democratic revolution, overthrowing the domination of American imperialism and its lackeys. To meet the requirements of the Vietnamese revolution in the new stage, in March 1957, the 12th Central Conference (enlarged) issued a Resolution on the issue of building the Army and strengthening national defense. The Resolution clearly stated: "Our motto for building the army is to actively build a strong people's army, gradually moving towards regularization and modernization" [5].

Artillery Battalion 14, Vinh Quang Group, excellent training unit in 1959.
Artillery Battalion 14, Vinh Quang Group, excellent training unit in 1959.

By 1960, our Army had reached a new stage of maturity, from a force that was mainly infantry with an ununified organization and lacking weapons and equipment, it had become a regular, increasingly modern Army, consisting of the following forces: Army, Navy, Air Defense - Air Force. This was a very important step of development, creating the foundation for building a regular, modern Army, ready to meet the new tasks of the revolution.
In the North, the Army actively participated in the takeover of cities, towns and areas previously occupied by the French. It performed well the military administration task, coordinated with the police forces to quickly establish order and security, protect the lives and property of the people, and fight against the enemy's arrest, robbery and destruction of public property.

In the South, during the years 1954-1960, the US-Diem carried out a brutal policy of terror, causing heavy losses to the revolution in the South. In that situation, the 15th Conference of the Central Committee of the Party, Session II (January 1959) raised two strategic tasks of the Vietnamese revolution and clearly outlined the basic path of the revolution in the South, which was to use revolutionary violence. In compliance with the Party's resolution, the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defense decided to further promote the building of the Army. Preparations for our troops to fight in the South were also promoted. Accordingly, the 338th Division of the Southern troops gathered in the North was trained before leaving for the South to fight. On May 19, 1959, Group 559 was established with the task of opening a road along the Truong Son mountain range to ensure our forces fought in the South and transported food, guns and ammunition from the North to the South. Next, Group 759 was also established with the mission of transporting and supplying from the North to the South by sea.

The Resolution of the 15th Conference paved the way for the Southern revolution to achieve victory. To promote the revolutionary movement of the masses, on December 20, 1960, the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam was born. On February 15, 1961, the Liberation Army of South Vietnam was established on the basis of unifying the people's armed forces in the South; this was a part of the Vietnam People's Army directly operating on the Southern battlefield.

Since 1961, the US imperialists have carried out the “Special War” strategy. Commanded by US advisors and relying on US firepower, the Saigon puppet army continuously launched operations to attack liberated areas, gathering people to establish “strategic hamlets”. Our army and people have continuously fought, maintained and expanded the liberated areas. In particular, the victory at Ap Bac (January 1963) marked the beginning of the failure of the “helicopter transport” and “armored vehicle transport” tactics of the Saigon puppet army; at the same time, it opened up the “Ap Bac emulation movement, killing enemies and making achievements” movement throughout the South.

Comrade Nguyen Huu Tho, Chairman of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam, reviewed the Guard of Honor at the ceremony to unify the armed forces of the Southern Liberation Army in 1961.
Comrade Nguyen Huu Tho, Chairman of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam, reviewed the Guard of Honor at the ceremony to unify the armed forces of the Southern Liberation Army in 1961.

On August 5, 1964, after fabricating the “Gulf of Tonkin” incident, falsely accusing the Vietnam People’s Navy of intentionally attacking a US destroyer in international waters to deceive public opinion, the US government used the air force to suddenly launch an attack called “Piercing Arrow”, attacking most of our naval bases along the northern coastal strip. Thanks to prior preparation, the naval, air defense, and militia units promptly detected, fought intelligently and bravely, shot down 8 planes, injured 2 others, and captured 1 pilot. The first victory over the US air force encouraged the determination of the army and people of the whole country to defeat the American invaders.

Based on the victories in 1963 and early 1964, in October 1964, the Central Military Commission instructed the armed forces of the South to launch the 1964-1965 Winter-Spring campaign, destroying an important part of the puppet main force and expanding the liberated areas. After our victories in the Binh Gia, Ba Gia, and Dong Xoai campaigns, the US imperialists' "Special War" strategy was completely bankrupt.

From mid-1965, the US imperialists switched to the “Local War” strategy, massively sending US and allied combat troops and a large amount of war equipment into South Vietnam[6], while consolidating and strengthening the puppet army. The entire strategic goal of the US imperialists during this period was to “find and destroy” the main force of the Liberation Army and the revolutionary leadership agency in the South, “pacify” the South, intimidate the resistance spirit of the Vietnamese people, and force the Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam to sit at the negotiating table under the conditions imposed by the US.

Faced with that situation, from September to December 1965, the Ministry of Defense decided to establish in the Southern battlefield 5 infantry divisions (9, 3, 2, 5, 1) and an artillery unit equivalent to the division level, called Artillery Group 69. While building and fighting, our troops on the Southern battlefields organized attacks, broke many large-scale operations of the US and puppets, and launched the movement of "finding the US to fight", "finding the puppets to destroy".

In the dry season of 1965-1966, the US imperialists launched the first strategic counter-attack on the southern battlefield. After half a year of arduous and fierce fighting, the army and people of the South defeated the enemy's counter-attack, eliminating tens of thousands of enemy soldiers from the battle. In October 1966, the US imperialists decided to launch the second strategic counter-attack to destroy the main force and the headquarters of the southern revolution. Based on the highly developed people's war situation, our local armed forces held their ground, attacked widely, creating conditions for the main units of the Liberation Army to launch attacks, causing the enemy many losses in terms of manpower and means of war, forcing the US army to end the second strategic counter-attack in the dry season of 1966-1967.

After the important victories of the Southern revolution, in January 1968, the 14th Central Conference passed the Resolution of the Politburo (December 1967), deciding to launch the General Offensive and Uprising of the Spring of Mau Than 1968. In just a short time, our army and people attacked a series of targets deep in urban areas throughout the South, causing heavy losses to the enemy, upsetting the strategic position of the US imperialists. The victory of the General Offensive and Uprising of the Spring of Mau Than 1968 dealt a decisive blow to the will of the US authorities to invade, bankrupting the "Local War" strategy, forcing the US to de-escalate the war, gradually withdraw its troops, and accept negotiations with us at the Paris Conference.

With its stubborn and belligerent nature, the US imperialists were unwilling to accept defeat. Since 1969, they have switched to implementing the “Nixon Doctrine” and the “Vietnamization of the War” strategy. During the years 1969-1972, the US imperialists used their maximum military power, combined with extremely cunning political and diplomatic tricks, in order to isolate and suffocate the resistance of our people. In that situation, our army and people closely coordinated with the struggle of the Lao and Cambodian people, winning great victories, typically the Route 9 – Southern Laos campaign, the Northeast Cambodia campaign; at the same time, launching strategic offensives on the entire southern battlefield with joint military offensive campaigns in Tri – Thien, the Northern Central Highlands, the Southeast, and combined offensive campaigns in the Mekong Delta and the Central region.

Faced with the risk of failure of the “Vietnamization of the war” strategy, on April 6, 1972, the US imperialists mobilized a large air force and navy to launch a second war of destruction against the North (Operation Linebacker I) on a larger scale and more fiercely than the previous time. With a courageous spirit and a clever and creative way of fighting, after 7 months of fierce fighting, the army and people of the North shot down 654 planes, sank and burned 125 US warships.

Faced with heavy defeats, on the night of December 18, 1972, the US imperialists recklessly launched the largest-scale strategic air raid called “Operation Linebacker II” to attack the North, focusing heavily on Hanoi and Hai Phong. Once again, the army and people of the North fought bravely, defeating the enemy’s strategic raid; shooting down 81 planes, including 34 B-52s and 5 F-111s. Suffering great losses and failing to achieve their goals, the US imperialists were forced to declare a halt to bombing the North from the 20th parallel north and resume negotiations in Paris. World public opinion called this the “Dien Bien Phu in the air”.

The great victories of our army and people on the southern battlefield, together with the victory of “Hanoi – Dien Bien Phu in the air”, forced the US imperialists to sign the Paris Agreement on ending the war, restoring peace in Vietnam (January 27, 1973), and withdrawing their troops. However, the Saigon puppet government blatantly violated the Agreement, vigorously implemented the plan of “flooding the territory”, and stepped up encroachment on our liberated areas.

To end the war soon, at the request of the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defense, from late 1973 to early 1975, the Politburo approved the establishment of army corps: Army Corps 1 (October 1973), Army Corps 2 (May 1974), Army Corps 4 (July 1974), Army Corps 3 (March 1975) and Group 232 (equivalent to an army corps, February 1975). The establishment of the main army corps marked a new step in the development of the Vietnam People's Army.

During the two years of 1973 - 1974, our army and people continuously won important victories, making the situation on the battlefield continue to change in our favor. The Politburo Conference in October 1974 and early 1975 pointed out the emergence of historical opportunities and expressed the strategic determination to liberate the South. Implementing the Politburo's policy, on March 4, 1975, our army launched the Central Highlands campaign, opening the 1975 Spring General Offensive and Uprising. After a number of battles to create momentum and diversionary tactics, on March 10 and 11, 1975, our army attacked and liberated Buon Ma Thuot town. Then, completely liberated Kon Tum, Gia Lai provinces and the entire Central Highlands.

One day after the Tay Nguyen campaign broke out, on March 5, 1975, our army launched the Tri Thien - Hue campaign, liberating Quang Tri province, Hue city and Thua Thien province. Promoting the victory, from March 26 to March 29, 1975, our army launched the Da Nang campaign, completely liberating Da Nang, Son Tra peninsula and Hoi An town. Coordinating with the armed forces and local people, our army attacked and liberated the provinces of Binh Dinh, Phu Yen (April 1), Khanh Hoa (April 3)...

The 1st Corps' thrust force crossed Route 16 to liberate Saigon.
The 1st Corps' thrust force crossed Route 16 to liberate Saigon.

From those victories, the Politburo decided to liberate Saigon and the entire South. The campaign to liberate Saigon was named the "Ho Chi Minh Campaign". Implementing the guiding ideology: "Speed, boldness, surprise, sure victory", on April 26, our army formed a siege of Saigon from 5 directions, with the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Corps, Group 232 and Division 8 (Military Region 8) in charge. At 5:00 p.m. on April 26, the campaign began. After many fierce battles to capture the outer perimeter, on the morning of April 30, our army launched a general attack on Saigon's inner city, quickly penetrating deep to capture key targets; at 10:45 a.m., the penetrating force of the 2nd Corps captured the Independence Palace, captured the entire cabinet of the Saigon government, and forced President Duong Van Minh to declare unconditional surrender. At 11:30 a.m. the same day, the flag of the Liberation Army was planted on the roof of the Independence Palace, marking the complete victory of the historic Ho Chi Minh Campaign.

In parallel with the attacks on the ministry, implementing the direction of the Central Military Commission and the Command, the Navy Army urgently prepared forces, took advantage of the opportunity, cunning, bold, suddenly attacked the liberation of the islands of the Spratly Islands: Gemini Tay (April 14), Son Ca (April 25), Nam Yet (April 27), Surgery (April 28). Truong Sa.

The Ho Chi Minh campaign is the largest army and army campaign, the greatest victory, marking the outstanding growth of our army both in terms of organization of forces and commanding levels of the army of army;

4. The Vietnam People's Army in the cause of national construction and defense (1975 - 2024)

Immediately after the anti -American resistance war, the country ended the victory, the army units stood in newly liberated areas in collaboration with the Military Management Committee at all levels, urgently building and consolidating the grassroots revolutionary government, building political forces and local armed forces; key points in all parts of the country.

The artillery of our army in the fight to protect the southwest border in September 1977.
The artillery of our army in the fight to protect the southwest border in September 1977.

After the Spring of 1975, our army had to conduct the righteous war to protect the southwest border of the country and the Cambodian army overthrew the Po Pot genocide regime. /1979, proceeding to liberate the entire country of Cambodia. In 10 years (1979 - 1989), Vietnamese volunteers and experts have promoted the pure international spirit, and Cambodian army and people to sweep the Po Pot army, consolidate the revolutionary government, build the armed forces and revive the country.

Also in early 1979, our army and people had to fight the northern border of the country.

The mission of the Vietnamese volunteer troops visited and saved the Cambodian people right after the country escaped from the genocide.
The mission of the Vietnamese volunteer troops visited and saved the Cambodian people right after the country escaped from the genocide.

The victory of our army and people in the war to protect the southwest border and the battle for the northern border of the country has a great historical significance, firmly protecting the independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of the country, creating a peaceful environment to develop the country.

In the 1980s - 1986, our army promoted training, ready to fight, education - training, building a regular rules; actively participating in economic and social construction.

Since the Sixth Party Congress (December 1986), the army and the entire people conducted the country's renovation, construction and defense of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Nearly 40 years of implementing the renovation, the army always performed well the army function, the army and army of production labor, contributing to the overall achievement of the country.

- The army regularly grasped and forecasted the situation, actively advised the Party and the State to set out appropriate books, flexible handling, victory of situations, not to be passive, unexpected about strategy, prevent the risk of war, maintain independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, ensure political stability, create a favorable environment for the socio -economic development. Strategies, law projects and projects on military and defense. Promoting the core role, proactively coordinating with departments, ministries, branches and localities in building a strong national defense, building a national defense posture, "the posture of the people's heart" and a solid defense area.

- The Central Military Commission, the Ministry of Defense issued many resolutions, leadership instructions and direction to improve the quality of combat training with the view of the direction throughout: "Training is the central political task, regularly in peacetime". corresponding to the new war forms. The Ministry of Defense has directed and successfully organized many combat rehearsals and large -scale army and soldiers, affirming the strength and ability to fight and fight of the army, recognized and appreciated by the Party and the State.

- The whole army regularly maintains strictly, the regime is ready to fight, grasp, evaluate and forecast the situation, especially the situation in the air, on the sea, border, domestic, peripheral, cyber space, promptly treat when there is a situation, not to be passive and unexpected. The absolute safety protection amounts of important political events of the country.

General Secretary To Lam heard about the Vietnam Military History Museum at the outdoor display area.
General Secretary To Lam heard about the Vietnam Military History Museum at the outdoor display area.

- The Central Military Commission, the Ministry of Defense has led and directed the whole army to implement many practical solutions to build a strong political army, as a basis for improving the quality of general and combat strength of the Army; The logistics, techniques and other working aspects. In particular, the defense industry is developed in the direction of modernity and duality; Actively participate in the UN peacekeeping activities, humanitarian support, search and rescue, disaster relief, overcome the consequences of war, and are highly appreciated by international friends.

- Performing the function of the army, the army has made important contributions to the implementation of the mobilization work; actively propagating and mobilizing the people to successfully implement the Party's guidelines and guidelines, the State's policies and laws, patriotic emulation movements, revolutionary campaigns and political tasks of the locality; Poverty, building a new countryside The image of military officers and soldiers is always present in critical and dangerous places to help the people respond to natural disasters and epidemics, which has shining the good nature of the "Uncle Ho's army", trusted and highly appreciated by the Party, the State and the people.

- Performing the function of the production labor force, the army has advised and proposed to the Party and the State to issue mechanisms and policies in accordance with the policy of economic and social development associated with consolidating national defense and security in the new period; The arrangement is in accordance with the requirements of renewal through each period, both well serving military and defense tasks, and contributing to economic and social development. The whole army has focused on increasing production, contributing to improving the life of the soldiers.

5. The glorious tradition of the Vietnam People's Army

General Secretary To Lam talked to the young generation delegates in the army and police.
General Secretary To Lam talked to the young generation delegates in the army and police.

Over 80 years of construction, fighting, victory and growth, our army has built a very glorious tradition, which is generalized in the praise of President Ho Chi Minh: "Our army is loyal to the Party, filial to the people, ready to fight, sacrifice for independence and freedom of the Fatherland, for socialism.

- Infinite loyalty to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, with the Party, the State and the people.

- Determining battle, determined to win, know how to fight and know victory.

- Sticking with the people and the people with a will.

- Internal solidarity; cadres and soldiers are equal in rights and obligations, love, help each other, under the unanimity, unifying the will and action.

- Self -discipline, strictness.

- Independence, autonomy, self -reliance, self -reliance, need, save the army, build the country, respect and protect the public.

- Pure, healthy lifestyle, culture, honesty, humility, simplicity and optimism.

- Always uphold the spirit of learning, progressive, standard and sophisticated behavior.

- International solidarity is pure, faithful, meaningful, and love.

II. History and meaning of the National Defense Day

1. History of the National Defense Day

Quốc phòng toàn dân là nền quốc phòng mang tính chất “vì dân, do dân, của dân”, phát triển theo phương hướng: toàn dân, toàn diện, độc lập, tự chủ, tự lực, tự cường và ngày càng hiện đại, kết hợp chặt chẽ kinh tế với quốc phòng và an ninh, dưới sự lãnh đạo của Đảng, sự quản lý, điều hành của Nhà nước, do Nhân dân làm chủ, nhằm giữ vững hòa bình, ổn định của đất nước, sẵn sàng đánh bại mọi hành động xâm lược và bạo loạn lật đổ của các thế lực đế quốc và phản động, bảo vệ vững chắc Tổ quốc Việt Nam xã hội chủ nghĩa”[8].

On December 22, it became a major festival of the whole nation with activities towards the theme of defense and military.
December 22 is a great festival of the entire nation with activities towards the theme of defense and military.

The Party and the State always consistently affirmed that building a strong national defense is the revolutionary career of the whole Party, the whole people, the whole army and the political system, in which the people's armed forces are the core. Vietnamese production, combining national strength and the power of the times, the strength of the forces and the posture of the people's defense with the strength of the forces and the people's security posture.

Thực tiễn lịch sử dựng nước và giữ nước của dân tộc ta, nhất là các cuộc khởi nghĩa, các cuộc chiến tranh giải phóng và chiến tranh bảo vệ Tổ quốc do Nhân dân ta tiến hành dưới sự lãnh đạo của Đảng đã chứng minh sức mạnh vô địch của khối đại đoàn kết toàn dân tộc. Bất kỳ giai đoạn nào, phải đương đầu với kẻ thù hung bạo đến đâu, nếu cổ vũ, động viên, quy tụ được sức mạnh toàn dân thì dân tộc ta đều giành thắng lợi vĩ đại, bảo đảm sự bền vững của độc lập, tự do, chủ quyền, toàn vẹn lãnh thổ.

Starting from the role of propaganda, cheering and encouraging the entire people to participate in building a strong national defense, and at the same time, according to the wishes of the army and the people of the country, on October 17, 1989, the Central Committee Secretariat of the 6th Party Committee issued Directive No. 381-CT/TW decided to take on December 22-the establishment of the Vietnam People's Army is the National Defense Day of the National Defense on December 22, 1989. Now, December 22 has become a major festival of the whole nation with activities towards the topic of defense and military.

2. Meaning of the National Defense Day

Taking December is the National Defense Festival is the traditional inheritance of the entire people to defend the country of our nation through historical stages; is a big and important policy of the Party and the State; continues to assert the view of the people to participate in building and consolidating national defense and defending the Fatherland, of which the People's Armed Forces are the core. Vietnamese nation in the new era.

The National Defense Day is an opportunity to propagate the tradition of fighting the nation's country and the beautiful quality of the "Uncle Ho's army", educating patriotism and love of socialism; Vietnam is strong in the new situation.

Every year, the whole Party, the entire people and our entire army have many rich and creative activities to celebrate the establishment of the Vietnam People's Army and the National Defense Day, such as: Meeting, Workshop, Conference on Solidarity - People, Military - People Cultural Day, organizing propaganda, educational activities with rich and diverse forms of veterans, veterans, veterans, and veterans. , diseased soldiers; cultural exchange, arts, sports competition, military sports festival in the people's armed forces;

All levels, sectors, committees and local authorities have focused on promoting the movement of production labor, economic, cultural, social development, hunger eradication and poverty reduction, associated with building and developing national defense and security potentials through programs and socio -economic development projects in the locality; strong. The XIII Congress of the Party assessed: "The potential of national defense and security is strengthened; the people's heart is focused; the entire people's defense posture and the people's security posture, especially in strategic and key areas, are firmly consolidated" [9].


In the coming years, the situation of the world continues to be complicated and difficult to predict For all countries and ethnicity.

In the country, despite achieving many socio -economic achievements, the macroeconomic economy ensures stability, but not really solid; The level of some cultural and ethical values, the conflicts and pressing in society are complicated.

Photos at Vietnam International Defense Exhibition.
Photos at Vietnam International Defense Exhibition.

This situation posed new difficulties and challenges for the cause of building the army, consolidating national defense and defending the Fatherland in the coming years; requires the entire Party, the entire people and the whole army to promote the combined strength of the entire nation, of the whole political system combined with the strength of the times, the maximum of the maximum of agreement and support of the international community to firmly defend the country, unify the national sovereign and unifying the country, the national sovereignty, the national sovereignty, the people of the country, the national sovereignty, the people of the country, the people of the country, the people of the country, the national sovereignty, the national sovereign and national sovereignty, the people of the country, the people of the country, the people of the country, the people of the country, the people of the country, the people of the country, the people of the country, the people of the country, the people of the country, the people of the country, the people of the country, the people of the country, the people of the country, the national sovereign and unifying the country, the national sovereur Culture, culture and national - national interests; maintain a peaceful, political stability, national security and human security;

Promoting valuable lessons in the history of national defense, in the history of construction, fighting and victory of the Vietnam People's Army, we continue to maintain and strengthen the absolute and direct leadership in all aspects of the Party, the centralized and unified management of the State for the People's Army and the cause of national defense and defense. People, self -reliance, self -reliance, good cultural traditions, strength of great unity bloc of the entire nation to successfully implement the cause of building and defending the Fatherland.

Strengthen the construction of the entire people's defense in association with the people's security, the entire people's defense posture is associated with the people's security posture and the "people's heart battle" firmly. The statue of the Vietnamese Revolution, the Party's lines and views, the requirements of the task of defending the Fatherland in the new situation, fostering the sense of responsibility and the revolutionary vigilance in performing the defense and security tasks.

Focusing on building potentials, forces, defense posture, improving the sustainability and ability to mobilize to meet the requirements of defense tasks in situations. - Society is the center of the Party is key;

Building a revolutionary People's Army, regular, elite, step by step modern, some army, army, forces go straight to the modern. Quality and improvement of the quality of attraction, training of talent, high quality human resources in the army. Improve the capacity to prevent and combat the warship war and information war.

Tiếp tục nâng cao hiệu quả công tác hội nhập quốc tế và đối ngoại quốc phòng theo tinh thần Kết luận số 53 ngày 28/4/2023 của Bộ Chính trị và Nghị quyết số 2662-NQ/QUTW ngày 26/2/2024 của Quân ủy Trung ương về hội nhập quốc tế và đối ngoại quốc phòng đến năm 2030 và những năm tiếp theo. Quán triệt và thực hiện tốt phương châm “tích cực, chủ động, chắc chắn, linh hoạt, hiệu quả” trong hội nhập quốc tế và đối ngoại quốc phòng, kiên định chính sách quốc phòng “Bốn không” của Việt Nam trong quan hệ quốc tế (không tham gia liên minh quân sự, không liên kết với nước này để chống nước kia, không cho nước ngoài đặt căn cứ quân sự hoặc sử dụng lãnh thổ Việt Nam để chống lại nước khác, không sử dụng vũ lực hoặc đe dọa sử dụng vũ lực trong quan hệ quốc tế). Since then, the maximum enhancement and support of the international community, strengthening the strategic trust, maintaining the peaceful environment, cooperation, developing, contributing to the defense of the Fatherland "early, from afar".

Kỷ niệm 80 năm Ngày thành lập Quân đội nhân dân Việt Nam và 35 năm Ngày hội Quốc phòng toàn dân là dịp để chúng ta ôn lại lịch sử hào hùng của dân tộc, bản chất, truyền thống tốt đẹp, những chiến công oanh liệt của Quân đội và nhân dân ta; qua đó, khơi dậy niềm tự hào, tự tôn dân tộc, phát huy chủ nghĩa anh hùng cách mạng, nâng cao lòng yêu nước, yêu chủ nghĩa xã hội, ý chí tự lực, tự cường, vượt qua mọi khó khăn, thử thách; ra sức xây dựng nền quốc phòng toàn dân vững mạnh, xây dựng thế trận quốc phòng toàn dân gắn với thế trận an ninh nhân dân vững chắc, xây dựng Quân đội nhân dân cách mạng, chính quy, tinh nhuệ, hiện đại trong những năm tới theo tinh thần Nghị quyết Đại hội XIII của Đảng, đáp ứng yêu cầu nhiệm vụ bảo vệ Tổ quốc Việt Nam xã hội chủ nghĩa trong thời kỳ mới.


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