The conclusions of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong in his speech at the Conference summarizing 10 years of anti-corruption and anti-negativity work (2012 - 2022) are the system of his views on the fight against "internal invaders".
Zero tolerance for corruption
It is necessary to fully and deeply understand the position, meaning and importance of the work of fighting against corruption and negativity in order to have very high political determination, very accurate measures and must be under the leadership, direction, concentration and unity of the Party, directly and regularly the Central Steering Committee on anti-corruption under the Politburo; the Central Internal Affairs Committee is the standing body of the Steering Committee.From the work of preventing corruption and negativity, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has drawn valuable lessons in both theory and practice.
Not subjective, impatient, satisfied
Preventing and fighting corruption is "fighting against internal invaders", that is, fighting against bad habits, especially the degradation of quality and morality, the evils of embezzlement, theft, embezzlement of public funds in many forms; money, property, material things..., "gifted", "given", bribed,... by others with impure motives. It often happens to people in positions of power.General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong in the hallway of the National Assembly
Corruption is a "congenital defect" of power, one of the threats to the survival of the regime. In every era, every regime, every country, corruption cannot be completely eradicated in a short time. Therefore, in the fight against corruption, we cannot be subjective, impatient, or complacent; we cannot avoid or hold back; on the contrary, we must be very persistent, not "stopping", not "resting"; we must resolutely detect and handle corruption, we must persistently educate, manage, prevent, deter, and not let corruption happen; we must be vigilant and fight against the plots and activities of hostile forces and bad elements who take advantage of the fight against corruption to incite, divide, and sabotage our Party, State, and regime.
Combine punishment with leniency
It is necessary to closely combine active prevention with proactive detection, timely, synchronous and strict handling of corruption; in which, prevention is the main, fundamental and long-term; detection and handling are breakthroughs and important. To proactively and actively prevent, it is necessary to focus on building and perfecting economic and social institutions and policies, strengthening socialist legality, promoting the building of a clean and strong Party and political system in all aspects. In detecting and handling, it is necessary to thoroughly grasp the principle: If there is a case, it must be verified and clarified; actively, urgently and clearly handle it; handle both acts of corruption and acts of condoning and covering up corruption; interfere with and obstruct the fight against corruption. If there are signs of a crime, it must be prosecuted and investigated; if a crime is found, it must be prosecuted and tried according to the provisions of the law; if the case has not reached the level of criminal prosecution, it must be strictly disciplined according to the provisions of the Party, State and organizations. Party discipline, State and organization administrative discipline and criminal handling must be carried out synchronously. Party discipline comes first, creating the premise for State and organization administrative discipline and criminal handling. Handling must focus on education, deterrence and prevention, combining punishment with leniency; at the same time, protecting and encouraging those who dare to think, dare to do, dare to innovate and create for the common cause.Strongly promote the role of elected bodies
It is necessary to link the work of preventing and combating corruption and negativity with the practice of thrift and combating waste; link the work of preventing and combating corruption, waste and negativity with Party building, rectification, studying and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and style; combating the degradation of political ideology, morality, lifestyle, "self-evolution", "self-transformation" within the Party; mobilize the combined strength of the entire political system and the whole society in the fight against corruption. Strongly promote the role and responsibility of agencies and elected representatives, the Fatherland Front and its member organizations; of the people, media and press agencies, enterprises and businessmen in preventing and combating corruption. It is necessary to thoroughly grasp President Ho Chi Minh's viewpoint: "People are the root"; rely on the people, listen to the people, listen to public opinion to select and absorb the right things, but not simply "follow" or chase after public opinion. Effectively deploy anti-corruption activities in the non-state sector; Strengthening international cooperation in preventing and combating corruption.Officials working in anti-corruption must have a strong will and the courage to fight.
Control the implementation of state power, ensure the unified leadership and direction of the Central Steering Committee on anti-corruption; promote the core role and close, synchronous, timely and effective coordination of anti-corruption functional agencies. The Steering Committee must truly be the center for directing, regulating and coordinating activities, and a solid support for anti-corruption functional agencies to carry out their assigned tasks. The team of cadres working on anti-corruption must have a strong will and courage to fight; must be honest, upright, "impartial and impartial", and truly be the sharp "sword" of the Party and State in the fight against corruption. Controlling power and practicing integrity must first be carried out effectively in these agencies, and corruption must be fought right in the agencies working on anti-corruption.Building public service culture
Anti-corruption solutions must be consistent with the context of the requirements for developing a socialist-oriented market economy in Vietnam and the cultural traditions of the nation; selectively absorb foreign experiences. At the same time, it is necessary to build a public service culture in each sector, agency, and unit. Public service culture will ensure professionalism, responsibility, transparency, and efficiency in performing tasks. In each different stage, it is necessary to identify key tasks and breakthrough solutions that are consistent with the situation of the country and locality in order to focus on leadership and direct effective
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