In An Xuan ward, there are 4 streets that have been recognized as civilized urban streets: Hung Vuong, Phan Chau Trinh, Tran Cao Van and Huynh Thuc Khang. At the same time, Ho Xuan Huong and N24 streets will be registered to become civilized urban streets in the near future.
From 2023 to present, the An Xuan Ward Urban Order Team has coordinated with the city's interdisciplinary forces to organize more than 130 campaigns to restore urban order; thereby, making records to seize evidence, vehicles, and illegal business signs on sidewalks and roadsides.

At the dialogue conference, people pointed out the shortcomings in the construction of civilized urban streets and urban order in the locality such as: traffic connections, drainage systems, environmental sanitation, and waste treatment are not guaranteed; a number of residents and business households do not strictly comply with and implement regulations on urban order and security; illegal and unlicensed construction still occurs.
People also proposed some solutions in the coming time such as: building speed bumps on some roads; overcoming the situation of hanging and placing advertising signs in violation of regulations; collecting waste on the roads on time, avoiding waste accumulation in residential areas.
The leaders of An Xuan ward acknowledged the people's comments. At the same time, they said that there will be specific solutions to overcome current shortcomings to achieve the goal of building a civilized urban street associated with urban order and security in the ward.
Source: https://baoquangnam.vn/phuong-an-xuan-doi-thoai-ve-xay-dung-tuyen-pho-van-minh-do-thi-3136630.html
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