Up to now, Resolution 23-NQ/TW of the Politburo (10th tenure) on continuing to build and develop literature and arts (VHNT) in the new period has been in effect for 15 years. The fact that the Politburo has dedicated a resolution to lead, direct and orient the development of VHNT in response to new requirements has strongly demonstrated the Party's innovation in thinking, content and leadership methods for this very important and particularly delicate field of the country's culture.
Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen The Ky discussed with delegates at the training conference on raising awareness; innovating the content and methods of leadership and management of culture and arts in the new situation. |
Phu Yen Newspaper interviewed Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen The Ky, former member of the Party Central Committee, Chairman of the Central Council for Theory and Criticism of Literature and Arts, about the achievements, limitations, weaknesses and future directions related to this field.
* Can you tell us about the achievements of the country's literature and arts since Resolution 23 of the Politburo?
- The reality of the country's cultural and artistic life over the past 15 years has been very vibrant, with many positive results and changes that are worthy of respect. Difficulties and obstacles have been gradually removed, creating conditions for Vietnamese culture and arts to develop and integrate more deeply with the world.
Regarding the results of implementing the objectives of Resolution 23-NQ/TW, Party committees at all levels, authorities, sectors and organizations have gradually paid attention to investing resources in building an advanced Vietnamese culture and arts with strong national identity, contributing to building and promoting the values of truth, goodness and beauty in the cultural and spiritual life of all classes of people.
Since 2008, the Government has approved the project to continue supporting creative activities of works, works of literature and arts, journalism at the central level and local literature and arts associations; supporting high-quality journalism works at local journalist associations. The Party and the State honor talented artists who have contributed to the country. Creative support activities have received attention and are diverse in form.
Resolution 23-NQ/TW was issued to help Party committees at all levels more clearly and fully recognize the position, role and importance of culture and arts in the cause of national construction and defense, and is a great driving force contributing to building the spiritual foundation of society and the comprehensive development of Vietnamese culture and people.
International exchange and cooperation activities on culture and arts between Vietnam and neighboring countries, countries in the region and international friends have also improved in a more effective and practical direction...
* Besides the results and achievements, as the associate professor said, there are still limitations and weaknesses in this field. Specifically, what are they?
- There is a change, but not a fundamental one, in the awareness of some Party committees, authorities, agencies and units about the position and role of literature and arts in the life of the country; there is no synchronization between the stages of creation, dissemination and preservation of works; the increase of the trend of pure entertainment in the creation and promotion of literature and arts. Some famous and influential artists have statements and lifestyles that lack standards, causing negative impacts on the public, especially the youth.
The planning and implementation of Resolution 23-NQ/TW in some Party committees, ministries, branches, localities and units are still slow; in some places, the implementation is still formal and not in-depth. The work of propagating, disseminating and thoroughly understanding the contents of Resolution 23-NQ/TW is not regular, continuous and profound.
We also do not have a breakthrough policy in discovering, training, nurturing, rewarding and rewarding talented artists; we have not been able to attract capable people to advisory agencies and cultural and artistic agencies.
The view that economic growth must go hand in hand with cultural development has not been seriously and fully implemented; investment in the field of culture and arts has not been at the right level and scope. The implementation of policies to honor, award, commend, and support artists still has many shortcomings.
Although there have been many changes in the creative activities of literature and art, they are not commensurate with the country's innovation; there are not many works that have attracted the attention and widespread interest of the public and have the power to spread. The leading role of traditional and main promotional channels has been narrowed. The aesthetic tastes of the public continue to be deeply and worryingly divided. Research, theory and criticism of literature and art have not performed well the function of evaluating, guiding, adjusting and accompanying the practice of creation as well as orienting reception.
Although the organizational model and operating methods of literary and artistic associations have been innovated, they have not kept up with the development of reality. The work of training, fostering and developing a team of artists and young talents is facing many challenges...
* What are the causes of these shortcomings and weaknesses, Associate Professor?
- The leadership of Party committees at all levels and the management of the government, expressed through viewpoints, policies and guidelines for culture and arts, are not at the right level and at the right level. Some core and new issues arising in this field have not been thoroughly explained and lack unity. The work of summarizing practices has not kept up with the development, so there are times of confusion, lacking basic and proactive decisions; there are signs of both laxity and right-wing bias, as well as imposition, subjectivity and lack of foresight. The policy of economic growth must go hand in hand with the development of culture and arts, the spiritual foundation of society has not been thoroughly grasped and seriously implemented. Some Party committees and governments have not attached importance to and have insufficient awareness of the role and specificity of culture and arts, and have been slow to institutionalize the Party's viewpoints and guidelines. Investment policies for culture and culture and arts have not been commensurate with new requirements, are unreasonable and ineffective...
* Dear Associate Professor, what are the goals, guiding principles, policies and solutions to continue building and developing literature and arts in the new period?
- The goal is to concentrate all resources on building an advanced Vietnamese culture and arts with strong national identity, building the personality of Vietnamese people to meet the increasingly high and diverse needs for truth - goodness - beauty of all classes of people, building and protecting the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Building and developing a comprehensive team of Vietnamese artists with a passionate love for the Fatherland, deeply attached to the People. Improving the leadership capacity of the Party and the management capacity of the State, ensuring the requirements for strong and sustainable development of culture and arts in the new period.
According to the Party's guiding viewpoint, literature and art are very important and especially delicate fields of culture; they are essential needs, expressing the human aspiration for truth, goodness and beauty; they are one of the great driving forces directly contributing to building the spiritual foundation of society and the comprehensive development of Vietnamese people. Vietnamese literature and art in the new period must develop comprehensively and strongly, deeply imbued with the spirit of humanity and democracy. Literature and art talents are the precious assets of the nation.
Regarding policies and solutions, our Party requires continued innovation, creating favorable conditions for the strong and diverse development of literature and art. On the basis of Marxist aesthetics and Ho Chi Minh's thought, artists are encouraged to stick closely to the country's reality, connect with people's lives, protect and promote the nation's fine traditional values and absorb the cultural quintessence of humanity; condemn and uncompromisingly criticize the negative, evil, and harmful things that are hindering the development of the country and the Vietnamese people.
Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of state management of culture and arts. Develop long-term development plans and plans for the fields of culture and arts; review, supplement and develop new policies and regimes for culture and arts activities, such as salary, royalties, talent treatment, vocational training, etc.
* Thank you, Associate Professor!
In the coming time, it is necessary to continue to innovate and improve the Party's capacity and leadership level in culture and arts; raise awareness of the role, position and characteristics of culture and arts for cadres and party members, especially leaders and managers in the political system, and cadres directly managing this field. Party committees and authorities at all levels must include the task of building and developing culture and culture and arts in the planning and development plans of each locality and unit. |
TRAN QUOI (performed)
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